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Is the Wii-mote retarded?
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 20, 2006 04:17
Ok, maybe I am playing the wrong games here, but I was strictly referring to the mini-games in the sense that I don' t realy play them for more than 20mins, the whole concept is good. Maybe I just need more games that are stylus heavy.. Possibly, although the entire idea of portable gaming is that it' s convenient to play in short bursts. That' s why PSP games get slated for their archaic save systems and why it' s awesome that DS has such a long battery life. I get your point but handhelds aren' t supposed to be a stand-in for fully fledged consoles and so console ports don' t work very well. Games made specifically for handhelds, for DS in particular are far more fun than say GTA:LCS on PSP. PSP games are good for things like flights or long journeys when you have some time to get into the game. DS games are good for killing 5 minutes while you wait for your coffee to me made at Starbucks. ...hold on a sec... ....will the wii be online like 360/PS3?.... Yeah, but only 1st party games at first. 3rd party games will go online next year -- i' m not sure why though. ...oh yeah again, what about that other controller for the wii i' ve seen a couple of times?... ...that one that looks like a redesigned nes controller?... ...does that come with the wii too? ...or is it for something else? It' s mainly for the virtual console and Gamecube pads will work for Gamecube games. I think that while Wii' s control method won' t lend itself to every genre, some will seriously benefit. First person shooters, or first person RPG' s like Oblivion for example. I mean, a game like Quake III Arena would be amazing using the Wii-mote, espacially online.
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 20, 2006 10:21
Well i must apologise for that outburst Tiz, i must have had my Nintendo fanboy hat on a little to tight, i' ll take it off. I must have read too much into your comments, anyway i still believe that people should not worry whether or not they look silly when they play games, as long as they are having fun - that is the main point. It' s really pointless to discuss how stupid one looks while playing . ORIGINAL: Bishonen If your having fun and enjoying the game and really engrossed in it, it shouldn' t matter how you look. If you are too busy wondering how you look to others hile you play then you obviously aren' t enjoying your game. Besides does sitting around twiddling your thumb, staring zombified into a screen seem less moronic looking too you? BTW do you remember the clown that played that Warhawk demo at e3 2006? What, did he look cool? can you see yourself doing that for 40hrs+? Give me a break! ...i think you misunderstood the MAIN point of my post man...... ...let me point it really simple for you: What' s wrong with a standard-ish dualshock-style controller? Ok theres nothing wrong with current controllers they can pretty much cover most controls required to interact in a game. However they are not perfect. Games that require a point an click interface like FPS, RTS and maybe some RPGs, current console controllers are not so ideal. On the other hand Wiis controller is perfectly suited for point and click style games. Though I must admit the Wii mote will not be suitable for all games as well, but in my mind a necessary step in the evolution of game interaction. I mean you can' t expect current controllers to remain the same forever do you?
< Message edited by Terrak -- 20 Sep 06 4:18:45 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 20, 2006 13:42
I' ve said this before but I think the Wii mote would be terribly tiresome to use, I can' t imagine spending an afternoon with this thing. One of the things I like about videogames is that it involves no physical exersion. One could pick up a controller and get absorbed right into the game. You feel like your mind is connected with the game rather then your body. I don' t think the hardcore gamers such as ourselves will be too impressed with Wii compared to the other two three years from now. That being said I strongly believe that Wii will be wildly successful because it will attract parents, casual gamers and the super hardcore gamer who buy everything. Nintendo has a much simpler and " safer" buisness model. Instead of selling the consoles at a loss and hoping to make up for it with the games, Nintendo is making a profit off of the hardware itself from day one. This and the fact that they have no reason to have any shortage problems leads me to believe that nintendo is going to sell a lot of these suckers. My point that I' m trying to make is that its easy to get caught up in the hype, and be convinced on Wii purely by its success. My opinion is that both PS3 and 360 are better consoles for experienced gamers even considering that they are more expensive. The Wiimote looks like a neat idea and i' m sure it will bring a few new experiences but its just a hook. The Wiimote is nothing more then an excuse to have a new console, because the fact is, if wii was competing against the other two with nothing but a lower price point, Nintendo would have trouble selling the the things.
