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RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 13, 2007 06:46
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RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 13, 2007 08:38
I' d like to know exactly what people think would be considered a ' revolution' in gaming? Updating graphics is status quo. It happens every generation. I thought that changing the control scheme that has persisted for almost a decade comes close to constituting a ' revolution' . Yes i won' t deny having only 3 high profile games this year is a little disheartening but with the Wiis success i have no doubts that more and more developers will start developing AAA exclusives for the Wii. If a ' generic' developer for EA can put out a product like The Godfather for the Wii that makes good use of the Wiimotes motion controls then what more for better developers - Good use of motion control and respectable graphics to boot - that is a distinct possibility, and a senario i am looking forward too. I think currently the criticisms about the current library, the Wiis hardware limitations and Nintendos poorly implemented online strategy are warranted - i cannot deny this. But its still early in the Wii' s life. Had we had this discussion a year from now i would me more inclined to believe you, but its still early days. Writing the Wii off as merely a mini game console before its full potential is realised is pretty sad. There is so much that can be done with the Wii if developers give it the time and effort it deserves. Its to bad most of you can' t see the potential that i and some others here see in it.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 13 Jul 07 0:39:51 >
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 13, 2007 09:39
IVe give up on trying to stand up for Wii TBH.. The way i look at it is this.. " Todays new casual gamers are tomorrows hardcore gamers" In other words, let these New casual gamers speak for the Wii, cos in time they will. When it comes to the end of the Wii' s Life cylcle and on the look for a new console their surely not gonna settle for a standard Dual-shock Medium, thats for sure.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 13 Jul 07 1:41:49 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 13, 2007 17:25
for the Wii that makes good use of the Wiimotes motion controls then what more for better developers - Good use of motion control and respectable graphics to boot - that is a distinct possibility, and a senario i am looking forward too. I still dont see the motion control as superior controls, while good for some games, mouse and gamepad are still superior for others. And it takes a lot more than good controls for a game to be great.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 13, 2007 17:41
Yeah, a lot of people, especially developers it seems, thinks the Wii-mote automatically makes a game good. They don' t realise that they can' t do games they way they' ve done games in the past. The core gameplay has to change along with the controls in order to get good results. But right now we' ve mostly seen normal games with Wii-mote control.
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 13, 2007 18:19
Well, the DS didnt have that many wonderful games to begin with (although I imported it with Mario 64 DS for a slight hint of nostalgia- me being a retro lover and all), but as time went on it got Mario Kart DS, Metroid Prime Hunters, Jump Superstars/Ultimate Stars, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, Phoenix Wright, etc. Soon it will be receiving huge titles like Dragon Quest IX, Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings and Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. So there could still be hope yet.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 13, 2007 18:22
Yes, hope is all we have left. Let' s cling onto that. Like Sam says in the Lord of the rings, the stories we remember are the ones where the heroes kept fighting even though all seemed lost... This is one of those stories
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 13, 2007 19:39
Well, the DS didnt have that many wonderful games to begin with (although I imported it with Mario 64 DS for a slight hint of nostalgia- me being a retro lover and all), but as time went on it got Mario Kart DS, Metroid Prime Hunters, Jump Superstars/Ultimate Stars, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, Phoenix Wright, etc. Soon it will be receiving huge titles like Dragon Quest IX, Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings and Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. So there could still be hope yet. Exactly right, and if people remember which DS title instantly Spring-boarded DS as a serious plattform to develop for, IT was Nintendogs .. Wiifit = Nintendogs + plus a rather great peripheral to boot. As ive been saying, this time next year hardcore Wii games should be in a much more, realised and better state.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 13, 2007 20:39
Nintendogs didn' t require anything more than a DS and it used the DS functions in really good ways. It' s one of the games that proves the DS is awesome for everyone. How exactly does the Wii Fit peripheral prove the Wii-mote or the Wii itself is good? Doesn' t it appear to be quite the opposite? The Wii-mote can' t handle everything so when Nintendo wants to make a new kind of game they have to make another peripheral.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 13, 2007 21:14
I never made it clear, sorry Forget about the technical terms of Nintendogs or the Balance Board im talking about a games appeal of drawing millions of customers. Nintendogs caused a crazy stir and excelled the DS' s status, drawing attention from not only Gamers but also Publishers / developers. This lead to DS eventually having some great original titles and hardcore titles in the mix. I predict Wii fitness' s Appeal could be even greater than Nintendogs was..
