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PS3 to launch without games?
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PS3 to launch without games?
May 21, 2006 22:22
Ok, that' s a slight exaggeration, but... Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO David Reeves has revealed several key PS3 launch titles including Heavenly Sword, Formula One and Motostorm, will miss the November 17 launch day on PS3 and now appear in 2007. However, Reeves also revealed that the company plans to cast a wide net during the initial PS3 launch window, saying that " for the first time we are not going to go just for hardcore gamers" . Speaking exclusively to CVG at E3, Reeves explained that Sony is " going to have a portfolio of social gaming" for the launch window, Singstar and EyeToy an integral part of this battleplan. It' s not clear whether Singstar on PS3 will be out on launch day, but it' ll hit " certainly before Christmas" , said Reeves, with " an EyeToy one [game] after Christmas" . He added: " EyeToy is not playable at the moment, but it will come before March 2007." Precisely which PS3 titles will actually be available on launch day remains a mystery however, although Reeves told us that Insomniac' s Resistance: Fall of Man " will certainly be a launch title" . Worryingly, he said that Heavenly Sword, one of the PS3 titles at E3 that actually impressed people, won' t hit until " after Christmas" , as will the new Formula One game plus off-road racer Motorstorm. Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Kazuo Hirai has assured gamers that Sony expects as many as 15 games to launch with the PS3. So, er, going by the social gaming aspect, that' s Resistance: Fall of Man and 14 versions of head-to-head Carol Vorderman' s Sudoku then. Anyway. Despite Sony' s pledge to reach a broad audience with PS3 during its launch window, Reeves admitted that appealing direct to the hardcore games playing fraternity will quickly become vital for the company in the next-gen console war. " Without being too arrogant about it, I don' t think we worry too much about building up the hype in the first six months, but where the rubber hits the road is going to be when all those hardcore gamers have bought PS3" , said Reeves. " They have also bought Xbox 360 and they have probably bought Nintendo Wii as well." However, Reeves maintained that shifting PS3s in the early days won' t be a problem, such is the strength of the PlayStation brand: " We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even it didn' t have games." Heavenly Sword going to miss launch so i' m not buying a launch unit, it' s that simple. Thoughts? EDIT: Forgot to post the link... http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=140302
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 21 May 06 14:26:08 >
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 21, 2006 22:32
I read this too a short time back. I was really pulling away from the idea of a launch unit and when i read that i was more convinced. However come TGS it should be somewhat clearer as to what is coming with the system, and in general more of the game that we can be expecting to play on the systems, should we decide to purchase one. I think it is better to delay it than to rush it, and like he says for the first couple months they system will fly out of shops regardless of the crap on it. So I don' t think it' ll hurt them much, if at all.
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 21, 2006 22:43
It' s supposed to launch in November, so March is 4 1/2 months away. If the titles that are closest to being finished are being delayed until after Christmas and they' re putting emphasis on stuff like Singstar (ew!) and even delaying EyeToy -- how do they expect to sell 5 million machines (they had previously said 10 million by March 2007) ??? Especially when they' re charging so much. I would have bought a launch unit, if only for Heavenly Sword, but now i' m not going to bother. There are a shitloads of heavy hitting 360 titles being released in the 6 months between September and March, and then Halo. So Sony' s first wave of proper games, the ones we' ve heard so much about will be launched in the same month as Halo 3?!
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 21, 2006 22:51
nobody knows what games are on for launch, so dont say you wont get it because one may be missing, its only one game!
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 21, 2006 22:57
There' s no " may" about it, he' s saying it won' t " hit until after Christmas" and it is the only game that i' m currently interested in. Should DMC4 make launch then i' ll reconsider but things obviously are far from being on schedule and i don' t fancy playing Singstar all Christmas -- i don' t fancy playing Singstar at all.
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 21, 2006 23:05
Im sure there will be at least one good game for launch of the 15... what about lair? that might make it, right? And i have high hopes for that game.... I don' t care if motorstorm never comes out though, it doesn' t look as fun as they were hinting at during e3 2005.
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 21, 2006 23:20
Sure Lair could make it, but it wasn' t at E3 was it?! I don' t get Sony or why they keep making stupid comments. I mean... ,,,Sony is " going to have a portfolio of social gaming" for the launch window, Singstar and EyeToy an integral part of this battleplan. ...Sony expects as many as 15 games to launch with the PS3 So how many is " a portfolio" then?! Because with the EyeToy game and the Singstar thingy, that would leave 13. If there are more of those types of game as his quote suggests there will be, then on day one, how many REAL games will there be?! There will obviously be the usual retarded sports titles, and almost certainly Ridge Racer 7, so there won' t be an awful lot of GOOD games to buy with the system. Advanced Warfighter could make launch, but i already have that on 360, and GR4 is expected in March 2007. Fight Night Round 3 could make launch, but again, i' ve already got it. I wouldn' t buy a PS3 just for Warhawk and wouldn' t buy a PS3 just for Lair. The only game that has really impressed me is Heavenly Sword and i would buy the PS3 with that title and then probably pick up one or two others just to solidify my purchase. Games that will be shown at TGS weren' t ready to be shown at E3 so they' re unlikely to be launch titles.
