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Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 05:44
I' m not happy. I feel like Nintendo have kicked me in the nuts. Really. ***ing. Hard. Yeah, im about to spit them out as well, Fuck nintendo, Gamecube was better than this piece of shit!
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 05:47
I just thought of a new slogan for wii: " Wii, the no games gaming console." " Tired of wasting money on overpriced consoles and expensive games? Well do we have the system for you!? With our patented cost cutting techniques of recycling old hardware, you can have this innovative system for only $249.99. But hey that' s not all, if you act now you can save a fortune on games...because we don' t fucking have any!"
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 05:53
I just thought of a new slogan for wii: " Wii, the no games gaming console." " Tired of wasting money on overpriced consoles and expensive games? Well do we have the system for you!? With our patented cost cutting techniques of recycling old hardware, you can have this innovative system for only $249.99. But hey that' s not all, if you act now you can save a fortune on games...because we don' t ***ing have any!" The sad thing is, the strategy wont fail, and sony and ms might follow suit, and make the old school gamers extinct, or maybe PC games will get a resurgance (but fuck i cant afford a new MB, CPU, GPU, and a Physics accelerator!
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 06:06
lol Why are you so angry Vx? For Someone who has not shown any enthusiasm towards the great Games like, MK, Mario Galaxy, Nights, No more Heros, Metrd ETC, i find it strange that you seem more bothered about Nintendo' s Non-game success' s Just sell your Wii (if u really have one) and let some family enjoy it. No doubt in the near Future it' ll be Paired up with a Wii Mat.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 11 Jul 07 22:16:43 >
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 06:25
Nintendo' s new slogan for 2007-2008: Now that we have all of the money, you all can go F*** yourself if you actually think you' re going to get anything else out of us. I mean WTF was that!!!!!!!!! Ok, when the Wii first came out, yeah I will admit that it was something new with the control and all. But now, there is absolutly nothing new or creative or exciting about the Wii. All we are going to get is a handful of Mario games, and the rest are going to either be crappy party games, or games that simply should be left on the DS(I' m talking about you Brain Age). Nintendo has done a fantastic job of reaching the casual gamers, and bringing in new gamers. But are these people really going to be the consumer you want? The casual and new gamers they have brought in are not going to buy 10-15 games a year!!!! At most they may buy 1-2 games a year, and that' s most likely going to be them going out to buy every Wii Sports sequel, Mario Party game, or a rehashed version of Brain Age or Big Brain Academy!!!!!! If you really look at it, Nintendo isn' t even putting any of that money they are making into their product. As was said before, the Wii Zapper, a god damn piece of plastic, and that can almost be said for every other little peripheral they have come out with for the Wii. How about putting some of that money to use on a decent online service Reggie? Anyway, sorry for ranting but come on now!!!!!!!!! F*****G do something already!!!!! You can ride that little control of yours for so long before Sony and M$ catch up. Remember Nintendo, we have millions of PS2 owners still waiting to see which next-gen console they are going to buy. This rant has been brought to you today by the letters F and U.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 07:00
That post really confuses me??? What did you expect from Nintendo Wii? Don' t you own a 360 or PS3?
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 07:01
First of all: People complaining about lack of ' Hardcore' Wii games are thick, Where have you been since the last two years?? FFS you should know Nintendo Directions are totally different than the other two companies.. The Show Alot of blowing their own trumpet, but the risks they took they deserve too, they practically fliped and now own Japan and are coming through like a speeding bullet elsewhere. WiiFit = Nintendogs This is where Wii is going to Take over the planet. Go Nintendo! So have you admitted you are f3hunter yet? I haven' t been on the boards much for the last few months, and am only getting back on em now thanks to e3 and the ridiculous amounts of good games to talk about. Seriously, you talk the exact same way, and have kept your " Nintendo is going to take over" phrase. Nintendo showed nothing at e3 that has made me want their console, and when it first came out, I thought for sure I would purchase one in late 2007. Now it looks like I' m just gonna save all my cash for the 360 elite, and all the games I' m gonna want for the 360 and ps3. Sure I will miss out on Mario and metroid, but instead I will get Uncharted, Halo 3, GTA 4, Unreal 3, Killzone 2, MGS4, Littlebiplanet!, Warhawk, Lair, Assasins Creed, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Call of Duty motherfucking 4, Army of Two, Ratchet and Clank, and more I' m probably forgetting. Not to mention good sports games running in full HD at high FPS(NHL fuck yes, and maybe some football *both kinds) So tell me. After Sony' s show of whats coming, and MS basically reminding of us of all the great stuff they have and have already announced, what does Nintendo have coming to make me decide not to buy those amazing games I' ve listed, and throw down some cash on their console and games. Oh, and I just though of this, wii-mote $50 CAD, Nunchuck $25 CAD, Wii-Zapper $20 - $25 CAD. $100 for a flipping FPS remote that doesn' t even have lithium rechargable batteries included? Gimme a break. And don' t say " oh, well its a gun, unlike other systems" If guns were so damn important to FPS, they would have adopted the light guns years ago.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 07:24
First of all, I own ALL three consoles and a PC. Im looking Forward to games on ALL plattforms. I Love and have mastered the MOST hardcore games Like VF4/5, Ikaruga, GTR to Pin-point Q3: Threewave ETC. I also REALLY respect and enjoy NON-games Like Wario ware, Brainage, ECT. So don' t try and label me taste to one thing, mine are much broader than yours! Im really happy to see Nintendo survive and bounce back from Potential Death and glad that they have found their own path and own ideas, I much rather a E3 with Mass Effect, MGS4, Mario Galaxy AND Wii Fitness than an E3 with just Mass Effect, MGS4, Mario Galaxy. Understood?
