ORIGINAL: Dionysius
Dirge of Cerberus however looks real good and promising, but I fear what silly/stupid turn the story is gonna take this time.
Did you mean Crisis Core by any chance?
Well either way, I like how a lot of people are anticipating Crisis Core (me too)
especially when in the latest trailer.... There are no subs.. Talk about pulling power.
The battle system looks quite exciting but the story seems like it could be a little drag.
In advent Children, the world is once again threatened to Doom and they bring Sephiroth back (the biggest bad guy in the history of games) only to kill him off as nothing, within the next 15 minutes.
The fight was approx. 6min20secs... That was the first real offering I had of
Sephiroth and it was cheap the way they made Cloud win, it makes you wonder
why they put the fight in the first place. For the entire fight Sephiroth outclassed
and out-sworded Cloud, and Cloud was the one out of the two to show signs of
tiredness. Then after a few magical sentences, he suddenly had TONS of strength
and Sephiroth became sluggish and stupid, making me wonder why everyone
thought that this grey-haired poof was such a bad ass....
Anyway, I' ll watch Crisis Core on Youtube I think.