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GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
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GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 21, 2008 02:43
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 21, 2008 03:07
Good to see they kicked off GDC with the " No Shit" announcement. We all knew GOW 2 was coming this holiday season. What I want is a release date for Alan Wake.
Iad umboros
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 21, 2008 03:15
Alan Wake is up for a 21/03 release on Play.com, so hopefully soon but play are hardly the most reliable source. GOW2, I' m drooling already! I' ll have flooded Scotland before November!
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 21, 2008 03:28
AW HELL YEAH! Constructive? No, but I mean, really. What else is there to say? Mjau Like... a cat?
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 21, 2008 05:10
ORIGINAL: Iad umboros Alan Wake is up for a 21/03 release on Play.com, so hopefully soon but play are hardly the most reliable source. That would be cool. I' ve been very interested in that game for quite a while. I didn' t see anything about the pc version though at play.com. Edit : I just took a look at a release list from my wholesaler and I saw some stuff like " Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops Plus" for PSP or " Viking: Battle For Asgard" for 360 etc. but no mention of Alan Wake there yet. Or maybe the UK just gets it a little earlier?
< Message edited by ys -- 20 Feb 08 21:15:56 >
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 21, 2008 05:59
Yeah I was hoping for some sort of news regarding Alan Wake at GDC, but I guess I' ll have to wait some more.
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 21, 2008 06:02
GEARS OF WAR 2 - TEASER TRAILER ebruary 20, 2008 - By now you' ve surely heard the news. Gears of War 2 is coming out this November as an Xbox 360 exclusive. The official announcement came at the end of Microsoft' s GDC 2008 keynote address, complete with Cliffy B chainsawing his way through some paper at the back of the stage. A stylish trailer was shown, but we didn' t get to see any gameplay or hints at how the story would continue. However, earlier in the conference representatives from Epic posed the question, " Imagine what Gears of War would look like if we launched it today?" It was an innocent question that was used as a launching point to discuss new features in the Unereal Engine 3. Or was it? Nobody knows Unreal Engine 3 as well as Epic does. They created it after all. You can be sure all of the latest UE3 tools are used to their utmost ability in Gears of War 2, which means we can use what was shown prior to the Gears of War 2 announcement to speculate. The President of Epic Games, Michael Capps took the stage to show off a few new improvements to the Unreal Engine 3. First he spoke about ambient occlusion technology. This allows the geometry of an object and its surroundings be taken into account for shadows. The result is a truer representation of light reflections. We saw this with both environments and characters (using Marcus Fenix no less) and the improvement is drastic to say the least. The next thing we saw was perhaps more telling -- a Gears of War tech demo with hundreds of locust enemies rushing down a street. New Unreal Engine 3 technology makes it possible. This leaves open the possibility for massive battles in Gears of War 2. The first game featured a small group of humans against a few enemies at each encounter, though that hardly seems to be an upper limit with the sequel. There can now be hundreds of enemies storming the screen. Why wouldn' t it be included in the game? The water, particularly the rain, in Gears of War was pretty spectacular but it still wasn' t as good as what we saw in the tech demo. Specular and environmental reflections on the water and more realistic splashes and waves were shown to highlight dynamic fluid surfaces. One place we' ll likely see this is in the underground immulsion. It wouldn' t be a stretch to see some other cavernous levels with puddles or underground lakes. The demo we saw was at a dock. Perhaps a battle on a beach or a D-Day type invasion is on the way. Behind you... Interacting with and destroying the environment seems like a sure bet in Gears of War 2. Epic spent some time showing the updated ability to realistically destroy just about anything on screen. A fence was shown splintered by an explosive bow shot and a steel reinforced concrete floor was destroyed while the steel bars remained -- you can destroy the face of a level while the structure beneath holds true. Leaping behind cover looks like a temporary safe point in Gears of War 2. Last but not least, there were the soft body physics and fluid bodies. A huge chunk of meat and a ball of liquid metal were shown as examples, both reacting realistically to gunfire and touch. The jiggling meat was very unnerving, but also leaves open the possibilities for some cool things in Gears of War 2. Soft environments would be a start. Some crazy enemies could also be created with these tools. It might not be in the initial interaction that you notice these things. Imagine blowing a limb off of a creature and watching it flop down next to you with a lifelike splatter. Have any extra speculation to add? Leave a comment below.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 20 Feb 08 22:08:53 >
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 21, 2008 07:05
GOW 2, gonna look and run alot shitter than the GOW i already played on PC and got bored of after two goes: HELL YEAH.. not.
