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 Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy
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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 10:14

i hate DBZ aswell, i think the characters are really silly, and when 2 guys are about to fight i can leave, make a sandwich, call friend, do my homework, come back and they are rigth where i left them

See that is the thing, you are hating the writing of it...the characters if left in their own right are freaking awesome...I think Kamahamaha (Or however it is spelled) aside from Hadoken is the most known saying before a special move. And I shouldn' t say Toriyama is to blame cause it really falls on the failure of the company localizing it. Funimation did a shit job with DBZ. That is why I am still crossing my fingers and hoping the localization for BD is freaking LUNAR awesome.
Agent Ghost

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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 10:25
I agree with Alecrein about DBZ, its awsome. The show is shit though but its based on the magna and is artificially inflated with shit to fill time. I swear one page is like three episodes of the show. The magna is really kickass though, forget about the show.

The magna is actually brilliant, one of the most intelligent Anime out there.
Evil Man

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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 10:39
When its coming out in the US?

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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 19:38
I really like DBZ, it was really fun to read.
The anime isn' t on the same level though.
But I' d like to see Akira go beyond his DBZ style. Most artists renew their style but Akira keeps on going with the DBZ style. Easy money I guess.
Btw, this screenshot is not looking good

Does that screenshot represent the quality of the game or is this one of those few bad screens every game has that never should be shown?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 5 Dec 06 12:00:45 >

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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 20:24
Are you dumb,or just a fanboy?

You think that represent the quality of the game?

Have you not seen all the other screens or gameplay footages?

Stop being retarded Ginjirou,or perhaps you' re that,then im sorry.

You clearly see that the pic you showed had no AA,noblurr and not any quality on the characters.
The only reason that pic was out,was because at lower size its looks okay,and show an attack ,prob form some dev kit that can print it like that,but at bigger size it looks like crap,but you hae 1000s of bd pics and gameplay footage to take from,and you found the worst one with a million shot.

Does zelda look this bad on wii?

Does it?

Wow...looks like n64 game.

here is a pic from motorstorm


You choose to upload what you want to see,you found the worse looking BD pohoto ever,and had a pic when its even in-zoomed and looks far far far far from anything BD has shown in gameplay and in any other screens,just shows how bad of a fanboy you' re.

You just found taht pic?

yeah right,so stop talk shit about me being a fanboy you retard.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 5 Dec 06 12:28:55 >

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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 20:31


Are you dumb,or just a fanboy?

You think that represent the quality of the game?

Have you not seen all the other screens or gameplay footages?

Stop being retarded Ginjirou,or perhaps you' re that,then im sorry.

You clearly see that the pic you showed had no AA,noblurr and not any quality on the characters.

Does zelda look this bad on wii?

Does it?

Wow...looks like n64 game.

here is a pic from motorstorm


You choose to upload what you want to see,you found the worse looking BD pohoto ever,and had a pic when its even in-zoomed and looks far far far far from anything BD has shown in gameplay and in any other screens,just shows how bad of a fanboy you' re.

You just found taht pic?

yeah right,so stop talk shit about me being a fanboy you retard.

Ouch, someone didn' t take his chill pill today.
I' m not questioning the quality of the game but I do find that particular screenshot confusing. If the game looks good in other screenshots then why does it look like crap on that one. It' s the latest on IGN, not some random crappy screenshot that I chose on purpose to show make the impression that the game is ugly.
You should know that of all people in this forum I' m probably the one that' s the least interested in graphics. If the art is good (which it is even though Akira gets a little boring at times) and the gameplay is great then I' ll love it.
Those Zelda screenshots look kinda bad but that' s how most Zelda shots look like and there' s quite a lot of them.
I haven' t seen many Blue Dragon screenshots so I don' t have much to compare with. But ok I' ll take your word for it, that screenshot sucks and does not represent the quality of the game.
I' m not going to mention anything more about any game you' re interested in because I might end up killed it seems. Quez, you' d make a great dictator in a communist country

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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 20:37
Someone didn' t take the chill pill today?

