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Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
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Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 08, 2005 16:49
Wow, that game was brillant. Quite a wait for me too since i am such a mgs fan, I thought the story was ace [you can understand the ending this time...] the gameplay is orginall, the graphics for ps2 where breahtaking, what else? I personaly think this is one of the best in the series or even the best of the series. It still get me a little pissed off that it didnt explain one thing. Nice twists though. I perfer it over splinter cell by a mile, i never liked splinter cell, i even got chaos theory so i might change my mind... but i didnt. What you think that game?
Terry Bogard
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 08, 2005 16:57
I' m not even gonna compare this game to Splinter Cell simply because I heard that Rampage owns a gun and is a pretty good marksman.. Anyways, I totally dug Metal Gear Solid 3, it was one hell of a diversified ride!
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 08, 2005 17:12
yeah he seems to like splinter cell, with the sam fisher avatar and all. Do i dare channgle him?
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 08, 2005 17:30
You can' t really compare Splinter Cell to MGS. Splinter Cell has way too much stealth quality in it. While, MGS has action packed tactical stealth movements. In the end, Sam would beat Snake in pure stealth ability. While, if Solid Snake would go combat or weapons training against Sam, Snake would win. I say that Sam would have to take out Snake instantly, none of that knife crap. Snake would use his close quarter combat and beat the living snot out of him. You really can' t compare the 2 together cause they have different aspects of stealth in the games. For instance, Sam hides in the shadows during night time scenery. His objective is not to be seen or interact with ppl unless instructed to. Snake hides in plain open view with camo on. His objective is to take out anybody in his way if seen or caught. Sam' s version of stealth is silence at all times. Snake' s is let me hid while I think of a plan to beat my enemy. Seriously, think about it. They really are 2 different genre' s of stealth.
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 08, 2005 17:54
I didnt like MGS3. I spent more time in the FMV movies than the game, and the online component was nothing but a download area for 4 other camo fits. And monkeys? wtf...
Joe Redifer
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 08, 2005 18:04
How do you get past the first 20 minutes of this game without falling asleep? I started to play and was engaged in SEEMINGLY ENDLESS radio conversation. Once it finally ended I grabed my backpack (the controls sucked) and then sank in something. It was boring.
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 09, 2005 11:10
It' s an absolutely amazing game. Easily the best in the series.
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 09, 2005 15:57
I noticed its either you hate it or you love it.
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 09, 2005 18:22
Bah, they' re just jealous of Hideo' s dream. I do agree with you on it being the best out of the series. Also, Chaos Theory to me was just a mix of 1 and 2 put together. P.S. I beat the game by just using my combat knife throughout the stages and then a tranquilizer gun on the bosses. That was very challenging and a helluva lot of fun. Of course, you had to use stalking mode and it took some time and that' s why it was a challenge.
< Message edited by kombatfighter -- 10 Jun 05 2:25:23 >
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 09, 2005 20:41
Jealous? Because Hideo Kojima made a game? Wow... I respect the man, but I too have my own opinions, and I just dont like what he did with MGS3, and I dont expect MGS4 to be any much better, especially since he won' t be as involved with the project.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 09, 2005 21:05
I do not understand why people refuse to call him " Hideous Kojima" , as clearly his name contains the first 5 letters of that 7 letter word. If he was not hideous, his parents would have named him something else (probably " Moro" , " Disgusti" , or " Unpleasa" .
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 10, 2005 06:50
Darth Hideous. I like it.
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 10, 2005 06:59
thats just wrong joe. You just cant fully appricate good story telling in a game if you say you could not get by the first half hour. Yes the start of the game was the weakest, but just play it longer and i am sure you will learn to like it. that goes for everybody else too. I have to say i feel splinter cell is the same game year after year with some extra added features. I am not saying its a bad game though.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 10, 2005 12:15
Story telling? Just make it into a movie if that' s all it is. Don' t force boring gameplay on me just to watch a story. How hideous.
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 10, 2005 18:22
boring gameplay? ... you sure we are talking about the same game joe?
Joe Redifer
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 10, 2005 19:01
I was wondering that myself.
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 11, 2005 16:37
Heh, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater *** SPOILER *** This game really isn' t about Snake. You' ll have to play it to find out who this really is. I' m not telling you. LOL
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 11, 2005 17:25
you cant really defend Splinter cell if you never really played mgs people. You say, " oh not another 15 mintue cut scene!" , i say " brillant" and actully look forward to them, i enjoy the story telling and twists, sure i could do with a few more of them!. Its a matter if your willing to put up with them or not, you can allways skip them. In closeing: MGS Rules!! Splinter cell suks!!!11!! hahahaha.