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 21, 2008 07:22
Expected, but badass none the less.
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 21, 2008 07:48
GOW 2, gonna look and run alot shitter than the GOW i already played on PC and got bored of after two goes: HELL YEAH.. not. The post itself is poorly written so I can' t really tell what you are trying to say. So you mean that Gears 2 on the 360 is going to run much worse than the PC version of Gears 1 which you didn' t enjoy, and thus, GoW2 isn' t worth looking forward to. Is that pretty much it? I' m definitely looking forward to this game, I' m just hoping that since the engine, art direction, and characters are all basically done, they can focus on a better story, and make it less linear.
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 21, 2008 09:05
GOW 2, gonna look and run alot shitter than the GOW i already played on PC and got bored of after two goes: HELL YEAH.. not. I personally never liked Gow . I am not one for the cover and shoot type of game. The graphics were cool but the game play sucks. Don' t get me wrong it may have been a great game. But to me it plays like crap but it does look great.
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 21, 2008 09:50
Played the 360 version through twice and the PC version once. Everytime I play through it makes me appreciate the game a bit more. The gameplay isn' t groundbreaking but its so balanced. And you can tell Epic really cared about the art design and style of the game, its pretty unique. Especially liked the last level, it looked so nice! (Was ripped from the train assault level from UT right?) The only thing missing from Gears was the actual story. Theres a lot of potential there. It' d make for a great comic. But for some reason they kinda skipped it. I' m not sure if Epic believe in story as a primary focus for their games, in fact I think someone said they thought it was just a means to set the player A-B gameplay objectives. If they go into the background of Sera (and not just in the optional intro!), the people, the military, the locusts, the characters etc etc in detail, I' ll be sold. You know what happened to all the citizens, did they all get eaten, what happened, surely the Gears dudes aren' t the only heroes left to save the planet, are there other countries/cities etc But I' m sure they' ll rather just add a few different moves with the chainsaw, a few different baddies and leave a cliffhanger for Gears 3.
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 21, 2008 16:56
I just about shit myself when they started showing it. Epic did a little demonstration about their updated tech earlier in the conference but they didn' t mention Gears 2 at all. I was going to curse my head off at the keynote when they were ending and then they busted out the Gear 2. I went nuts! I' m so pumped! I' m meeting with Epic tomorrow at 2pm. I' m hoping I get to see more of the tech they showed off. I' m sure that' s about all they' ll show. Hopefully they' ll mention a little stuff about the sequel. My computer died during the keynote so pigs and video will have to wait. Stuck using the Touch for the rest of the conference.
Joe Redifer
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 21, 2008 17:08
I hope that I don' t have to always go touch my squadmates whenever they get hit like I did in the first one. Damn, that was annoying and made the game less good for me. If they removed the entire squad and let me go through the campaign solo, that would have been better. Screw them.
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 21, 2008 19:46
GOW i already played on PC Shitty port. What else is there to say? NOTHING! I can' t wait!!!!  game play sucks. You don' t like cover and shoot type of games fair enough but saying the gameplay sucks is very harsh, I thought gameplay in Gears was nearly perfect.
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 21, 2008 20:14
For some reason I didn' t like the original Gears, its nothing I can put my finger one, it just was not a rewarding experience, it was just a chore. I' ll see what they come up with to see whether the second one is worth getting.
Terry Bogard
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 22, 2008 08:17
Sounds like I better get on the ball and finally play the original Gears of War for pete sake!!
Chee Saw
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 22, 2008 09:03
Gears of War was BRILLIANT! It was just the right length too. I am SO looking forward to part two!
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 22, 2008 13:59
You don' t like cover and shoot type of games fair enough but saying the gameplay sucks is very harsh, I thought gameplay in Gears was nearly perfect. That' s just my opinion I think the game play sucks. It may be great for some but to me its not really that good. But I have seen worse. Edit Okay maybe I was a little to harsh .
< Message edited by mikayd2 -- 22 Feb 08 6:06:03 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: GoW 2 announced for 360 in November!
Feb 22, 2008 22:06
GOW 2, gonna look and run alot shitter than the GOW i already played on PC and got bored of after two goes: HELL YEAH.. not. Virtua Boy 5 translator engaged. GOW 2, gonna look and run alot shitter than the GOW = It is not a 60 fps game made by japanese people. i already played on PC and got bored of after two goes: HELL YEAH.. not. = You dont have to wave a wii mote around like an idiot, the game cant be fun
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