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Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
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Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 00:01
The NPD Group has released its video game sales data for the month of February http://biz.gamedaily.com/industry/feature/?id=15503 Taking a closer look at the data, it' s clear that Nintendo is dominating. On the hardware front the DS sold more than any other platform with 485K units, followed by the Wii with 335K units. The PS2 once again outsold the Xbox 360, 295K vs. 228K. Meanwhile, the PS3 sold a disappointing 127K, far below analysts' estimate of 200K. In fact, the old GBA even outsold the PS3, with 136K. Sony' s PSP managed to sell 176K. Finally, trailing the pack (essentially on life support) was the GameCube with 24K. or for an easier list 1st DS 485,000 2nd Wii 335,000 3rd ps2 295,000 4th 360 228,000 5th psp 176,000 6th GBA 136,000 7th ps3 127,000 8th GC 24,000 Wow and here i thought that the lack of HD graphics would hamper the Wii. Looking at the sames figures there is NO HD capable console in the top 3. The Wii with, as everyone here likes to point out, very little going for it at the moment, convincingly beats the 360 (which has a lot going for it) and the ps3. Look at that good old ps2 go, coming in a strong 3rd. Last gen graphics has really ' Gimped' ps2 sales hasn' t it.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 16 Mar 07 16:24:45 >
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RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 00:16
It' s no surprise that the DS and PS2 is doing well with all that awesome software they have. The Wii sure has appealed to lots of people because it looks so damn fun to play. I have some colleges at work who aren' t interested in videogames but they said that when they saw Wii sports they really wanted to buy a Wii. Wii Sports might not be much for many of us hardcore' s but to them normal folks it sure seems fun.
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RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 00:21
Looking at those figures, should Sony not be worried? The PS3 is being beaten, by 2 handhelds and a low end graphics machine. Not to mention that the PSP is no where in the list and is being beaten by the GBA and the GC. Something smells a bit fishy with this. Here it is. They should be: 1 DS 485K 2 Wii 335K 3 PS2 295K 4 Xbox 360 228K. 5 Sony' s PSP 176K 6 GBA 136K 7 PS3 127K 8 GameCube 24K There you go true representation of the data.
< Message edited by alijay034 -- 16 Mar 07 16:28:51 >
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RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 00:28
Whoops your right Alijah034, i missed the psp in the list, sorry about that. I have since updated my post. Those figures should worry them, with the ps3 being beaten by 2 hand helds and 2 lowend graphics machines (ps2 and Wii), not to mention the 360. If they ever hope to catch up to the Wii let alone the 360 they are going to have to at least quadruple the number of ps3 sold now. I can' t see this happening anytime soon. And if or when it does will it be too late?
< Message edited by Terrak -- 16 Mar 07 16:31:19 >
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RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 00:30
To be honest M$ would have expected a fall in demand as they have almost saturated the initial market, H3 should change this. But Sony are really in the shite.
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RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 00:33
If the ps3 continues at that rate it will just continue to fall further behind.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 00:38
I think Sony are puttring a lot of faith in the European market, in particular the UK, although the Wii is still selling out as soon as stock hits retailers.
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RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 00:44
They should' ve stopped making PS2' s right before FFXII was released. That way people would' ve bought PS3' s to play FFXII. They should stop PS2 production now. People wasting their money on PS2' s instead of PS3' s is hurting Sony. Why the hell is the PSP doing so badly? It kicks ass! Sh!t the whole world is crazy! And why are people still buying GBA' s? Is it that worthless Micro that still sell?
