I am glad to hear about the revised camera. that' s definately a good thing.
Now to pick you entire post apart.
" MGS is realisitc, people did have to use camo and face paint, you cannot run around like medal of honor and suspect to get to the end of the level, for you being a fan of spliter cell, i' d say you should respect that, and thats why the cure system is in there, it also adds to the realism. "
Yes, they did wear camo and face paint, but they didn' t change their clothes every two seconds in order to hide from enemies. They had their standard issue clothes and their regular face paint. It' s not something they could change at a moments notice. Also, it' s not possible to carry around an entire wardrobe of that size. I won' t nag at it too much though simply because it is a game and it adds depth. I still didn' t like it though.
Then with the cure feature, it just got repetative and annoying as hell. There was far too much to do in it and took too much away from the rest of the game. I could have actually been playing the game, or even better- watching the brilliant cinematics.
OK rampage, explain this, how on earth are those guards stupid enough not to see three bright green lights?
Because Sam is elite

. If you' re gonna complain about that, talk to me about the crocodile head in MGS3. I won' t even go there. Mainly though those lights are the signature that makes Sam... well Sam! Night vision does give off a little green light, they just kinda over do it in the game simply because it looks cool.
how can they know excatly where i am when an alarm, goes of [even if i am hideing]
Maybe because someone radios where the alarm went off, or they have some type of system where hey can check a palm piolet device like Sam has. Then again, if you think about it, it' s only people in the close area near you that actually come to attack you... not a never ending hoard of soldiers that base their tactics on a count down timer and completely give up looking for you even after numerous guys have died. At least in SC3 the guards are still spooked and continue to stay in a somewhat hieghtened alert.
And when you are hiding in the shadows and they still find you, that' s common snse. They are paying more attentiun to their surroundings and will pay closer attention to detail. You can see stuff in shadows if you really try and let your eyes adjust.
how can they not know a room is filled with gas?.
I have no idea what you mean by that...
Also the story, ah, another tom cancly terriost plot, oh wait! it involves the cheinesse this time, what a twist. Another thing that bugs me about it is that [which i am sure i metioned before] is the same game year after year, with some added features.
Hahahahaha. You are calling the game a rehash when comparing it to the MGS series? That' s basically what happens in MGS, " let' s do the same thing again with new cinematics" . Oh, and it' s still a story about the Metal Gear. Every game has ahd something to do with Metal Gear, Big Boss, Snake, Revolver... and on and on and on.
At least the SC franchise is getting better with every reiteration. the first one was revolutionary with it' s incredible graphics, hardcore stealth, and crazy lighting system. SC:PT was a step up with the new outdoor enviroments, better graphics again, and the revolutionary Merc vs. Spies multiplayer. It' s ingle player wasn' t too advanced, but it was still great. SC:CT... well, it' s simply the best game ever. End of story. Best graphics on any system or PC, the integration of sound bar for stealth, tons of new moves, an even better story than the first two, co-op, the ability to choose your equipment before going on to your mission, and I could go on and on and on... It' s the best game ever.
MGS is a rehash that seems to be a little less than the the original every time a new one comes out. MGS is still the best in the series. To be honest, I hope the next " game" is just a full all out cinematic like FFVII: Advent Children. The gameplay is just getting tiresome and repetative. It hasn' t gone through any major overhaul since MGS and the formula seems to be getting worse instead of better. Like I said early the game' s cinematics are the only things that interest me anymore.
MGS is still a great series, it just got its ass pwned by Sam with a quick snap of the neck. You can go and point your gun at some soldiers balls to make them dance all you want, but I' d much rather be causing some serious death from above when hanging from a pipe.
Now that school is out kids you should all go home and play some SC3 to know what games should be like.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 13 Jun 05 4:01:03 >