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Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
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RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 11:44
Still wonder how some small children...or families gonna be able to hold that controller up in the air with 2 hands...for a long time? Seriously i do. Okay so you lay the controller down in your knee? wow holding one hand in your knee with just a joystick+ a button and the other a remote control... gonna feel bizzare. Anyone feel the same? Or am i just looking for faults with the controller now?
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 16 Sep 05 19:47:38 >
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 11:59
why are you even looking at faults before even trying it? I think it' s much cooler then the ugly boomerang sausage PS3 controller. IT reminds me of this controller i' ve seen before which looks almost exactly like it and it was not very comfortable at all. Nintendo wants it to be comfortable and easy to use. Every major fuction a controller has has come from Nintendo. A B buttons, analog, shoulder buttons, and rumble pack. I for one have faith in them.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 12:01
gonna feel bizzare. Absolutely going ot feel bizarre at first. But Ibet the first person who held the original NES rather than a joytick thought it was bizarre too, I remember, I did. 3 Days with it though, and I couldnt' go back. I honestly get rediculously excited thinking about the possibilities, hell I won' t even slander Sony or Microsoft if they do copy it somehow because I honestly think it has the possibility to make all games better.
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RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 12:20
Atleast you get more respect in your hand holding a boomerang then a remot control :) But yes i agree,i rather have that one then the boomerang.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 12:27
In a way, there' s something sort of " Futuristic" about the controller that appeals to me as well.. Ever saw the movie, " Minority Report" ?
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RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 12:27
just curious why would you get more respect?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 12:38
because its a weapon also...
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RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 12:40
Thats why it look intresting... But will it be so great? When i saw super nintendo controller i said to myself wow it look nice,so did it with n64/gc,but with this? ...Feels like a last way to get pr/attention... nvm
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 12:41
ahh i see but then again taking into account how sony stuff dies easily the boomerage will just fall before it returns hahaha
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RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 12:42
Ok, I think this thing looks so cool. Aside from the Apple comment (grrrrr the hatred of the Macs... but that is another issue). I think it looks awesome. Not only is aesthetically pleasing, but wow.... there is potential. I am sorry, Nintendo said they were going to revolutionize... and I think they did. Yes, some of the questions raised are concerns, but I think all of the questions and fears will be addressed in time... especially when the console hits the market and people get to experience it. I have not been this excited to see a console hit the market.... probably ever.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 12:43
Xbox360 seems to have the best controller now. But i gotta admit one thing,it was true as Iwata said-i do wanna play with it,i do wanna touch it now,more then xbox360/ps3 control. However that doesnt mean i think it will kick ass...but i feel like i kid wanna touch it
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 12:46
The Xbox360 controller can double as a pillow, that thing is soft and oh so comfortable. Microsoft did their homework well when designing the 360' s controller.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 12:47
then they succeded that is what they want. I am guessing they hope that when you play it you will tell other poeple and then will play with it and then they go off and tell people about it and so on. It doesn' t have to be flashy and fancy just as long as it' s fun and keeps people interested and brings new crowds in.
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RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 13:07
I wonder if it could turn out to be to hard to go back to your " normal" controler after revolution :) Think about it - u can play donkey konga on controller and then play it on bongos. Now imagine having special " bongos" for action adventure , racing , fightinig , RPG and all the other games.It might be the end of conventional control for people who try revolution because we are gamers who played games when they didn' t even have graphics :), but where simply fun. just try playing dance dance revolution on a PAD after you' ve played it on it' s real dance-controller. It might be interesting :) Oh and it won' t get that poor kid tired man - and that' s just stupid thinking (U know many people keep their controller in front of them playing and they don' t seem to get tired or gain muscles ... :) )
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
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RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 13:19
It looks odd. In the right hands it could probably produce really un-missable gameplay experiences that are going to make you beg, borrow and steal a revolution. On the other hand, 3rd party multi format games run the risk of suffering the same fate as their DS counterparts... watered down graphics but with *added revolution control* gimmick, make the game worse than it was to start with. Really, I' m in shock. As good as an idea it seems there' s a whole world of uncertainty. At my most cynical, it seems Microsoft and Sony have produced the pinnacle of modern console gaming and Nintendo, knowing it can' t compete with the HD future has gone for the big gamble; one that might not pay off. Love for Nintendo won' t save them; they have to hope enough people, casual people, none game players I guess want to pick the thing up. I' ll probably buy one though, I' m a console whore.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 13:24
I' m a console whore. So basically for a xbox360 you do everything? And for a ps3 everything even that is not in your menu?
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RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 14:20
I don' t know about this idea. To me it looks like it would be awkward to handle - remote in one hand, joystick in the other, arms swinging around frantically, cords being ripped out, frustration level rising  . You' d have to be ambidextrous or something. whataboutPaul -- Hey, you' re back!
< Message edited by Sharon -- 16 Sep 05 22:21:37 >
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RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 15:04
QuezcatoL, I meant I' ll play around with every new console Hiya Sharon. I' ve started posting recently slowly. I' ve been gone because I got addicted to The Matrix Online. I think I' ve about kicked the habit but World of Warcraft is looking tempting...
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- Joined: Sep 16, 2005
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 15:16
ORIGINAL: Phoenixxx1974 relax rampage. We have no idea what developers think of it well i knwo that the brilliant Peter polyneux before the show (who most likely saw it since i think he is making games for it) said " never Underestimate Nintendo" which i think it means he likes it and mxpx had the right idea. There is infinite possibility with it. Also don' t judge it without playing it. I thnk it' s cooler then the ugly PS3 boomerang sausage look-a-like. Which looks uncomfortable. I agree with you Phoenixxx1974, @ Rampage,Why judge something you havn' t even played? Who knows! it could be the most funnest thing you' v ever played! Oh, and by the way...I' m Midna, a girl and not a noob. I know forums like the back of my hand!
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed
Sep 16, 2005 15:23
Welcome to the forum. I think there is plenty of your kind here... unless they’ve been driven away by our Orcish horde of males while I' ve been away
< Message edited by whatabout_paul -- 16 Sep 05 23:24:17 >
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