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Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 08, 2007 00:21
Id play your game, id also like to play heavenly sword, it looks cool, and the story seems to be well done. I think ill pick up my 40gb Ps3 tomorrow, if i do it this week ill get spiderman 3 as well. might bring some old games and get some points to get Heavenly sword as well just to have osmething to play on it
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 08, 2007 00:42
Spiderman 3 the game?
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 08, 2007 00:46
no the movie
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 08, 2007 00:49
No one has mentioned Yoshi' s Island(SNES/GBA)? I want another game that trippy. Anyone else remember the level ' touch fuzzy get dizzy' ?
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RE: Ideal game?
Nov 08, 2007 02:15
Haha! I loved that level!
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RE: Ideal game?
Nov 08, 2007 09:10
Seems Mario Galaxy is the ideal game. Every review I' ve seen so far is just good and the hardly have anything to complain about and most of it are small thing when they do complain about something. I can' t wait to get my hands on that one. An ideal game for me just has to have great gameplay, attention for detail, a good story that sucks you into the game, great sound, graphics that atleast meet the basic of what you expect to see on the platform better is a nice bonus.
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- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 08, 2007 13:34
Yeah, I mean Mario has a great story /end sarcasm
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 08, 2007 13:36
What can i say i' m a conservative gamer, Why you think i' m a fan of Nintendo That' s the weirdest thing you' ve ever said. So on top of having a bum philosophy, conservatives also have bad tastes with videogames? Maybe I' ll write a letter to the Prime Minister and ask him what he likes to play. It would be a good press question to catch them off guard with. ------------------ Back on topic: I have similar ways to judge games as VX actually.... Aside from what he mentioned. There are a few red flags that a game might have that alert me not to bother with it. 1. I don' t do platform jumping. I won' t buy Assasins Creed or Drakes Fortune on the sole basis of this. I can handle this to an extent on a handheld if the game is 2D, but 3D on a console fuck off! I' d like to think we' ve advanced enough where platform jumping is seen as pure shit. 2. Actually that' s all I can think of at the moment...
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 8 Nov 07 5:53:34 >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 08, 2007 14:38
My ideal, DREAM game (one type at least) would be an action platformer--horizontal scrolling shooter hybrid of sorts.. Throw in bits of Klonoa 2, bits of Salamander 2, Gradius series, Parodius, and a number of other elements from other platformers and shooters. The two most important aspects of the game for me would be Gameplay and Music. I need both to be top notch.... Story isn' t all that important to me. Graphics, not too important as well, I mean I like a nice looking game of course, but I' ll gladly sacrifice incredible detail for better music and gameplay.. As for length, I like short-to-moderately long games (3 - 11 hours). Game must have a lot of replayability cause often times I' ll replay games half a dozen to a dozen times from beginning to end. I' m currently on my 13th playthrough of Project Sylpheed. When I enjoy a game believe me, I will play the ever living HELL out of it!  . The platforming sections of the game has to have fancy/tricky jumping sections with a scrolling screen pushing you to your doom if you' re not fast enough. I absolutely Love that stuff! The shoot-em ' up sections have to have upgradeable power-ups. And like the Salamander series there has to be both horizontal (most important) and vertical (least important) scrolling levels.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 8 Nov 07 6:41:44 >
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RE: Ideal game?
Nov 08, 2007 14:50
ORIGINAL: Nitro I just want to commit murder, dressed as a Ninja, using a big freaking sword. Awesome
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 08, 2007 17:57
@ Terry Its called Super Contra
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 08, 2007 20:39
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx @ Terry Its called Metal Slug Fixed.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 09, 2007 01:11
Actually it' s called neither games  lol... What I was trying to say is that the action platforming and the shoot ' em aspects will be separate parts of the same game.... Kind of like you' re playing a 2D Mario/Sonic/Klonoa platforming game and you' re engaging in all sorts of platforming goodness, and then when the characters reach the end of that level they enter a ship that blasts off and then the game suddenly turns into a shoot ' em up.. There was an RPG + shooter game released for the GameBoy Advance a few years ago, I don' t remember the name but the idea was along similar lines. I guess another example has been sitting in front of me all along and I failed to mention it. Ratchet and Clank takes on a " jack of all trades" approach with action platforming gameplay and a few 3D space shooting sections as well. The space shooting portion kinda sucks but that type of design is what I was trying to get at.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 09, 2007 01:24
Ideal Game? Depends what mood im in.
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- Joined: Jan 30, 2006
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 09, 2007 04:21
Graphics: As long as they don' t always make my eyes bleed, I' ll be alright. (River City Rampage, Good; Wasteland, BAD!) Sound: Abient doesn' t need to be very sharp or realistic, but it should at least be apparent where it' s coming from. As for music and voice acting, do it right, or don' t use it at all. Most BGM sucks anyway. Length: Directly proportionate to cost. I will gladly pay $60 for a 20-40 hour game, but when the game is only a few hours long, like Portal, I expect to pay less. Replayability: Nice if you' ve got it, but not that essential. In fact, I' m somewhat annoyed by games that have too many collectibles in them. I simehow feel obligated to collect all of them or I' m not getting my money' s worth. Gameplay: PARAMOUNT! If this sucks, forget it. It doesn' t matter how great the rest of it is, If I can' t play it comfortably, why bother? Story: Secondary to gameplay, but still more important than the others. My ideal game is a realistic true crime/open ended/action/adventure/RPG with realistic gun physics. Like Resevoir Dogs or Ronin, where your character(s) are just as fragile as the average or slightly above average human being, meaning you take 2 or 3 bullets AT BEST and then go down. That and I' d like a sort of suspicion system where the cops won' t bother you until you start acting shady or do something. I' m probably too optimistic about this.
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- Joined: Mar 28, 2007
- Location: Deal, England
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 09, 2007 16:39
Ideal game would be sandbox style ninja driving rpg with guns, giant robots, aliens and huge-breasted vampire chicks. Graphics: I' m probably a bit of a graphics whore, but as long as a game avoids the sin of boring repetetive level appearance I' m ok. Sound and Music: Music not bothered about, but background and tension sound vital for the experience. Length: Depends on the game. Replayability: Needs at least 2 or 3 plays through, either with harder levels or branching structure to try. Gameplay: Must be enjoyable, must never feel like a chore. Story: Sufficient to drive the gameplay is enough. Genre: I play just about all, but a good RPG with some first person shooting/swordplay is probably at the top.
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- Joined: Sep 28, 2007
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 09, 2007 20:02
Terry Bogard There was an RPG + shooter game released for the GameBoy Advance a few years ago, I don' t remember the name but the idea was along similar lines. That would be Sigma Star Saga. It was an ok game, a bit meh, in general it felt a bit lacking, on foot exploring was dull, and your standard " random RPG battles" were switched with side-scrolling space shooter action... But in the end, i still give it a meh.
< Message edited by killemoff -- 9 Nov 07 12:03:37 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 09, 2007 22:54
Night Trap with more buttsecks.
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