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 07:31
I' m not saying Nintendo doesn' t deserve to exist, what I' m saying is that they offer next to nothing to try and pull me away from the 10+ titles that I will definitely buy for 360 and ps3. Don' t gimme the " my tastes are so much broader" speach. I owned all Nintendo' s consoles up to the Cube, and have owned consoles from the Turbo Graffix, SNES, Genesis to the Saturn, ps1/2/3, Xbox(soon 360) and gameboys. I' ve played the Wii a lot, and it has yet to give me a reason to buy one other than Virtual Console. But remember, I own all the old consoles and most of the old games I want, and when I don' t, I have an emulator on my PC. So yes, Nintendo deserves to be around, but they got way to much credit over the last 7 months since the ps3 and Wii launch, and even after all this money and hype, they can barely deliver anything.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 07:45
lol Why are you so angry Vx? For Someone who has not shown any enthusiasm towards the great Games like, MK, Mario Galaxy, Nights, No more Heros, Metrd ETC, i find it strange that you seem more bothered about Nintendo' s Non-game success' s Just sell your Wii (if u really have one) and let some family enjoy it. No doubt in the near Future it' ll be Paired up with a Wii Mat. Angry and dissapointed is two different things. I was hoping to get some prime games with the Wii. More so than with the gamecube since the wii is going strong, and the gamecube wasnt. Sure thing we will get Mario Galaxy, it looks good, but im not the greatest fan of mario. (blame my parents they never got me a nintendo). Ofcourse the Wii might get more good games of the next couple of years, but since nothing intresting is shown at this e3 it makes me doubt the next 2 years. Im glad that WiiFit is what you need to have a good fun with your Wii VF, but i need more stuff to get my rocks off. Nintendo Wii is a major dissapointed, both in hardware and in software§
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 07:54
Since you have made it clear u dont like Games like Brain age ETC, ive already broadend your tastes So yes, Nintendo deserves to be around, but they got way to much credit over the last 7 months since the ps3 and Wii launch, and even after all this money and hype, they can barely deliver anything. Anything? Give an example of something then? What tiles you would have liked to see at the Nintendo Conference? Im glad that WiiFit is what you need to have a good fun with your Wii VF, but i need more stuff to get my rocks off. Nintendo Wii is a major dissapointed, both in hardware and in software§ In addition with my Non-games, So do i! But thats why i own a 360 / Ps3/ Pc!
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 11 Jul 07 23:57:34 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 08:00
In addition with my Non-games, So do i! But thats why i own a 360 / Ps3/ Pc! i own a console to get great games, not mediocre rehashed bullshit! Ill get a Ps3 when i can afford it, looks like it can offer way more than nintendo can this gen!
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 08:13
I think you need to just burn your wii and save your money for traditional (but great) looking 360 games.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 12 Jul 07 0:14:17 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 08:19
I think you need to just burn your wii and save your money for traditional (but great) looking 360 games. Like i said, im glad you like your Wii so much, but your kinda out numbered here on this forum. I prefer good games as apposed to playing the same mini games over and over again. I really would applaud nintendo if they actually had had something to show!
