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Is the Wii-mote retarded?
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Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 19, 2006 09:17
ok, so as Wii approaches launch i' ve been checking out some of the games and even, heaven forbid, buying into some of the hype... ... ....now, most launch titles are definitely not to my tastes (Mario galaxy[:' (])... ...but other titles such as the new Metriod, and Red Steel have caught my eye.... ...actually Metriod would be a must have if i decided to wii this Christmas... ...so anyway, i happen to come across this Red Steel vid.... ...and then the snag hits: Wouldn' t you feel like a complete moron playing your favourite games like this? ...i like the look of some of the games, but isn' t that point & click thing a bit excessive?... ...unnecessary?.... ...it' d be fine in an arcade or at a party or something, but would you really like to spend 40hrs waving that thing around during Twilight Princess?... Nintendo fans talk about how the wii-mote revolutionises gameplay... ...but all i see is Red Steel being played in a completely idiotic, over the top fashion.... ...moving gaming forward?... ...yeah right... ...from that vid, the wii-mote plays more like a rejected 1980' s light gun... .... ....i' m not trying to start an argument but.... ...that controller... ...am i the only one who' s unconvinced?.....
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 19, 2006 09:33
If your having fun and enjoying the game and really engrossed in it, it shouldn' t matter how you look. If you are too busy wondering how you look to others hile you play then you obviously aren' t enjoying your game. Besides does sitting around twiddling your thumb, staring zombified into a screen seem less moronic looking too you? BTW do you remember the clown that played that Warhawk demo at e3 2006? What, did he look cool? can you see yourself doing that for 40hrs+? Give me a break!
< Message edited by Terrak -- 19 Sep 06 2:19:34 >
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 19, 2006 10:27
ORIGINAL: Bishonen ....i' m not trying to start an argument but.... ...that controller... ...am i the only one who' s unconvinced?..... Nope... As the same experience I have had with the DS, the whole interaction thing goes on for about an hour, after which you' re just BEGGING for conventional controls again. I mean, you probably feel a lot more comfortable playing Wii after a few: " This is embarrasing" and " I can' t believe I am playing like this" But I am pretty sure that after a while it will be fun... One thing I don' t see is this appealing to non-gamers as much as it should, it WILL get the occassional point of interest, but not enough to warrant a weary non-gamers purchase. One thing I am particularly worried about is how long the Wii will hold my attention. The DS' touch screen feature is a " hoo-hoo, haa-haa" for about 20mins and then afterwards it' s like " I' m bored now." It didn' t really phase me in the way it should have... Is it me or are there SO MANY mini-games on the Wii and DS lite? Besides does sitting around twiddling your thumb, staring zombified into a screen seem less moronic looking too you? Yes... Yes it does... BTW do you remember the clown that played that Warhawk demo at e3 2006? What, did he look cool? can you see yourself doing that for 40hrs+? Give me a break! You should see the retards that were playing Super Monkey Ball and Dragon Ball Z on the Wii, they had a VERY tough time even hitting anything.
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 19, 2006 10:31
It was either IGN or Gamespot (podcast mind you), where I heard that while playing Red Steel they got confortable with just shooting " from the hip" ... sounds like you don' t have to go all nuts with it unless you want to. Even with my 360 I end up sitting in a weird position and the controller wherever it wants to be...so if anything the Wii will probably make me play with better posture
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 19, 2006 10:56
ORIGINAL: Tiz Besides does sitting around twiddling your thumb, staring zombified into a screen seem less moronic looking too you? Yes... Yes it does... So some one enjoying themselves and having fun is moronic? My point is that i shouldn' t matter what you look like when you play a game as long as you are having fun. Look at the arcade where people are enjoying themselves playing those dance games jumping around on oversized buttons (i haven' t been to the arcades in a while), they look ridiculous jumping around like that, but they are having fun SO THEY DON" T CARE, get over yourself if you think that you look cool while using a console controller, cause you don' t, and YOU DON' T HAVE TOO. What when you play games you have a mirror near by so you can make sure you look cool while playing your games?! BTW do you remember the clown that played that Warhawk demo at e3 2006? What, did he look cool? can you see yourself doing that for 40hrs+? Give me a break You should see the retards that were playing Super Monkey Ball and Dragon Ball Z on the Wii, they had a VERY tough time even hitting anything So what? Its already established that Wii requires more direct input to interact with your games. SO whats your point? Is that your way of burying the ps3s tacked on motion sensor capability? My point is that Bishonen was questioning using the Wiimote for long periods of time and i merely gave an example of ps3 may have the same problem. Whats the point of showing more examples Tiz? And no i have not seen the two videos but what i have seen from the Zelda, the current Red steel vids etc the Wii motes accuracy is improving. Do i think they have perfected the 3D motion capture on Wii, well not yet, not from what i have seen. Thats to be expected, considering its relatively new. But IMO its a step in the right direction for game control and interaction, and the first step is usually always the hardest.