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 13 Jul 07 13:22:23 >
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 13, 2007 21:31
EyeToy, Guitar Hero and SingStar are examples of previous successful peripherals, so I guess the Wii Fit could very well be a success too.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 13, 2007 21:38
Virtua Fighter , it seems you don' t unerstand the problem that many gamers see, If nintendo succeed to be the leader of this generation, then Hardcore gamer are afraid that developers will start focusing on this console instead of the 360 and ps3. Those hardcore gamers are not impressed by hte wii mote so far and they are just happy with traditional control. Gamers are afraid that developers will see this as a very good opportunity to make good and quick money, therefore decreasing the budget and Human ressources to serious games that was coming to the other platforms and releasing soma party games on wii.... even if they release an AAA titles , people will say if only that was on ps3 or 360, it could have been better (probably)
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 13, 2007 21:47
I don' t think developers can afford losing the hardcore crowd. It' s bigger than you' d think. The graphic whores are also too many to ignore. They have to make hardcore games because the non-gamer market will never be big enough to fill the gap.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 13, 2007 23:31
Nintendo is appealing to the mass market, and in process they are loosing the hardcore gamers and the graphic whores so to speak. Nintendogs didnt appeal to me, i have a real pet and thats way nicer. WiiFit wont appeal to me, ill go to a bloody gym. Just because something sells well doesnt make it great, the casual gamers are buying a gimmick not something to relay deep entertainment, which is what i like in my games!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 14, 2007 00:47
If this is what Nintendo had to offer to us gamers then " bye bye Nintendo! forever. Im clearly not longer a potential buyer,I was before but now I realise Nintendo doesnt develop games for us who grew up with them. AAA titles and epic games are all coming to 360+ps3 wiifitnes is something my mom might play for like 10 min per day,but how many games does she pay per year? Nintendo may get non gamers to get the wii,but the games will hardly sell on it,as with 360 and ps3.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 14, 2007 01:07
I think that the Wii will have games that appeal to so called " hardcore" gamers. A better term would be " conservative gamers" but whatever. Games like Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy, a new F-Zero, and all their other famous franchises along with some itneresting third party games will make the Wii worth buying. Those games are going to be awesome, I have no doubts about this. But it' s still sad because those games might' ve been even better with more powerful hardware. I mean seriously, if the Wii would' ve been as powerful as the 360 or the PS3 it would easily be the best choice of console. The 360 and the PS3 will get games with innovated gameplay through powerful hardware, games the Wii will never be able to give us.
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 14, 2007 01:12
Metroid prime,mario galax,fzero and Super smash bros sounds like fun games. But when you compare it to for ex what 360 gets now like... HAlo3,Mass effect,Fallout3,Orange(HL2 e2),Alan wake,Resident evil 5,Too human,Pgr4,Dmc4,NG2,Splinter cell convict,Blue dragon,Lost odyssey,Gears of war 2,Kingdom under fire,infinty discovery,Eternal sonata,naruto rise of a ninja,Fable2 and Assassins creed etc then it looks very bleak. And yes you could certainly probably mentioned more wii titles then three,but I could certainly also mentioned more titles for 360 too. Its just...bad being a normal gamer and having a wii atm.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 13 Jul 07 17:16:00 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 14, 2007 01:18
Yes, in all honesty it does look bleak by comparance. But not bleak enough to keep me from buying the Wii A TRUE gamer goes where the fun is, a true gamer can buy a console for a single game. I can buy the Wii for Metroid Prime. Oh shit, forgot that it' s called the " Metroid Prime 3 Machine" . Yeah it' s officiall, just visit Nintendo' s officiall website and it says " Wii renamed after the greatest game in history, it is now called the Metroid Prime 3 Machine" . SOURCE
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 14, 2007 01:22
I dislike Metroid serie for a number of reasons,but my brother loved them and finished Metroid prime on the Gamecube. But sure that game could be an AAA title but didn' t u see that girl playing it? They claimed she could aim just as good as with a mouse and keyboard well...then she must really suck with a keyboard´mouse cause she didn' t look to be in any control at all.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 14, 2007 01:30
She had problems but she might' ve been nervous with millions of people watching her. I would freeze to death on that stage  . When IGN tried the control ages ago they said it was amazing, almost as good as mouse and keyboard. So I have faith in the controls. Instead, what I fear is that they' ll make a regular action FPS instead of the adventure game I' ve loved. The same fear many fans had when they saw the first Metroid Prime.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 13 Jul 07 17:30:57 >
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