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 10:03
I think its obvious that the majority of people on these forums have 360' s. So i knew from the get go that as a Nintendo fan i would be outnumbered - doesn' t concern me either way, i like the odds. Besides look at the first couple of comments. Its like everyone is in line to take a swipe at how Nintendo ain' t catering for the hardcore crowd, how lame it is blah blah blah - the usually comments for any Nintendo news as i have become acustomed to  . Virtua has already made it clear, Nintendo has gone a different direction with the Wii, and it never ceases to amaze me people still lumping it in the same lot as the 360 & ps3. Its NOT THE SAME. Its funny how people here say due to the graphical limitations of the Wii its not in the same class as the ps3 or 360, and yet it must have the same types of games in order to be considered a viable platform. Wii fit is the perfect example of how the Wii is meant to change the face of gaming. Because it doesn' t include, guns or killing etc hardcore gamers are going to instantly ridicule it. Sad really, for a console codenamed ' revolution' did you expect Nintendo to take the same route as 360 or ps3? Again i stress for those that for ' hardcore gamers' the 360 and ps3 are more suitable for gaming. But if you wanted more, and something different & unique the Wii makes a solid secondary console (The casual gamer will probably go for the Wii on price and uniqueness alone). Its that simple, although SSBB, SMG and Metriod Prime should be more then adequate to satisfy some if not all of a hardcore gamers needs. All little bit of perspective wouldn' t hurt once in a while.
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 17:50
According to Nintendo of Europe: Wii Schedule: Big Brain Academy for Wii (Nintendo) 20th July 2007 Trauma Center: Second Opinion (Nintendo / Atlus) 10th August 2007 Super Paper Mario (Nintendo) 14th September 2007 Metroid Prime 3 Corruption (Nintendo) 26 October 2007 Forever Blue (tentative title) (Nintendo) (US title: Endless Ocean) Q4 2007 Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo) Q4 2007 Battalion Wars 2 (Nintendo) Q4 2007 Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles (Capcom) Q4 2007 Pokémon Battle Revolution (Nintendo) Q4 2007 Wii Fitness (Nintendo) 2008 Mario Kart Wii (tentative title) (Nintendo) 2008 Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Nintendo) 2008 Nintendo DS schedule: Elite Beat Agents (Nintendo) 13th July 2007 Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl (Nintendo) 27th July 2007 Freshly Picked - Tingle' s Rosy Rupeeland (Nintendo) 14th September 2007 The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Nintendo) 19 October 2007 Donkey Kong Jungle Climber (Nintendo) October 2007 Naruto DS (Nintendo) October 2007 English Training 2 (tentative title) (Nintendo) October 2007 Mario Party DS (Nintendo) Q4 2007 Vision Training (tentative title) (Nintendo) (US title: Flash Focus: Vision Training in Minutes a Day) Q4 2007 Advance Wars 2 (Nintendo) Q4 2007 ---------------- Nintendo just needs to work a little bit more of their Nintendo magic that made their other systems so fantastic. That' s it, I' m getting myself a PAL N64 over here!
< Message edited by Marink -- 12 Jul 07 9:51:55 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 17:54
I don' t think Nintendo has a lack of hardcore games for their consoles. But they lack quality hardcore games for people who want to spend more than just a few minutes during a play session. Which is kinda crazy because to me, Nintendo has always been about quality. Their casual games have some quality but that' s not the stuff harcore gamers mostly want, even though we can enjoy those kind of games. Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Mario Kart and SSBB are the only games that seem to have all the key ingredienses needed for a good Wii game: innovation, quality, harcore appeal.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 18:14
Sad really, for a console codenamed ' revolution' did you expect Nintendo to take the same route as 360 or ps3? No i expected a revolution, but got a gimmick periphial that could just as easily have been released on the Gamecube. Nintendo always made great games, but its just very sad when there are no more than 3 to spot over the next 12 months. Instead they are going to make the money on useless periphials like WiiFit which will sit under the bed like any other workout equipment people use!
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 12, 2007 18:54
People, as long as the wii doesn' t get my beloved franchises and AAA titles from major developers like ubisoft, capcom and such I would Have no problem with this console, in fact i encourage it and you all people should if what i said in the begining is true... Let the wii target that segment market, let it introduce Gaming to more masses, one day that person will like to find out more about games, ok i played mario party, or wii sport... how about that game called Metroid prime , i' ll give it a try .... if that Scenario happens i' ll be happy, but if developers start focusing their time and money on wii games, specialy party games and start leaving ps3 or 360, i' ll be very upset and i' ll blame nintendo for killing my hobby. years ago i started to hate Nintendo for being the must stuborn company in this industry and the greediest one. that is my opinion about it. N64 was a mediocre console even if it has around 10 huuuge blockbusters. limited by its carts and extremly weak 3rd party support. Gamecube follows the same thing, even the support was not the standard in the industry, weak 3rd party support, few AAA titles, no online... Wii seems even worse from a HARDCORE point of view, outdated graphics for its time, Extremly few AAA titles: present and futur. AND please Nintendo , lower your fucking price to 200$, 250 is too much for this console, you want to introduce gamng to masses, then lower your price, even hardcore gamers will buy it.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Nintendo E3 Conference
Jul 13, 2007 06:35
I want Wii walking in a park. And then Wii working with Wii money, then I want Wii Vacation, then Wii Children, then Wii Retirement, and last but not least Wii Funeral
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