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Mg4 in game pics
Jul 24, 2007 14:30
here Sorry I am sleepy I will fix this later goodbye and goodnight
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 24, 2007 16:49
Looking at the 2nd shot (the one with the HUD), ...it' s looks like it will be the same old MGS with the camera angle from 3/PO. I want direct feed HD screens...
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 24, 2007 22:01
Sorry makji thats all I got . lets not make any judgments until we see it in action.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 24, 2007 22:55
1up posted tons of in-game pictures with good quality- http://www.1up.com/do/media?cId=3140656&sec=IMAGES some samples from it. [image]http://media.1up.com/media?id=3357254&type=lg[/image] [image]http://media.1up.com/media?id=3357262&type=lg[/image] [image]http://media.1up.com/media?id=3357261&type=lg[/image] [image]http://media.1up.com/media?id=3357255&type=lg[/image] Just because CoD4 and GoW looks better doesnt mean this is crap,so plz all fanboys it looks good. Just because something that you was hoping for isn' t as good looking as GoW or CoD4 or killzone2 doesnt mean its great looking,k?
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 24 Jul 07 15:03:59 >
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RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 24, 2007 23:04
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 24, 2007 23:37
What the devil is he carrying in the 2nd screen? It looks like a one-round hunting pistol, with a lazer mounted below it.  Dunno, maybe I' m just looking at it the wrong way, but it looks more like a skinny flare-gun or zoo-tranquilizer than a conventional handgun.
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RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 24, 2007 23:58
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 25, 2007 00:11
Saving everybody the trip to ConsoleWars.  Time to tear these photos apart! At first glance it appears that Kojima Productions has their stuff down. From what it looks like they made sure there was a lot of ex-Soviet weaponry for Snake to pick up. Some of these guns definately paint a bizzare picture for the plot. No comment... No freaking comment. Snake gets a tricked-out scoped Mosin-Nagant! Hopefully this is just a primary zoom feature a-la GRAW, & we' ll be able to use the optics properly. The picture itself is pretty self explanatory. Snake' s got an AK-101. It' s an AK-74 chambered for 5.56 NATO, produced by Russia for export to the west. (Remember Somalia? All the nutjob insurgents bought AK-101s.) He' s also got a GP-30, an underbelly grenade launcher for the 101' s. Hopefully we' ll get to fire some of the neater stuff that goes through that thing (bouncy fragmentation grenades anybody?  ). I' ll avoid discussion on the massive metal bird flying through the sky, we all know what that is. The guys in the real combat gear (I think those are the guys working for Oceliquid) all have SCAR-H (Special Operational Forces Combat Assault Rifle - Heavy didn' t fit all that well onto the rifle itself.  ). The US are as far as I know the only major superpower who have these, we just bought about 35,000 of ' em pretty recently from Fabrique National - Belgium (The guys that brought us that funny looking P90) which makes me wonder how they got ' em. Food for thought... food for thought.
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 25, 2007 00:20
son of a bitch the demolooksfuking incredible
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 25, 2007 02:15
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RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 25, 2007 02:30
I seen better graphic in GRAW 1 and 2. And to fags saying,well this is coming in 08 it might look better,yeah and? Then we get the sequals to rainbow six vegas and graw 3. MGs4 looks really good,but its not one of the best looking games which people thought it would be. Or even the best.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 24 Jul 07 18:38:35 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 25, 2007 02:49
The graphics are good enough. Did you see how the dust particles from the exploded building was blown through the street? You could see it coming from one side and then twirling into the street Snake was at. That was beautiful. The gameplay seems really good, much better than I had expected. And the ability to play it as an FPS is fun, although I doubt many will take advantage of it. Ah, so many great ideas it seems. One thing I didn' t like was the barrel Snake could use... where did he hide it? I mean, the cardboard box can be folded and put in a bag or something but a barrel? *sigh* Anyway, I' ll spend lots of time looking at the MULTIPLE PAGES of those magasines
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 25, 2007 02:57
The graphics are good enough. Did you see how the dust particles from the exploded building was blown through the street? Yepp it is. But if you played graw 1 or Graw 2 on a HDTV you would know what im talking about. Anyway MGS4 looks really great,im not saying anything against that. But some people portraited it to be one of the best looking games if not the best for months. Now that I seen the gameplay video I know that it was like Majik said,the cutscens we seen so far looks better then when you play it,we all suspected that,but some people expected the cutscens to be just as good as the gameplay.
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2006
- Location: Los Angeles , CA
RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 25, 2007 03:26
I bought the ps2 for MGS2 , i will buy the ps3 for MGS4 .. The game looks awesome .. I guess it isnt goin to change the opinion of ppl who dont like the MGS series but for a fan like me this was all i was hoping for ..
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 25, 2007 03:43
This looks crazy it sucks that this will be the last one.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 25, 2007 03:48
but for a fan like me this was all i was hoping for .. Like halo is a story driven fps,I always seen MGS as a stealth,action story driven game too. So for me its hard to judge them. Splinter cell serie for ex has execellt graphic/gameplay but is weak at its story.
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- Joined: Jan 30, 2006
RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 25, 2007 04:04
I could sort of see this demo resembling splinter cell 4, or the other way around. In previous MGS games, you tended to rely on cover to keep from being noticed, but in splinter Cell you could hide anywhere as long as it was dark enough. Now we see Snake using Octocam to hide basically anywhere as long as there' s a texture for the camo to mimic. On the other end of the IP war, Splinter Cell:Double agent removed the shadows=safe gamplay from the core experience. No idea what this means for these games in particular. One thing I didn' t like was the barrel Snake could use... where did he hide it? I mean, the cardboard box can be folded and put in a bag or something but a barrel?
It' s sort of the other way around. Snake carries a lot of heavy guns, more than any self respecting human being should. Where does he put them all? In the barrel of course! Think about it, it' s easier to carry just one easy to transport barrel than to keep dragging 15+ guns around.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 25, 2007 04:05
Gameplay looks great. What I liked: the Camocamo The stun-knife the way the camera shakes I love the over the sholder firing thing, switching sides is neat. The country A and Country B thing gives the game some good replay potentail. The graphics are good and the framerate is solid. What I didnt like: I missed snakes leaning behind a wall, it seems so last gen to stand next to it. I wasnt mad about the lower sneaking posture, too much of his ass.
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 25, 2007 05:48
This game looks beyond everything else, the amount of action here is super impressive, and the humor just kills me, WTF at snake controlling MK II with a Sixaxis controller, or the girl magazines, pure awesomeness
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Mg4 in game pics
Jul 25, 2007 06:29
Tiny attention to details make all the difference. Very impressive.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 24 Jul 07 22:38:48 >
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