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 20, 2006 18:44
Is the Wii-mote simply a gimmick? No, I don' t think so. That would' ve been like calling the analog stick a gimmick when it arrived. Analog sticks made everything more complicated and we felt that d-pads were enough. But now we can' t live without analog sticks. I see the Wiimote as the next analog stick. I think the Wii-mote will work fine with both mini-games and hardcore games. Zelda:TP, Metroid Prime 3 and Mario Galaxy being three examples of the latter. The only genre I can think of that won' t fit the Wii-mote is fighting games. Other than that I think pretty much every genre will benefit from the controller. Not only will the games feel fresh and more fun, but they will actually be much more intuitive. Battalion Wars, and other RTS games, played with the Wii-mote must be much better than if they were played with a regular controller. The Wii-mote isn' t just about evolving existing gameplay but it' s also about bringing completely new kinds of gameplay to us and to expand the gamer population. I can really understand why a person who hasn' t played videogames before wouldn' t want to try it because the current controllers are really difficult to learn. I remember the first time I tried out an analog stick. I cursed it and called it a product of Satan. The Wii-mote however seems more natural and easy to understand. Using the Wii-mote will definitely not be exhausting. It' s very small and it' s weight is not much. You don' t have to wave it like you see in some commersials. Slightly adjusting the angle of your wrist will work just fine and if you think for a moment you' ll realise that you move your hands pretty much when you use todays standard controllers. I think that after using the Wii-mote in some games we' re going to wish we could use it for some PS3 and 360 games. If being a harcore gamer means you' re not flexible and only rely on ways of the past, then the Wii is definitely not for hardcore gamers. If being a hardcore gamer means that you strive to find the best and funniest ways to enjoy electronic entertainment, then the Wii is definitely hardcore.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 20 Sep 06 10:44:56 >
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 21, 2006 01:02
I mean you can' t expect current controllers to remain the same forever do you? ...of course not... ....now tell me this: do you expect the wii-mote to replace Dual-shock type controllers? Is the Wii-mote simply a gimmick? No, I don' t think so. That would' ve been like calling the analog stick a gimmick when it arrived ...you can' t be serious can you?... ...surely analog was created as an intelligent solution for console controllers to emulate a PC' s keyboard and mouse movements? ...anyway man, i' m not convinced buy your argument... ...we play currently using tiny movements of our thumbs and fingers... ...through these minimal movements, we are open to a huge array of interaction with current standard controllers.... ....in the near future, i wouldn' t be surprised if real-life super-sonic jet fighters were controlled by using a similar sort of advanced peripheral... ....there is NO WAY that this will be the same for the wii-mote... ....why?... ...because it' s control method (wrist, hand and arm based) is simply backwards and inefficient.... ....did i also see right during that clip, in that there are ONLY 2 BUTTONS used during game-play?.... .....definitely backwards...  ... ...although i agree that this style of simplistic, over-the-top gameplay could be immensely attractive to non-gamers... ...the Wii could definitely be really successful in the mainstream...
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 21, 2006 01:29
...you can' t be serious can you?... ...surely analog was created as an intelligent solution for console controllers to emulate a PC' s keyboard and mouse movements? And Wiimote improves Mouse and Keyboard emulation even further.
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 21, 2006 02:33
It' s okay to look like an idiot if you' re happy. Apparently many guys are happy PS: Seanbaby from EGM did some touring during E3, I think. Anyway he had an article showing different game peripherals and there was this VERY cool mouse that is suspended by 3 rods, and depending on what is selected, it gives the tactile feeling of the object. For example, he tried out the molasses one and it REALLY FELT LIKE it. Can' t remember the company' s name, they were a small one, possibly a division from a larger company but still looking for game developers.
< Message edited by Byakko -- 20 Sep 06 18:36:27 >
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 21, 2006 02:47
...you can' t be serious can you?... ...surely analog was created as an intelligent solution for console controllers to emulate a PC' s keyboard and mouse movements? The Wii-mote resembles the mousekeyboard setup even more and it even surpases it since it can move in real 3D space. ...anyway man, i' m not convinced buy your argument... ...we play currently using tiny movements of our thumbs and fingers... ...through these minimal movements, we are open to a huge array of interaction with current standard controllers.... The Wii-mote offers even more interaction since the nunchuck controller offers gyroscopic funcitons as well. Two gyroscopic devices, one analog stick, one d-pad, two action buttons and two trigger buttons can all be used at the same time. That offers way more interaction than todays standard controllers. The movements required to operate the Wii-mote are not big or exhausting. In some games, such as Wii sports, moves will have to be bigger but that is because they want you to imitate the same movements the real life experience would require. So in some cases the movements are big but there are good reasons for it. ....in the near future, i wouldn' t be surprised if real-life super-sonic jet fighters were controlled by using a similar sort of advanced peripheral... ....there is NO WAY that this will be the same for the wii-mote... Such machines require much higher precision than offered by regular controllers. Also, todays controllers aren' t intuitive enough to ensure safe use. Of course, the Wii-mote could never be used in air planes since a plane is in movement which would result in involuntary actions. Todays " joystick" setup in air planes is by far the most efficient control method. ....did i also see right during that clip, in that there are ONLY 2 BUTTONS used during game-play?.... In some games simplicity is the key and those games will use very few buttons simply because the controller is so great, intuitive and functionable that it requiers no more. That' s the proof of the usefulness of the Wii-mote, thanks for proving that. However, as I said above the Wii-mote offers additional inputs that easily makes the controller very handy in all kinds of games and situations. ...although i agree that this style of simplistic, over-the-top gameplay could be immensely attractive to non-gamers... ...the Wii could definitely be really successful in the mainstream... The Wii-mote should appeal to hardcore gamers too since it offers more inputs and intuitive controls at the same time. This is just my view on it though. I understand if you are not fully impressed by the controller and I' m sure the Wii isn' t for everyone. But I hope you' ll give the controller a fair chance once it' s launched. I have to say that I feel slightly insulted when you imply that only mainstream and non-gamers will be entertained by the Wii-mote.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 20 Sep 06 18:55:14 >
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 21, 2006 03:04
...oh yeah, those comparing the wii-mote to PS3' s SIXAXIS should remember that the whole motion-sensing thing is not much more than a ' me too' last minute tak-on... ...you' ll still spend 90% of the time playing it like a regular PSOne controller... Hate to break it to ya, but their SIXAXIS has been in the works since 1999. and I' m really getting tired of posting to the same link every friggin time.