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 12, 2005 11:43
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber In closeing: MGS Rules!! Splinter cell suks!!!11!! hahahaha. ... Yep, yep, that was about all it took to bring me in, lol. Hmm... I' m not sure where to start... Okay here we go. I did play MGS3 for about 3 to 4 hours. Cinematics= awesome, gameplay=donkey poo. To start off this comparrison I will say MGS was the best in the series and easily one of the best games ever. from there I will say the enviroments in that played an enormous part. Snake... YOU DON' T F*CKING BELONG IN A JUNGLE!!! Jesus titty f-ing Christ. To play through an outdoor level with an above fixed camera is quite possibly the worst thing you could do in a game. I got so fed up with the craptacular camera that was nearly reason enough to quit playing the game. But nooooooooooooooo, Hideo decides to try and make the game even more stealthy while in the jungle scenes where you can' t see crap but a soldier manages to spot you! Oh joy! I' m gonna have to crawl on my belly into some bushes or under some rubble to hide! Oh but that' s not enough, now we have to go and change our clothes in the middle of an insect filled rainforest in the blink of an eye to match the surroundings once again pulling us out of the real gameply. Ooooo, damn, didn' t pick the right camo and got spotted by a gaurd. No I get my ass handed to me until I finally run away and find one of the very very few hiding spots. Yes I' m safe!!! Wait... what the hell? I' ;m still dying?! Let' s pull back out of the game and hop into the menu again... wtf is this?! Holy sh*t, I' m bruised, poisoned, my leg is broken, and it seems I have a massive zit on the right side of my nose! Guess it' s time to spend 10 minutes applying bandages, medicines, and acne cream to myself. Oh snap, no there' s another infinite hoard of soldiers on my ass. Where do these millions of soldiers keep coming from? Run away!!!! Oh, hell yes! Finally a cinematic! Yeah, that' s basically how I felt whil playing the game. The only reason I wanted to play it was to see the cinematics. The gameplay was absolute garbage. This one tried so hard to copy what splinter cell did that it just tripped over itself. I was really enjoying the movies and the story but the kept making me play the damn game! Curse them! Oh, and don' t get me started about that damn radio... why the *ck do I have to sit through those things. At least in SC you can continue to roam around in the game while they are trying to rot your brain with useless info. I managed to live through MGS2. the gameplay in that one was still not as good as MGS but it was far better than MGS3. It was nice tight levels where snakes moves actually worked. Gah, I really can' t even continue to elaborate on how frustrated I was getting with that game. I also am getting annoyed by how many people say SC is no fun because you have to be stealthy. I think it was like... 3 levels where you couldn' t kill or set off an alarm out of the entire game in SC3. the rest of the levels basically let you kill whoever you want. If you want to run and gu, feel free. I did it numerous times just for the hell of it. Still, stealth does play a big role and it hands the MGS series their own ass on a silver dimond encrusted platter. The lighting system is amazing, the sound level feature f*cking ruled, and the huge amount of moves and gadgets that SC3 had were f*cking nuts! Best game ever. Simple as that. Best game ever. It had the best graphics ever, the best gameplay that easily killed MGS, had amazing sound, amazing online multiplayer, the whipped out the co-op this time around... best game ever! EVER!!! Teh R0X0RZ!!! Now I want to play the game but my friend has it and I have to work on finals. Damn it. So in the end, MGS is an awesome movie that every now and then makes you play the mundane game hidden within. SC3 is the greatest game ever. Oh and Terry, I do have a gun... well actually 12 of them. I a a pretty good marksman too. Over the summer going out and target practicing is one of my favorite things to do.  . I' ll take pictures when I go up to my grandma' s campground next week.
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RE: Finaly Got and Finshed MGS3!
Jun 12, 2005 17:16
well if the camera was such an issue with you rampage then you will be glad to hear that MGS3: subsistance will ferature a new camera a Third-Person View Camera. MGS is realisitc, people did have to use camo and face paint, you cannot run around like medal of honor and suspect to get to the end of the level, for you being a fan of spliter cell, i' d say you should respect that, and thats why the cure system is in there, it also adds to the realism. OK rampage, explain this, how on earth are those guards stupid enough not to see three bright green lights? how can they know excatly where i am when an alarm, goes of [even if i am hideing], how can they not know a room is filled with gas?. And the finalie.. Sam fisher takes an airwaves gum when he gets off the airplane, que 5 seconds close up shot of the airwaves pack, i was allmost expecting sam fisher to say " i am feeling so refreshed right now, ah, thank you airwaves!" . Also the story, ah, another tom cancly terriost plot, oh wait! it involves the cheinesse this time, what a twist. Another thing that bugs me about it is that [which i am sure i metioned before] is the same game year after year, with some added features. I am not saying its a bad game [its quite good], just compared to the Mighty MGS...
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