Lol @ you,dont ever say that majik never shows fair pics of some 360 games as you once did,or that im the xbox fanboy who is annoying.

Just stfu.

Yeah,now im the dictator,and you cant say anything bad about a game like BD,yeah right,well mayby that let this forum skip all crap from you when it comes to 360 titles?

One guy at this forum said he wasn' t even gonna look at BD or get it because its getting a sequal,there is some people at this site,who clearly have something against 360 games and try to make them look worse or find flaws in them everytime.

You' re one of them and im not a mod,i can' t stop you from what you say,but you speak alot of crap,and everytiome you d that im gonna be here and point that out.

About the Image,you' re clearly dumb,you know that?

You have now around 7-8 gameplay videos all over the net,you can' t compare those to that picture?
Or all the other pictures,yes IGN isn' t the best site for the best images nor videos,nor gamespot,i even found pics of gears of war at gamespot that looked like xbox graphic,or even ps2,wtf was that all about?

When i have the game and clearly on my HDTV no other game is even close to GoW.

Some images that they upload looks like crap,but most of us here do understand that some pic was taking with low-quality,or low res image that wasn' supposed to be in-zoomed.

Or just taken undergamplay with a bad camera.
Stop pretending like you thought BD looks like that or do you want me to upload gameplay videos+ some images to show how fake you' re?

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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 20:42
Damn Quez I didn' t know you disliked me that much
And calling me stupid and even having arguments to why I' m stupid. I relly feel stupid now.
If it makes you happy I' ll leave the forum, it' s no fun with you hating me so much anyway.

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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 20:44

ORIGINAL: ginjirou

Damn Quez I didn' t know you disliked me that much
And calling me stupid and even having arguments to why I' m stupid. I relly feel stupid now.
If it makes you happy I' ll leave the forum, it' s no fun with you hating me so much anyway.

Ginj, don' t you dare walk out on me!

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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 20:48
This is what i mean,you' re like a fucking baby.

I love how people like you can one day write,bla bla you xbox fanboy getting tired of having to see what you write all the time.

And people like me doesnt say anything,but when i later decie to answere kiddies like you.
You pretend like you' re hurt and sad and wanna leave the forum.

Well go ahead then?

Just leave,you think i care?

From day one you had something against the 360,you call me and other for xbox fanboys but lookj at you,being anti to 360 all the time,what should i call you?

A fair balance gamer who just find flaws with 360 constanly, get real Ginjirou and grew up,if you wanna leave,just leave,i could care less.

Your stinking attitude like this,asking a dumb question with a answere you already knew about just shows how much i was right about you.

You can buy wii,or ps3 i don' t give a shit what kind of fanboy you' re but you habve something against us getting 360 or having it.
And you look for flaws constanly with it.
And if you indeed can' t fint flaws with your 360 or its games,yoyu must be a fanboy with your own thinking,so bye bey to you if you leave.

You become the new Gangsta,attack 360 and people like me and then when i choose to response,and you cant face the truth yoy threat with leaving,like suddenly i done something wrong after you acted like a dumb fanboy.

We already gone through that the least thing we need on this boards are fanboys,and ppl like you digging up the worse pics ever isn' t what we need to get off these fanboys.

< Message edited by quezcatol -- 5 Dec 06 12:48:59 >

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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 21:26

One guy at this forum said he wasn' t even gonna look at BD or get it because its getting a sequal,there is some people at this site,who clearly have something against 360 games and try to make them look worse or find flaws in them everytime.

Yeah, that would be me!
Though I don' t look after flaws in 360 games, any more than I do in any other console/pc games. And I tried to repeatedly make clear that I think that BD is gonna be great, just as I think Mass Effect is gona be great, it' s just that they' re not my kind of games, for the moment. I' m not looking for a long, everlasting epic adventure right now (I already have to many of those started) and Mass seems (I dunno how to say this without sounding like a fool, so...) too big for me. Also, there would be no reason for me to trash talk 360 games, since I have a 360. HMPH!