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 21, 2006 23:30
True, Lair just had another trailer at e3. Probably be a lot of sport games and mass consumer games. Now i' m not trying to push on the idea of a launch system, i believe it' s not worth it right now. But at tgs what i was saying is more like sony could show their launch titles, possibly more of their inhouse games. Lair will show something there, it has too. But still I wonder how long sony will take to lower ps3 price, it' s a pitty people are such sheep. If not it would force sony' s hand.
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 22, 2006 01:08
the only way for sony to break down the price of ps3......................... is the other systems to sell like hell........ so buy as many 360s and wiis you can guys. in a couple of months sony will give us ps3 with a shampoo or something as a gift in super markets   
< Message edited by 464cpc -- 21 May 06 17:09:18 >
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 22, 2006 01:13
The PS3 launches with hundreds of games! All the good old PS1 and PS2 classics  .
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 22, 2006 01:56
You sound like ken. Please tell me about how wonderfull the ps3 is.
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 22, 2006 02:11
The PS3 has the worlds most advanced technology created for entertainment and this includes the unmatched Cell processor as well as the incredible RSX. Those two combined creates graphics that' ll make Shrek look like joke and the 360 like a kindergarten scrapbook! With 120 fps and 1020 resolution the PS3 games will look better than reality. In addition we have the added next-generation DVD-drive, the Blu-ray, which gives developers more space than ever before, allowing them to create games limited only by their imagination. The PSP will connect with the PS3 and they will share game and media information as well as connect to the Internet at high speed. The PS3 will have a fantastic controller based on the previous success Dual Shock 2 but Sony have removed the very annoying rumble feature that crappy Nintendo created and instead they added a innovative and unique sensing device that allows games to revolutionize the way we play. This is a controller Sony have been working on since 1994! It is also wireless and has a unique Home button as well as other tweaks to make it the perfect controller. Apart from the hundreds of classic must-have titles from the PS1 and the PS2 Sony will also provide instant classics developed exclusively for the PS3. Those games are secret though as you' ll get a heart-attack if they tell you all the amazing titles. All this will be available this year for the small cost of $18.75 ( per month for three years). This is a very cheap price concidering the unmatched technology which will remain superior for at least a decade. This has only been a short comment on what to expect from the PS3. I cannot reveal all the incredible things the PS3 will bring as you will most likely kill yourself for not having it now.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 21 May 06 18:15:43 >
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 22, 2006 03:52
Ahum... FF13 might come 2008 perhaps... Then xbox360 already have Blue dragon,Ob,Lost odyssey and mass effect. Ps3 better deliver some rpgs,been a dead front about dev wanting to make rpg for ps3. If im wrong feel free to correct me and show me cause i love rpg' s O_O
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 22, 2006 03:54
360 could be getting a FF13 spin off yet.
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 22, 2006 03:57
Yepp,and also i hold my thumbs Tri-ace deliver with their RPG. I loved star-ocean and valkyrie profile on my PS1 and ps2. Great rpg series!!!
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 22, 2006 04:18
I' m an uber playstation fan and I' m not buying a console at launch, why? Because within few months the price will drop like rain of steel.
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 22, 2006 04:29
ORIGINAL: Cetra Because within few months the price will drop like rain of steel. Not a chance in hell. It' ll be at LEAST 12 months before they can AFFORD to drop the price, and even the it wouldn' t be as much as people would like. Before they can even consider a price drop they need to drive their manufaturing costs down and start making money from Blu-Ray.
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 22, 2006 05:23
@ ginjirou : LMAO It' ll be at LEAST 12 months before they can AFFORD to drop the price, and even the it wouldn' t be as much as people would like. Very true, but i' d say it depends on the consumer reaction to the price: - Yahoo! Japan recented surveyed 20,000 users for their opinions on the PS3 retail price: * 8% (1548 votes) - I will buy the console on the launch day even if the price is high * 19% (3725 votes) - Undecided due to the high price * 25% (4814 votes) - I will buy when the price is reduced * 26% (5171 votes) - Plan to buy when price is reduced * 24% (4742 votes) - Presently have no interest to buy I just sony really have a lot of convincing to do. Also there was this about games from sega to all formats. With thanks to Magicbox. - Sega Sammy announced its game release plans worldwide for the fiscal year of 2006, which ends on March 31, 2007: * PSP - 29 titles * PS2 - 28 titles * PS3 - 17 titles * NDS - 17 titles * Xbox 360 - 14 titles * Wii - 7 titles * GC - 2 titles * GBA - 2 titles * Xbox - 1 title
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 22, 2006 05:34
Remember no price has been set for PREMIUM yet. Only core... :S In japan i mean.
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RE: PS3 to launch without games?
May 22, 2006 05:39
Remember no price has been set for PREMIUM yet. Only core... :S In japan i mean. Your completely right. So assuming they are responding to the core price, sony are really in serious trouble. Either that or they are responding to whats been shown price wise for the rest of the world, but this is a more unlikely option.
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