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FF7 crisis core video!!!
Aug 28, 2007 07:08
Looks awesome,makes you think how amazing FF7 would have been on a ps3 with more npc,more towns etc. Omg... FF7 ftw!
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RE: FF7 crisis core video!!!
Aug 28, 2007 11:21
How about a link...?
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: FF7 crisis core video!!!
Aug 28, 2007 15:17
Yeah, how ' bout a link! [:' (]
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RE: FF7 crisis core video!!!
Aug 28, 2007 18:41
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RE: FF7 crisis core video!!!
Aug 28, 2007 21:54
the graphics look amazing for psp. So this takes place just before and during the events of ff7? That music sucks.
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: FF7 crisis core video!!!
Aug 28, 2007 23:27
Its a prequel, focusing on Zack' s story and how his, Cloud' s, and Sephiroth' s intertwine. Personally, I can' t stand that they' re having more ' one-winged-angel/JENOVA-infused' characters. More so because they have pretty unimaginative name (one is named Gabriel I think, or simply Angel. Depends on the localization I suppose...) and they pretty much lose out in the shadow of Sephiroth for being the resident emo-alien-hybrid-psycho. After Dirge of Cerebus, I' m kinda scared of anything to do with the whole FFVII mythos outside of the main game and maybe the movie.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: FF7 crisis core video!!!
Aug 29, 2007 00:19
I know what U mean Byakko, all the greatness taht was FF7 has been sort of ruined by all these extras. In advent Children, the world is once again threatened to Doom and they bring Sephiroth back (the biggest bad guy in the history of games) only to kill him off as nothing, within the next 15 minutes. In Dirge of Cerberus, the world i threatened Doom once again, and all of a sudden Midgard turns into a living monster " thingy"  I also hate how they made a J-Pop star act out as one of the One Winged Angel like experiment looking all Emo Fagish. Dirge of Cerberus however looks real good and promising, but I fear what silly/stupid turn the story is gonna take this time.
Vx Chemical
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RE: FF7 crisis core video!!!
Aug 29, 2007 00:32
They should hire Bioware to remake FFVII, that way it would have a good story and gameplay worth considering!
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RE: FF7 crisis core video!!!
Aug 29, 2007 01:35
ORIGINAL: Dionysius Dirge of Cerberus however looks real good and promising, but I fear what silly/stupid turn the story is gonna take this time. Did you mean Crisis Core by any chance? Well either way, I like how a lot of people are anticipating Crisis Core (me too) especially when in the latest trailer.... There are no subs.. Talk about pulling power. The battle system looks quite exciting but the story seems like it could be a little drag. In advent Children, the world is once again threatened to Doom and they bring Sephiroth back (the biggest bad guy in the history of games) only to kill him off as nothing, within the next 15 minutes. The fight was approx. 6min20secs... That was the first real offering I had of Sephiroth and it was cheap the way they made Cloud win, it makes you wonder why they put the fight in the first place. For the entire fight Sephiroth outclassed and out-sworded Cloud, and Cloud was the one out of the two to show signs of tiredness. Then after a few magical sentences, he suddenly had TONS of strength and Sephiroth became sluggish and stupid, making me wonder why everyone thought that this grey-haired poof was such a bad ass.... Anyway, I' ll watch Crisis Core on Youtube I think.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: FF7 crisis core video!!!
Aug 29, 2007 03:18
Did you mean Crisis Core by any chance? Tehe. yeah I did. Stupid Me Also, Yeah. I like the Advent Children movie, to the extent it has fighting scenes that are everso cool with 5 friend all with on or 2 beers in their hands, and also I got filled with nostalgia, simply from heering the names of the characters again and couldn' t help but dream of a remake of FF7 with graphics similar to the film. HOWEVER! Other than that, the film is nothing but a surperficial, money milking, fan serving franchise that lacks any of the spirit and story that made the game so very VERY great. Just the fact that they ressurected Sephiroth proves my point as they felt the needed to bring back a character as popular as Sephiroth was.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: FF7 crisis core video!!!
Aug 29, 2007 03:25
lol at this game im back to Blue dragon love again...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: FF7 crisis core video!!!
Aug 29, 2007 03:28
I' ve always thought the Final Fantasy games, including FFVII, have been too sentimental. And the characters are often stereotypical, though well developed. Good looking insecure males who don' t know what they really want are always main characters. Bad guys are always the taller good looking guys. And then you have the female characters who always have the same roles, supporting and lovely. The whole JRPG genre is like that basically. While the story in FFVII was fun to follow and pretty deep for a game it was still sentimental crap with few surprises. What I liked most with FFVII was the art direction and the high production values as well as the well developed characters, even though they were your typical kind of characters. Still one of my top five RPG' s despite its flaws. A Bioware developed RPG with character design by Testuya Nomura and other details from Square-Enix' s team would indeed be an interesting idea. BTW I own both the UMD and DVD version of FFVII: AC.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 28 Aug 07 19:30:59 >
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RE: FF7 crisis core video!!!
Aug 29, 2007 04:49
I wish I had a PSP just for this game...
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: FF7 crisis core video!!!
Aug 29, 2007 08:21
you know ffx and ffx-2 are set 1000 or so years before ff7, yeah same universe.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: FF7 crisis core video!!!
Aug 29, 2007 08:35
Anyone know if nobuo uematsu is down for future involvement with the FF titles?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: FF7 crisis core video!!!
Aug 29, 2007 13:19
Recently he' s been at work on Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey. Apparently he' s going to be working on Cry On (another Sakaguchi work), FF13 and parts of SSBB. I agree with what Byakko and Dio said. A lot of these spinoffs for FF7 really seem to cheapen its name sometimes. I adore the PS1 classic and recently replayed it last month. But after I saw Advent Children basically soil on the series with it' s " Oh noes! Geostigma!" I am hesitant to try any other spinoff related to FF7. Some things just don' t need sequels/prequels/etc. FF7 was perfection.
< Message edited by unluckyone -- 29 Aug 07 5:20:00 >
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: FF7 crisis core video!!!
Aug 29, 2007 15:23
I' ve got to agree with you there unlucky - I had also heard about Nobuo' s other worth, but it had been particularly quiet regarding this title. I take the pop music on the trail is indicitive of the likely game content then - which seems a shame, seeing as it is comming a cross a bit more like a soap opera rather than a motion picture!
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