... Anyways (with the risk of adding gasoline to the fire), I' ll have to say that sometimes I like the artistic style of BD, but mostly not. I don' t know why, but I don' t really like anime style characters in 3D, it looks somewhat freaky. I' m O.K with the overly big eyes in DOA and the Girly boys of FF, but plain anime in 3D that can be seen in the first Xenosaga just looks bad IMO. Still think BD looks a helluva better than LO, though!
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 5 Dec 06 13:50:07 >

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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 22:07
Dionysisu,you know as well as i do that just by owning a console doesnt mean you might not hate/dislike it.

I know many people who bought a CG or ps2 just cause it was so cheap,or hated xbox cause they said their pc made it useless etc etc.


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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 22:39
QuezcatoL, I' m sorry but you' re being a bit petty. Every time someone says a single negative thing no matter how small about the 360 you always over react.

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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 22:42
I' m sorry but that' s bullshit.

And Ginjirou fully knew BD didn' t look like that,all he wanted was to piss me off and to find faults with 360 and its games.

Can you please tell me the logic in a guy saying,oh i dont want bd,its getting a sequal,nah im gonna skip it.

You gonna tell me there is nay normal logic in that?

We have enough fanboys on this site,and just by having a 360 doesnt mean you' re safe from being a fanboy.

About dino,being a fanboy,i dont think so,but i could care less about what he thinks about games,since he says dumb things like,oh a sequal,oh nvm them im not getting the first one.

The first BD was dev with just being one game in mind,but that isn' t enough for some people,they just look for faults constanly.

The man behind series which has nothing to do with each other announce he making a sequal,and Dino must think its a copy of the same game,without even played BD or have no idea if BD2 is based on the same game,story character,or is just some new world with shadow techniques.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 5 Dec 06 14:44:41 >

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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 22:59

And Ginjirou fully knew BD didn' t look like that,all he wanted was to piss me off and to find faults with 360 and its games.

How old are you? Because to be frank this is a rather childish thing to say.

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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 23:01
I' m 20,and i could care less what you think.

I got a post from Ginjir telling me to stop writing and its just annoying,cause i said FF13 will probably hit n 2008.

You called him childish for that?

Then be quiet.

I know how this guy thinks and behave.
It' s him who is childish,btw who the fuck are you anyway?

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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 23:05

I' m 20,and i could care less what you think.

I don' t care what you think either. But I do care that decent members are being driven away because of you.

It' s him who is childish,btw who the fuck are you anyway?

This just goes to prove how immature you really are.

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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 23:14
As i said,who the fuck are you?

Clearly you' re not any decent and intresting member to me,thus stfu,and leave me alone.


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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 23:41
Not again. Has there never been a game Quez that you thought would be a good game, yet didn' t feel like playing it, because of own personal preferences. I was never all that into BD, and was simply considering playing the game for some brief fun. When I heard it would get a sequel, that " brief" dissapeared. It' s not that BD was a game that had me waiting impatiacently and then I turned my head because it gets a sequel.

Also, even though I have said that I' ll pass on BD, there is still time for me to change views. Perhaps there is another game that I wan' t to play that turns out to be shite and I diss, then turn to BD to fill my free time. Or perhaps I actually finish one of my already started game series and feel that I can start another. Who knows? Santa? But as it is now, I feel no desire to start another gaming series, when there is already to many games I want to play, without having the time (plus a bunch of other personals).

Dionysisu,you know as well as i do that just by owning a console doesnt mean you might not hate/dislike it.

Guess that is true, and yeah I understand it... yet I don' t understand it.

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RE: Blue Dragon, Blue Bird, Blue Kitty Kat, Blue Bull Thingy - Dec 05, 2006 23:43
Not again a lame excuse plz,your explaination was one of the weirdest ever.
You didn' t want a game you never played cause its getting a sequal,a sequal you don' t know anything about at all.
A sequal that became officially after the first game had went gold,and hasn' t started being dev yet.

Just be honest and for once say," i fucked up" .

I got caught
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 5 Dec 06 15:46:52 >
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