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HD gaming. How does it help?
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Vx Chemical
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RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 27, 2006 14:43
funny thing is, now with full diect X 10 (not like 360s excuse) and mega powerful GPU' s and multi-core CPu' s.. PC gaming will rise even bigger. unfortunately it wont be so, ofcourse PC games wil always look better than console games, with exceptions, as Resident Evil and GoW are really shinning examples on the consoles both of which had/has nothing prettier on the PC. But PC games wont be much on the rise, it simply costs to much to compare to the consoles, one graphic card costs as much as a game console, and then tehre is the quad cpu, 2gp ram, physichs card, sound card, sound system, monitor of reasonable size. And monthly/annual upgrade to various parts, PC gaming is a rich mans sport!
Agent Ghost
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RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 27, 2006 15:36
Yet you see people buy 2000$ HD tvs and buy new consoles for ridiculous prices. Both console and PC gaming is expensive, but they can both be cheap if you can live with a ps2 on an old SD tv or a five year old computer.
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RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 27, 2006 15:45
but tninking about how big of a television you get for those 2000 dollars, there is a difference as to what size could get a computer screen. I agree on PC gaming being more expensive and more troublesome. But there' s a lot of upsides to it as well, such as constant improvement of quality. Pc might have nothining that can compete with Gears as of today, however tomorrow gears will be on the PC and after that Crysis comes. Still I don' t wanna buy a graphics card for the price of a Ps3, my computer is for schoolwork and Minesweep.
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 27 Nov 06 7:46:06 >
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RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 28, 2006 06:24
My LCD is not 3 ms it is 2 ms.
 how big?
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 28, 2006 06:51
But PC games wont be much on the rise, it simply costs to much to compare to the consoles, one graphic card costs as much as a game console, and then tehre is the quad cpu, 2gp ram, physichs card, sound card, sound system, monitor of reasonable size. And monthly/annual upgrade to various parts, PC gaming is a rich mans sport! Yes, it would be easy to agree with this, however people have been saying the same thing for years now, Even back in the 16bit days, to have a pc that was up there graphically would have costed a Bomb. People will always upgrade their PCs.. Visa takes full advantage of multi-core processing which will not only benifit for games but also office applications. Most high end, offices, home businesses will most likely upgrade to Multi-core to get the best and most efficient results for multi-tasking speeds and general business practices.. A percentage of these will obviously add a decent GPU and use there PC' s for gaming also. like how i started 4 years ago.
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RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 28, 2006 08:49
PC gaming, will not stop purely because of next gen consoles, there are some things you can do on a PC using a KBD and mouse that you can' t on a console, and before anyone even bothers saying you can get a KBD and mouse for consoles, I will answer you with why bother when you have these already on a PC. PC gaming can be an expensive hobby unless you build it yourself, rather than goto brand named machines.
< Message edited by alijay034 -- 28 Nov 06 0:49:46 >
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RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 28, 2006 09:12
I get most of my gaming from my PC too. I' m a big fan of FPS and RTS so consoles aren' t high on my gaming list - though Wiis unique controller has tweaked my interest somewhat. I also build my own computers. I guess it comes down to taste, i don' t think currently any platform can do all the genres well, PCs have FPS and RTS and MMO (WoW), consoles have pretty much everything else (being very broad here). PC gaming is an expensive hobby if you want the best but there is more affordable PC gaming to be had. BTW welcome to the Kikizo forums Alijay034!
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RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 28, 2006 09:26
Yes, welcome Alijay034!!
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 28, 2006 09:34
Many thanks for the welcome, however I have been browsing the site for some time, but only decided to join up as there don' t seem to be any decent gaming forums around since Sony did the dirty on the Hong kong based company. I do wonder about the wii controller/s and how many wii related injuries hospitals are going to be faced with over the Xmas period!!!!
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RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 28, 2006 09:49
im sure that plenty greedy bastards will kill somone over a wii. i heard on the news that some 9 year old killed his grandmother in walmart in wisconsin or somwhere in that direction, because she wouldnt buy him a wii.
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RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 28, 2006 09:53
I' m sick of hearing how Sony killed Lik-Sang. I bought tons of shit from them but the way they reacted is pathetic. It' s not like they weren' t repeatedly warned, and even though they were technically within their rights to sell Sony' s products internationally, they too a risk that really wasn' t worth taking and paid the price. They' ll be back though.
Evil Man
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RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 28, 2006 10:07
Look at me I' m so fucking cool smashing my face against my little 17" inch LCD and thinking I' m HD gaming. And this fernandino guy is a complete fucking moron, yes every PC gamer has PCs that allow them to play new PC games at 100FPS with all effects on - Just stfu, you' re a dumb fuck. You couldn' t buy a PC that will let you play new games at those kinds of fps, the hardware that would require doesn' t exist.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 28 Nov 06 2:18:18 >
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RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 28, 2006 10:24
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RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 28, 2006 16:17
This is what the average PC gamer looks like... ...
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 28, 2006 17:46
Evil you might not be able to buy one off the shelf but the components are there to build one, it might cost you double or treble the cost of the PS3 but it is possible. Majikdra6on, please read the post before making a statement, I said did the dirty not killed that was down to the owners decision, by dirty I mean suing them in particular not others, singling them out as the main rule breakers. Also your picture is incorrect the average age of a PC gamer is the age of the kid multiplied by 3, consoles tend to be the weapon of choice and the more mature will end up with both.
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RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 29, 2006 03:16
This is what the average PC gamer looks like...
Is that Kickass331? Look at me I' m so fucking cool smashing my face against my little 17" inch LCD and thinking I' m HD gaming.
I can' t tell who that was directed at so I' ll cover all the bases. First off the bat, anybody with a nice enough PC isn' t going to settle for 17 inches' ' , you' d have to be seriously slow to not have a nice monitor with a hight end PC. & If that was directed at me. Anything bigger than about 24 inches is just too big for me. All my games are in my bedroom, which already has bookcases, 2 desks and a full bed. Not much room for 50" plasma monsters.
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RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 29, 2006 04:32
Evil Man Talks shit without thinking again. If you get a big HDTV the difference between it and standard TVs is breathtakening. Yeah it' s really old for PC gamers to being playing on 50" HDTVs. Comparing shitty little monitors PC gamers use to true HD experience on a big screen is asinine. Look at me I' m so fucking cool smashing my face against my little 17" inch LCD and thinking I' m HD gaming.
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RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 29, 2006 04:55
Let' s not get this old argument rolling again. Evil man has a very high standard for what he considers HD gaming. Take it for what you will, but don' t bother getting anybody riled up. Not that it' s not funny or anything, it' s just that it doesn' t do anything productive.
Agent Ghost
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RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 29, 2006 05:41
The size doesn' t matter as much as the resolution and computer monitors can exceed 2560x1600 and still be cheaper than HD TVs. Of course at that resolution You' re going to need a top of the line videocard and maybe two of them actually. My point is that if you can afford it and want the best it will always be on PC. All the tech in consoles is basically tech from the PC world.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 28 Nov 06 23:24:53 >
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RE: HD gaming. How does it help?
Nov 29, 2006 06:26
When did this become a pissing contest?
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 28 Nov 06 22:43:06 >
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