Even if the top 10% of the forum left it would pick up in not too long. I have trouble posting these days as I' m not quite as strong willed as Majik etc.. and I see futile, worthless arguaments over formats and I think damm I' m just to old for this kind of thing.
But one this I will say is that this is the season for it... On the car forums I run this is the most common year for people doing a song and dance saying they are going, or saying they " are taking a back seat in things " . Instead of worrying about who' s leaving think of the other potential awesome posters who don' t post would could be cultivated if forums don' t get so hostile due to a few individuals.
Goddammit! All this spinless drivel from people posting about leaving, there is nothing worse than posting up a thread for all to read - just feels like you are trying to bring everyone down.
If you have something ncie to say once in a while quez you shuold say it - I remember when your posts were interesting as well as critical (and funny) but you' ve gotten waaaaay aggressive recently.
I think if something is wrong in life you make changes, you don' t run away crying foul play (even if it is aimed at yourself!)
I do the same job Majik does on two motoring forums when things get a bit spares - post up infos, discussion etc.. and as well as building a company to run in my spare time I enjoy a quick fly through the discussions here.
I thought Majik was being harsh on a few threads at first when he said he didnt have the patience to reply or contribute to cetain threads - but I see what he see' s now, it' s just he was the first to notice it.
I built a car club up with the help of a close knit group of 10 members, maybe 3 really helped me. four years on they have all gone, and at the time it was well, pretty worrying people were going from the site that people loved and that worried them. But now I have 100 unique visitors a day on each site hitting at least 50 pages each - and these are small clubs. Things never stop moving, if you leave, regardless of who you are you will be forgotten.
So stay and make a difference, I know this place can rock as much as it did when I first found it accidentally a couple of years ago. For anyone " leaving" suck it in and make some interesting posts, and leave after xmas if you still feel the same saying, well i gave it my best shot!