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 00:50
Yes i agree Ginjirou, the ps2 is definately siphoning of potential customers from the ps3. I mean do you think any of those 295K people that purchased a ps2 are going to buy a ps3? No way. Thats a lot of potential customers lost. Considering the future is going to depend on the ps3 thats really bad news. Stopping ps2 production would have been the best option to cultivate ps3 sales, however with the bulk of the profits coming from ps2 sales sony cannot do this. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place! BTW no i think its all GBA, including the micro but i could be wrong.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 16 Mar 07 16:52:41 >
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RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 00:54
Hardware sales mean shit when software isn' t selling proportionately.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 01:02
Yeah but it' s hard to sell software on a console that no one buys. And it' s easy to sell software on a console that many people have.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 01:13
No, i' m talking about Wii. Software should sell proportionately to hardware. Wii software isn' t. The reason is ' causal gamers' who don' t buy anywhere near as much software as hardcore and mainsteam gamers. I mean look... 360 CRACKDOWN 427K Wii PLAY W/ REMOTE 371K NDS DIDDY KONG RACING 262K Wii LEGEND OF ZELDA: TWILIGHT PRINCESS 130K PS2 GUITAR HERO 2 W/GUITAR 130K 360 GEARS OF WAR 119K 360 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 2K7 113K 360 LOST PLANET: EXTREME CONDITION 111K Wii WARIOWARE: SMOOTH MOVES 109K 360 NBA STREET HOMECOURT 102k 3 Wii games in the top 10, ...all in-house developed/published. 5 360 games in the top 10, ...all 3rd party developed, 2 published by MGS. It' s too early to know if Wii has legs. Personally, and i' m pretty good at this, ...i can' t see it. Nintendo have managed an amazing launch to be sure, but 3rd party software is key to a successful life-span and they have nothing before late Q3 that will make a mark.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 01:42
Majik is right, market share is calculated by games on each platform sold, not by the hardware. I also think PS3 will catch up. I' m not sure it will surpass the 360 anytime soon but in two years it will be spanking the Wii. A lot of people will buy Wii because it' s so cheap but from the people I talk to who already have a Wii and PS3 or 360 they play more with those. I expect that trend to continue. When I get a Wii I' ll probably only buy three games for it in it' s lifetime and buy a lot more PS3 and 360 games.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 01:44
But the 360 has been out for quite some time and has a much, much bigger userbase than the Wii, thus the software sales are of course much higher.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 02:01
There are a lot of people out there who are easily impressed and impulse buy. My long time gamer friend bought a Wii. Why? I have no idea. He never plays it anymore, hasn' t played Zelda for more than 10 hours, and uses it only for the VC games he bought. I don' t view the Wii selling so well as a positive thing. It means the game industry is still extremely susceptible to gimmicks and marketing. The 360 is the most logical choice right now if you want to game. As I' ve said before, I would have one if I hadn' t played on one right up into December. I wish I had Graw2, but thats it so far, Bioshock, Mass Effect, and Forza 2 are what I' m waiting for, and hopefully an HDMI version
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RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 02:13
The 360 is the most logical choice right now if you want to game. As I' ve said before Yep I agree which is why I am picking one up come summer so be prepared to get your asses kicked in COD 3 and Vegas  (does anybody here play these on Live?) It means the game industry is still extremely susceptible to gimmicks and marketing. Hold on a sec. Lets hold off calling the Wii a gimmick! Thats what people said about the DS when it first came out. In the hands of the right developer the Wii is not a gimmick but unfortuantly it seems AT THE MOMENT that not many 3rd party developers are able to utilise the Wii controls but its early days yet so lets not totally dismiss the Wii!!
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 02:18
Hold on a sec. Lets hold off calling the Wii a gimmick! Thats what people said about the DS when it first came out. In the hands of the right developer the Wii is not a gimmick but unfortuantly it seems AT THE MOMENT that not many 3rd party developers are able to utilise the Wii controls but its early days yet so lets not totally dismiss the Wii!! Thats what I mean. I' ve said before that in time, the Wii can prove itself to be more than a gimmick. ATM though, I view it as one for the most part. One game that is also available for a cheap console shouldn' t be enough to sell a console in the numbers it is. Sure it might have Wario Ware, but thats not a single player game by a long shot. But hey, look! Who cares about GRAW2, Bioshock, Motorstorm, VF5 etc when you can play a cooking game!!!!
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RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 04:15
Yep I agree which is why I am picking one up come summer so be prepared to get your asses kicked in COD 3 and Vegas (does anybody here play these on Live?) Heh heh heh, does anybody play these he asks?  Vegas no, but CoD:3? Flat-out addicted.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 05:31
Yep I agree which is why I am picking one up come summer so be prepared to get your asses kicked in COD 3 and Vegas (does anybody here play these on Live?) I reccomend GRAW2 and COD2*(It' s pretty cheap now) out of the 360 games with good online play. If and only if you play with friends Gears is pretty fun too, I still can' t believe my copy cracked. COD2 single player trumps COD3 by far. However If you only care about online one could make a case for either. COD3 supports more players with bigger maps vehicles and classes. COD3 is like COD2 with a Battlefield flavor. Some people say COD3 has better graphics, I prefer the style of COD2. I like COD2 online more as well. The weapons feel much better, vehicles are usually annoying and I don' t really want huge levels. Everything just feels better and it' s more personal. With COD2, you can have a plan and good communication with the three other guys on your team (4vs.4), you actually feel like you' re on a team. With COD3, everything feels random and it' s impossible to work together as a team. Also COD2 is more stable, it' s easier to find matches with people and you' ll spend a lot less time trying to find a good match that won' t disconnect.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Nintendo with a one-two knock out punch in Feb (US)
Mar 17, 2007 05:51
I enjoyed cod2 on the platform that really counts. Pc. I wonder how manys pc' s have sold? I bet its millions!
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