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 19, 2006 12:11
I played the Wii at E3 and I wasn' t all that impressed. Infact the remote did nothing to win me over. It seemed like most people liked it but I personally just didn' t feel a hook. It just felt like a gimmick (enter Gangsta with his " but Rampage didn' t like the Wii even before he played it" comments). To its credit the PS3 controller was far worse. You really had to twist that thing in really odd positions for the plane in Warhawk to go where you wanted. I' m not expecting much from the PS3 games in terms of motion sensing.
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 19, 2006 17:29
I' m becoming more sceptical myself.It' s been said that Mario Galaxy shows how cool it is, same with excite truck.But most games especially 3rd party won' t be using it as well as Nintendo - it' s always been like that. E3 was a long time ago and many things have changed (FPS controls are now awesome in Metroid 3 for example). RED STEEL - I no longer expect a lot from this game. Anyway - what games did you try Rampage? And what do you think works for this control scheme and what doesn' t? Bish - it won' t feel retarded - it' s just a controller, I' m not going to swing it like this guy in Red Steel trailer - I' m going to play it normally with minor movements :)
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 19, 2006 18:35
Playing = Beliving Play it yourselves at some store later and decide then. The Wii isn' t for everyone of course. I saw a video of Matt on IGN playing Mario Galaxy and if you look on his hands you' ll see that he barely moves them at all. I actually wave my regular controllers more when I play games than what he did with the Wii-mote. So I doubt we' ll look as weird as some people believe. How long you' ll be entertained by the Wii-mote is entirely up to which game you' re playing. Playing a minigame where the focus is on use of the controller in a stupid way will of course feel less fun after a while. But a game like Metroid Prime should be fun all the way with the Wiimote since the focus isn' t on using the Wiimote. The focus is on the gameplay BUT the gameplay is made easier and more intuitive by using the Wiimote. That' s the idea anyway, how well it works out in real life will I know only after playing the Wii. But many people have said it' s fun so I' m keeping my hopes high. The PS3 controller (SIXAXIS if you believed the rumours) isn' t ergonomically designed to be waved like the Wiimote and thus it' s likely to be uncomfortable to use.
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 19, 2006 19:47
What kind of retard doesn' t think that DS' s touch screen is amazing?! It' s not kicking PSP' s ass by being a 20 minute fad, if somebody doesn' t like the games available then fine but after having the DS the PSP' s " conventional" controls seem archaic! Bishonen, you don' t have to play with exaggerated motions and you' ll be able to tweak the sensitivity. Using the contoller will quickly become 2nd nature and it won' t be any different than moving from d-pads to analog sticks. Or at least that' s what i expect. I would actually suspect that PS3' s ' Sixaxis' controller would be more awkward to play with as it' s not as sensitive and will require more pronounced movements. Bear in mind that if the Wii-mote moves too far out of the display it loses it' s connection so you' re not going to we waving it around like your Harry f*cking Potter struggling to cast a spell!!! Redv Steel looks amazing!
Mass X
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 19, 2006 20:16
Nah Bishonan I been in the same boat as you as well. I have yet to be truly sold on the whole idea. It will be fun Im quite sure, but I dont see it as a revolution in gaming at all. Just fun is all. This could probably go well in the drunkn party enviroment with a well placed video camera. Maybe some half naggid women friends bouncing around the room would make great use of the Wii...betchu girls will dig your Wii.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 19, 2006 20:32
See bishonen, you can help girls learn how to play with your Wii!
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 19, 2006 21:01
Bear in mind that if the Wii-mote moves too far out of the display it loses it' s connection so you' re not going to we waving it around like your Harry f*cking Potter struggling to cast a spell!!! Yeah it stops it' s pointing at displays borders but guyroscopes and accelerometers work even then.You can both " swing like crazy" or " keep it NORMAL" if you choose so.
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 19, 2006 22:50
At E3 people were waving the thing around like mad. There were games that required you to do it. Tennis was one of those and I hated playing it.
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 19, 2006 23:12
Even worse, the game would just lose my controller at times. Apparently what would happened was that my pointer would slip out of the sensor' s borders for a second, making the screen kind of slip around while I tried to get it to start recognizing my remote again. LINKY
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 20, 2006 01:28
Wait, your question was: Besides does sitting around twiddling your thumb, staring zombified into a screen seem less moronic looking too you? I answered yes, it seems LESS moronic than waving a controller about. So there is NO NEED to bite my head off with words such as: get over yourself if you think that you look cool while using a console controller, cause you don' t, and YOU DON' T HAVE TOO. I don' t believe I look cool... but less moronic, so don' t ask a question if you' re not content with the answer you' ll get. What when you play games you have a mirror near by so you can make sure you look cool while playing your games?! If you paid attention to your own DAMN question, and then my answer, you' ll see that I never suggested ANYTHING of the sort. So stop blowing up in front of your own insecurities about how the controller will play and be reasonable. Why not try and rationalise and come up with answers like this: I' m becoming more sceptical myself.It' s been said that Mario Galaxy shows how cool it is, same with excite truck.But most games especially 3rd party won' t be using it as well as Nintendo - it' s always been like that. Then I wouldn' t think so low of you. SO whats your point? Is that your way of burying the ps3s tacked on motion sensor capability? My point is they both looked stupid. Whats the point of showing more examples Tiz? You ended with: " Give me a break" as if to say that the Wii doesn' t have any stupid people that desperately try to control the in-game character. What kind of retard doesn' t think that DS' s touch screen is amazing?! Ok, maybe I am playing the wrong games here, but I was strictly referring to the mini-games in the sense that I don' t realy play them for more than 20mins, the whole concept is good. Maybe I just need more games that are stylus heavy..
