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Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 12, 2006 16:39
CAPCOM, for some unknown reason have seen fit to close one of their best studios... Our company will inform that the dissolution of clover studio Ltd. that is our subsidiary company was resolved in Managing Board of holding on October 12, 2006. Record 1. Outline of subsidiary company that dissolves (1) Trade name: Clover studio Ltd. (2) Address: 3 chome in plains townsecond No.8 in Osaka City Chuo Ward (3) Representative name: Halhiroshi Tsujimoto (4) Foundation Date: July 1, 2004 (5) The capital: 90 million yen (6) Activities: Development of domestic game software (7) Main shareholder: Capcom Ltd. 100% 1. Reason for dissolution It was assumed that this company was dissolved to attempt efficient development development by selecting and concentrating the entire group though clover studio Ltd. had developed domestic game software to create the title that had originality. 2. Schedule for the future Liquidation Musshima: Schedule at the end of March, 2007 3. Outlook for the future About 400 million yen is scheduled to be summed up to the Financial Statements for Interim Period Ended Sept 30, 2006 as an extraordinary loss about loss Mi Cogac according to the dissolution of a subsidiary company concerned. The content is woven to the correction of the performance forecast dated of the same day. Excite translated press release WIRED Theye were only responsible for; Viewtiful Joe, Okami and God Hand but come on, they could have created some awesome next-gen games!
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 12, 2006 18:43
that is a bad news, why did it happen?
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- Joined: Jul 08, 2006
RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 12, 2006 22:50
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 13, 2006 00:30
Clover what? Yeah i know, but the forum is so dead today! did we scare people away again?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 13, 2006 00:32
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Clover what? Yeah i know, but the forum is so dead today! did we scare people away again? I was wondering that a short while ago. It is a Thursday though, so that probably explains it...
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 13, 2006 00:35
Got examinations in less than a month! And I failed my prelims! And I' m on a forum slacking, lol! Anyway, dammit, does that mean any chance of a port/sequel of Okami (on Wii, since it' s perfect for it) is completely gone!? Doesn' t Capcom make enough money? Surely they could have held off till Clover creates a blockbuster (in terms of sales, quality wise they' re better than many  ) before liquidating them
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 13, 2006 00:38
arent they just shifting people around to other studios? gathering up people to a more centralized company structure? Yeah, but it was soo dead yesterday as well! Yawn
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 13, 2006 00:40
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical arent they just shifting people around to other studios? gathering up people to a more centralized company structure? Yeah, but it was soo dead yesterday as well! Yawn 8 Days until Double Agent!
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 13, 2006 00:43
8 Days until Double Agent! Mmm yeah, with luck even less, my dealer usually gets me my shit a few days before hand!
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RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 13, 2006 01:02
Double Agent in 8 days?????? Why did I think it was the 27th it was coming out?? It was someone on here that said it, and I will hang them by their entrails.. On subject: That' s not fair! Did Okami just put them out of pocket or something? They were very creative, even if I only played a bit of Viewtiful Joe, and am still waiting for the anticipated Okami game.. Oh well.. Roll on Lost Planet!
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RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 13, 2006 01:50
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RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 13, 2006 06:40
On the other hand while okami and viewtiful joe were great... God Hand is scum, and makes me wonder if it was really the same studio... it' s one of the worst games i have played in a long time... Thought i' d give it ago for it' s humour, but the game is SO bad.... Maybe capcom played it, and based their decision on it..... Oh well they will join up to the rest of capcom... sure all will be fine.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 13, 2006 08:25
A sad day for us all. but if a game dosent sell, then what can a company do?
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 13, 2006 08:58
Unbelievable! Over the last couple of years, I had been surprised that Capcom, a company I had previously associated with some of the most insipid, uninspired, derivative and stupid games in the whole industry, was publishing these amazing games. Now Capcom' s back to being a no-class third rate publisher I suppose. I wonder if anyone else might buy Clover?
Iad umboros
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 13, 2006 09:30
ORIGINAL: Zoy Unbelievable! Over the last couple of years, I had been surprised that Capcom, a company I had previously associated with some of the most insipid, uninspired, derivative and stupid games in the whole industry, was publishing these amazing games. Now Capcom' s back to being a no-class third rate publisher I suppose. I wonder if anyone else might buy Clover? Um, is this the same Capcom that make Dead Rising and Devil May Cry you' re talking about????? I also heard that the clover team have basically resigned from Capcom individually and will be setting up their own studio in the near future.. think that one was on www.kotaku.com Was Okami on PS2? I never saw it anywhere, but none of my mates play PS2 any more. Looked very nice too. As for the studio closing, I don' t think any of these games sold particularly well. maybe viewtiful Joe in Japan but I think it was their only biggie. Still a shame to see such purveyors of originality be forced to shut down. Then again, it seems we the gamers don' t want to buy their games
< Message edited by Iad umboros -- 13 Oct 06 1:32:15 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 13, 2006 09:49
Capcoms most successful franchises are: Street Fighter Resident Evil Megaman Devil May Cry Monster Hunter Onimusha Games like Killer 7, Dead Rising, Lost Planet [from playing the early demo], Power Stone, Viewtiful Joe etc have all been awesome, and Okami looks superb. They have made bad games but in general their main franchises have been constantly among the best games on supported platforms. Viewtiful Joe probably couldn' t evolve much further but Okami on Wii could have been amazing. Hopefully Clovers staff will get the same kind of creative freedom in their new teams.
Iad umboros
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 13, 2006 10:29
Yes, yes and yes. i think I' m going to get a second hand PS2 to play Okami, Shadow of Colussus and God of War, all games I' m kicking myself because I missed them. If I can get away from online GoW & Pro Evo Soccer before Xmas that is  In fact A PS2 may be a good January sale buy
Evil Man
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RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 13, 2006 10:50
Okami is awesome, I have it. But as far as I' m concerned thats the only good game clover ever made, I thought viewtiful joe sucked ass.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 13, 2006 11:03
Man, don' t worry... the universe will balance out. Shit I bet the employees were absorbed in other development teams. You got to spead the wealth, you know what I' m saying?
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Goodbye Clover Studio
Oct 13, 2006 11:32
Um, is this the same Capcom that make Dead Rising and Devil May Cry you' re talking about????? Dead Rising was lucky to come out at a time when almost nothing else interesting was coming out for the 360... it' s not a great game by any means. I' m not saying it' s bad, but it' s nothing as innovative or stylistically distinct as Okami or Viewtiful Joe. Devil May Cry is above average but the sequels have come too quickly in my opinion. Street Fighter Resident Evil Megaman Devil May Cry Monster Hunter Onimusha AFAIC, Capcom is in the running to be the king of sequel-diarrhea. Each of their series could be trimmed to one or two of their multiple iterations without losing anything of importance.
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