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Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 16:57
What do you find important in games, and how would you describe your ideal game? Graphics: High detail isnt as important to me, as having a unique style. Attention to detail is important. A game world really comes to life with ambient surroundings. Birds flying in the air, critters scrawling around the floor, stuff blowing around in the wind. Sound: Again ambience is of most importance, birds singing trickling water, wind blowing. Voice acting needs to be well done, i can still hear RE in my head. horrible. Music: This is probably one of the least important things for me, though it still needs to be there ofcourse, i dont remember game music the second after iv heard it, though its good for setting the mood. Length: Dependent on the genre, i like my games 12-20 hours long. A bit longer in RPG' s. Though its important that games dont feel too long. But its just as important that they dont feel too short. Replayability: This isnt a big factor for me, since i rarely have time to go a game more than once, though if the expirience is really great ill pick up again down the line. I dont go in search of collectibles in games. Story: This is probably one of the most important areas in a game for me, i can sit through a lot of the story is gripping. Though in games like Zelda or Mario where there is no story, gameplay can keep me there, though i still feel better about completing a game that tells a story. Gameplay: ' As touched upon in the story segment, gameplay isnt always all important, but its needless to say good gameplay is always prefered. Genre: I have no real favorite genre, though western rpg comes close. I dislike racing games, sports games, party games and brain training games. Additional info: I like blood and dismemberment, but it needs to fit the bill ofcourse. And im a sucker for pretty female lead characters (which is why i want heavenly sword  ) Favorite computer characters ever:
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 17:49
Ninja Gaiden /end
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 17:51
Ninja gaiden excels in a lot of areas, though Team Ninja should work on making the story make sense, atleast just a little bit. I want to know who people are, and why im killing them
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 18:02
I just want to commit murder, dressed as a Ninja, using a big freaking sword. I' d do it in real life if i wouldn' t face life inprisonment...
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 18:05
LOL i remember having a thing for Cate Archer the first time i played NOLFE 2. I still think shes a damn sexy character with all the right proportions, and a sexy voice to boot. I guess shes like the Female Bond. I find what you consider important in games similar to my own (like music being the least). I still find Graphics a very important factor, but if the game is offering something different (like the Wii & the PSeye is looking interesting) i' m willing to make exceptions to the rule. As for genre i can play anygame really. I prefer FPS, RTS, racing, don' t mind sports or RPGs and party games are okay when friends are around I don' t particularly like gore, i think its should be used sparingly and tastefully, although that too can be open to interpretation.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 18:16
ORIGINAL: Terrak I don' t particularly like gore, i think its should be used sparingly and tastefully, although that too can be open to interpretation. Pussy. Every game should have decapitations, limb severing and glorious spurts of blood.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 18:21
To clarify i mean games like Manhunt were the main attraction is the gore factor. What can i say i' m a conservative gamer, Why you think i' m a fan of Nintendo
< Message edited by Terrak -- 7 Nov 07 10:21:52 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 18:49
Would be cool with a Mario themed Resident Evil, seeing princess peach decapitated!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 19:26
Well Luigi' s never got any lovin' from the Princess, so if i were making a Mario game, i' d have it start with Mario catching Luigi anally raping Peach, Luigi hightailing it to the " safe" confines of Bowsers castle and Mario going after him. It' d play a bit like Assassins Creed, with mario taking out various key henchmen in order to gain access to the castle and save his beloved. Peach would be kept in the highest tower in the castle which would be visible from most of the Mushroom Kingdom, and if you play poorly you' d be able to hear her moan in pleasure, and if you play well you' d be able to hear her screams of agony. Get to the end and beat a Bowser & Luigi tag team boss battle and Mario gets to do the princess himself. At the end of the final cutscene, you see Peach from behind on her hands and knees, she turns to the camera, winks, and tells Mario he can put it anywhere he wants...