< Message edited by Tiz -- 19 Sep 06 17:29:59 >
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 20, 2006 02:14
There were games that required you to do it. Tennis was one of those and I hated playing it. you can set it for minor moves if you want to.That' s confirmed. Majik - this are problems of early versions of Wii remote.
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 20, 2006 03:01
The Wii-mote wasn' t finalised at E3, there were bound to be issues. I know that lackluster 10 minute mini-game feeling, but I blame developers, and not the actual console designers. I' m not saying DS doesn' t have any good games (they blow psp clean out of the water) it' s just that I' ve never found myself using the touchscreen as an alternative to the D-pad. Granted, i' m probably not the best judge, as I haven' t played all that many DS games. Edit: speaking of DS games (don' t want to bother with a new thread) anyone' s opinions on Metroid: Hunters? It looks pretty nice, and I' m thinking about picking it up.
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 20, 2006 03:26
Nice to see that there is someone who agrees with me on this.I think that the mote is just for show off and will be a bother for people who play for a long time. I also agree that Mario looks like a less than average game.It totally didnt chatch me.If it was a launch title for GC then it would have been cool but after all this time it doesnt look very much to me.
< Message edited by GrayFox -- 19 Sep 06 21:27:43 >
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 20, 2006 03:34
Maybe I just need more games that are stylus heavy.. ...nah man, i always thought that the stylus thing wasn' t much more than a cheap gimmick... ...but then again i think portable gaming sucks..... ...you' ll never see me with either a PSP or DS because they don' t do much more than get in the way of serious console & big tv based gaming.... ....but that' s just my perspective i guess... ....anyway: If your having fun and enjoying the game and really engrossed in it, it shouldn' t matter how you look. If you are too busy wondering how you look to others hile you play then you obviously aren' t enjoying your game. Besides does sitting around twiddling your thumb, staring zombified into a screen seem less moronic looking too you? BTW do you remember the clown that played that Warhawk demo at e3 2006? What, did he look cool? can you see yourself doing that for 40hrs+? Give me a break! ...i think you misunderstood the MAIN point of my post man...... ...let me point it really simple for you: What' s wrong with a standard-ish dualshock-style controller? ...i know that Nintendo want to push gaming forward, but from what i have seen, the wii-mote is actually going backwards not forwards... ...i see no real valid use for it' s existence, other than as a gaming ' piece of candy' for the easily amused (non-gamers, your mom etc)... ...economy of motion and 3D virtual space, complexity, more buttons & triggers.. ...that' s what i expect in a new controller, not this moronic ' weeee i' m harry-f*cking-rambo' crap...   But I am pretty sure that after a while it will be fun... One thing I don' t see is this appealing to non-gamers as much as it should, it WILL get the occassional point of interest, but not enough to warrant a weary non-gamers purchase. ...i think the complete opposite actually... ...i think the wii-mote is specifically targeted to the DS-type crowd.... ....in other words: more gimmickry over actual hardcore gaming function...  .. Using the contoller will quickly become 2nd nature and it won' t be any different than moving from d-pads to analog sticks. Or at least that' s what i expect. ...no way man... ....D-pads & analogs are intelligent and minimalist... ...whilst the wii-mote reminds me of a giant stylus... Just fun is all. This could probably go well in the drunkn party enviroment with a well placed video camera. Maybe some half naggid women friends bouncing around the room would make great use of the Wii...betchu girls will dig your Wii. See bishonen, you can help girls learn how to play with your Wii! ....well then... ....i guess i' ll just have to stash my wii in my ' novelty-gaming' retainer along side my PinkPS2....  .... ...hold on a sec... ....will the wii be online like 360/PS3?.... .... ...oh yeah, those comparing the wii-mote to PS3' s SIXAXIS should remember that the whole motion-sensing thing is not much more than a ' me too' last minute tak-on... ...you' ll still spend 90% of the time playing it like a regular PSOne controller...
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 20, 2006 03:55
...oh yeah again, what about that other controller for the wii i' ve seen a couple of times?... ...that one that looks like a redesigned nes controller?... ...does that come with the wii too? ...or is it for something else? ...i think i' d much rather use one of those... ...anyone have any pics of it?.... ...what' s it' s function like?...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 19 Sep 06 19:56:29 >
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