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Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
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RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 15:30
yeah welcome to the forum it' s always nice to have a new opinion and ideas.  Also it' s cool to have a new lady around with all these men hehe.
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- Joined: Sep 16, 2005
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 15:31
ORIGINAL: whatabout_paul Welcome to the forum. I think there is plenty of your kind here... unless they’ve been driven away by our Orcish horde of males while I' ve been away Lol! Thanks for the welcome! As long as nobody is immature here, I think I' ll do just fine! anyways, on topic! I think the rev controller is just fantastic! It definitly IS diffrent from the rest of the consles.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 15:34
I can' t wait to see them try and use this for a fighting game... You will need 4 Revolution controllers for that. One in each hand and one strapped to each leg (for kicks).
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 15:36
well atleast it' s good excercise. It' s a cool way to leatn martial arts hehe.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 15:36
You will need 4 Revolution controllers for that. One in each hand and one strapped to each leg (for kicks). This type of attatching controllers that vibrate to limbs has just made me think that this could really open up the adult market for Nintendo....
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 15:40
haha wow hasn' t even been one day yet and already has people thinking of adult applications. Well hey whatever works right?
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- Joined: Sep 16, 2005
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 15:41
I wonder how the revs gona go 3rd party with it' s controller... I just hope that I get to play next gen sonic, becuase I' m too broke to affored all 3 gens! or 2.
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- Joined: Sep 16, 2005
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 15:44
ORIGINAL: Phoenixxx1974 haha wow hasn' t even been one day yet and already has people thinking of adult applications. Well hey whatever works right? Lol! Yeah! no more vibrater for me! I' ll just get my controller out! This will work for women around the world for secret pleasure!
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 15:46
i hear that especially since the PS3 might go upto $500 despite what anyone thinks that is impossible and unlikely look att he Xbox 360 everyone thought it would be $300 with a hard drive. Plus the crazy ass Kutaragi said it will be expensive twice and that he wants people to work more hours to be able to afford it. The Rev is the only one i plan to buy at launch. well so far judging by the responses given but Mr.Iwata-San 3rd parties are intrigued and think it' s cool. Look at my post to hear the keynote speech it' s interesting.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 15:55
xbox360 price is min 500 dollar in europe.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 15:59
damn that sucks why not import a american one? save money and play all the games we get before europe does? I hate to imagine how much the PS3 will cost over there. ewww I am happy to stick with Nintendo being the most reasonable price they always are. Especially if they are trying to appeal to the new and casual gamers.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 16:09
because,then i would have to import all games,and the tv in my room right now doesnt support ntsc,but im gonna buy a hd-tv ntsc next year sometime.
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 16:12
I saw it, Nintendo is ruined.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 16:16
come on Nintendo is not ruined they are a smart and very well funded company. Plus alot of people think it looks cool. I plan to buy one as launch atleast give it a chance. THat is what everyone was saying about the DS and look at it now. It has almost a 2 to 1 ratio of sales against the PSP, and it doesn' t even have the BIG GUNS yet. I love my DS i play it everyday.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 16:47
I wonder if all those guys droppin in to say " oh god Nintendo is done for" even read what it' s all about - pictures ain' t enough people...GOD... It' s incredible - so happy to se Splinter Cell 14 with Ultra Fuckin Bad Ass High Definition yet so unhappy with something completely new. Whatever your opinion don' t say that Nintendo made a mistake - that just stupid because this company was marked dead by so many and so many times and it always did great afterall. You have Xbox 360 with incredible Live service and High-End Graphics You have PS 3 with (hopefully) High-End Graphics and great Developers support and games of all genres And now you have a true revolution as 3rd choice. Please stop bitchin' people :) Most of those " WTF?" comments prove nothing more but a simple lack of imagination. Wait till u try it and u' ll see what those guys where thinking back in 2005 :)
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 16:48
The thing that disappoints me the most about Nintendo now is the lack of any hype for their next-gen games. I mean seriously...they have all this hype for a controller, like it' s going to be the second coming of Jesus Controller. When it finally comes out it' s met with mixed views, some I' ve seen even going so far as to call it the Virtua Boy 2. I would feel better about this controller if they at least showed a line up of next-gen games that interested me and showed that this controller would in fact not be innovative lameness. And I' m sure this has been mentioned before here but I' ll go ahead and post it again...I feel sorry for the third party developers. There is hope though for fighting games...someone from another forum mentioned they are going to release a " shell" type device that will connect both pieces.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 16:54
It' s certainly met mixed reviews in forums and message boards, but by and large by developers and large scale game sites it seems to have been met with much excitement. I would have liked to see some games as well I have to admit, and I' m trying to figure out exactly when that will happen. I' m hoping I don' t have to wait till E3 2006. I don' t feel sorry for 3rd party developers though, I' m excited for them. Fighting games i agree are the one area I hold back on, but all other genres I can think of many ways to keep the exsisting features, and add so much more.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 16:58
during the key note speech they mentioned giving more info sometime in October. Isn' t that the time of the Spacewrld show they have every year? I think i read that is also when they are suposed to have specs, date and price.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 17, 2005 02:29
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RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 17, 2005 05:37
Oh yeah! you' re so right Gangsta! I was so showed up! I have to buy accessories now just to use my controller! That is soooooooooo awesome! I can' t wait to buy four of those add ons just so my friends can actually play multiplayer with me. That' s so great! I love me some add ons
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