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 20:51
Im sure a game like thats floating about the dark corners of the net somewhere! Made by some Japanese hentai artist in his basement... Was watching the new ghost in the shell movie last night, solid state society. Would be sooo cool made as a FPS-Adventure-RPG game. Attention to detail in the 2D/3D art style, the ambient sounds, the music of course (should employ Yoko Kanno herself), the almost incomprehensible storyline and dialog, free roam explorable cyberpunk world, upgradable weapons and characters via cyberimplants etc etc. The game would be perfect!
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- Joined: Jun 11, 2007
- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 21:19
Graphics: This needs to be well done. I am not saying it needs to be the best, but it has to look like they put time and effort into it. I would say I am less picky about this area then some others though. Sound: I feel the sound should fit and again show that there was work put into it. Again not horribly picky, but bad sound can ruin a game quick. Music: I feel this is really less important thing, and should be used where it fits and should not detract from the story or the gameplay. I hate it when games make the sound distracting, subtlety is always the way to go. Length: This can vary, but I feel that certain genre need to be longer then others, i.e. fps can be short as long as it has online, rpg has to be long since most times replay isn' t great, etc. Replayability: This isn' t really a big deal for me, because I like the whole excitement and thrill of the unknown that you have the first time you play most games and playing it again looses that completely. Story: This should be good and at least well thought out. For certain genre it is less important and for others it is everything. Kinda like what VX said this can make me stick around if it is really good, despite other parts being bad. Gameplay: This is usually very important, but in some games can be made up for by the story. It also needs to be as diverse as possible so that I don' t feel like it is repetitive.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 21:57
I am still waiting for the Mario GTA episodes where he pimps out Princess Peach, whilst selling mushrooms on the street and beating Wario' s and Bowser' s rival gangs.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 22:03
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Ninja gaiden excels in a lot of areas, though Team Ninja should work on making the story make sense, atleast just a little bit. I want to know who people are, and why im killing them Whatchu talking ' bout Willis? There is a story in Ninja Gaiden, it' s just that you need to look at it carefully, I could bore you with the rundowns and plot-twists you probably did miss. After playing the game at least over 100 times through (clocking-up almost 600 hours on it since 2004) I would know, trust me. I' ll write my thoughts on the ideal game later. Majik is 99.9% right when he says Ninja Gaiden.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 22:37
I' d like some kind of KOTOR/Resident Evil 4 hybrid. You know, like RE4 but with more open plot with choices and stuff like in KOTOR. Sandbox-RE4-RPG. Kind of. That' d be cool.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 22:56
Whatchu talking ' bout Willis? There is a story in Ninja Gaiden, it' s just that you need to look at it carefully, I could bore you with the rundowns and plot-twists you probably did miss. After playing the game at least over 100 times through (clocking-up almost 600 hours on it since 2004) I would know, trust me. I' ll write my thoughts on the ideal game later. Majik is 99.9% right when he says Ninja Gaiden. If you need to play somethign 100 times to get the plot in a game like Ninja Gaiden the script writer made a mistake. Games as Kotor or Planescape, are for more complex, but only need a single playthrough or two to get the bulk of the story.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 23:45
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical If you need to play somethign 100 times to get the plot in a game like Ninja Gaiden the script writer made a mistake. No, no, no. You are mistaken Padawan. I played it through that many times purely because I love the game. I got the story after about 3 times play through, that' s because the focus of Ninja Gaiden is not to highlight the story, but kickass gameplay and it' s a nice length so that you' ll gander a look into a 2nd playthrough.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 23:49
Yeah it kick as gameplay with poorly executed story, kinda like Super Mario, just with ninjas, swords and blood.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 07, 2007 23:57
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Yeah it kick as gameplay with poorly executed story, kinda like Super Mario, just with ninjas, swords and blood. I suppose that' s a fair way to put it, I' m gonna stop defending it. It' s like Advent Children, you either get it or you don' t and there' s loadsa action along the way to that conclusion.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 08, 2007 00:04
Final Fantasy might have a decent story, but the gameplay is horrid
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ideal game?
Nov 08, 2007 00:06
Heavenly Sword has a well told story...  But gameplay? Not so much. But hey, ...could we try and get my Mario game made? Anybody have Miyamoto' s home phone number?
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