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 21, 2006 03:35
that' c cool and all but Nintendo stoned (yes it engraved it on a stone) similiar patent in 45 BC.
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 21, 2006 03:35
@ ginjirou ...i guess i can only comment further after i actually get to use the wii-mote for myself... ...some of my impressions could be wrong... ...the wii-mote could be better than how i currently perceive it to be... ...although i remain sceptical (how would it work with a game like Ninja Gaiden Sigma? of Devil May Cry 4?), i am still likely to pick up a Wii sometime...
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 21, 2006 03:39
(how would it work with a game like Ninja Gaiden Sigma? of Devil May Cry 4?), I don' t know, but I guess that if Zelda: TP will work fine with it then those games should be able to work just fine too. But then... what if the controller doesn' t work well with Zelda: TP? I can' t wait to try it out and find out for myself!
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 21, 2006 04:53
...you can' t be serious can you?... ...surely analog was created as an intelligent solution for console controllers to emulate a PC' s keyboard and mouse movements? I thought it to have better control in a 3D environment? I can also see how it would work in a DMC or NG And it can bypass First person in shooters (Batillon Wars & Resident Evil 4) without harming control setup. Just imagine having that gun attachment and the nunchuck at the same time
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 21, 2006 04:57
Hey, Kannon! Is Kikizo boring you or something? You haven' t posted much lately.
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 21, 2006 10:21
Thanks Ginjirou, you pretty much summed up everything i was trying to say. Anyway i know the Wiimote will not be suitable for everything, Super Smash Bros Brawl, one of the few games i am really (REALLY) looking forward too could not be made to work with the Wiimote, which is a shame really. You have to get the classic controller to play it (i don' t think they will allow you to use the GCN controller to play Wii games - if true it sucks becuase i have 4 GCN controllers which i don' t use much anymore). So it is not a complete replacement to current controllers. But its better suited to some games and not others, with Wii you have a choice, which can' t be a bad thing.
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- Joined: Jan 02, 2006
RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 21, 2006 20:06
You know, since this entire Nintendo revealed their strategy to appeal to the mainstream, there has been one thing on my mind; and that is... FUCK MAINSTREAM GAMERS. Seriousely, who the hell needs them? I like gaming as it is now (and even more as it was during the 90s), a selective kind of geek lifestyle, with people who are deeply involved in gaming being the main contributors. I don' t really want or need a future where I try to start a casual conversation with someone in the street, only to have them unintelligibly rave about the new HALO or Grand Theft Auto game. Then I would go: " Do you like Final Fantasy?" , he would reply: " what' s that?" , at which point I would be forced to bash his fucking head in. Thank for sending me to jail Nintendo!!!
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 21, 2006 20:56
ORIGINAL: Papado You know, since this entire Nintendo revealed their strategy to appeal to the mainstream, there has been one thing on my mind; and that is... FUCK MAINSTREAM GAMERS. Seriousely, who the hell needs them? Yeah, who cares about making money? What kind of idiot would want to return profit from an industry that makes more than hollywood?
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 22, 2006 04:56
I was not writing this from the point of view of a Nintendo/Sony/MS exec, but rather from that of a gamer. Maybe if you cared to read the rest of my post you would understand. Stay in school kids!
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 22, 2006 04:58
I also dislike the mainstream gamer,they make each game to easy nowdays.
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RE: Is the Wii-mote retarded?
Sep 22, 2006 05:11
If there were no mainstream gamers the developers wouldn' t make as much money on games as they do now and that would mean less money for new projects, in other words, less big budget games like Shenmue, Final Fantasy, Lost Oddysee and so on. Just because mainstream gamers are targetet doesn' t mean the console itself is made exclusively for them. Mainstream gamers are important as they make sure the videogame industry gets enough money. It IS important to expand the market because no company wants to be in a stale market. Companies wants to expand and get more customers. The money developers and publishers make on the Wii games targetet at non-gamers and casual gamers will be used in projects for us hardcore gamers. The money Nintendo gets from Wii Play will come in handy when they make, let' s say, Zelda TP2.
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