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$499 PS3 lacking features
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$499 PS3 lacking features
May 16, 2006 03:47
That' s right, no force feedback in either and no wireless (Blutooth) controllers for the cheaper model. WHAT A FUCKING JOKE! So it means that the 20Gb model will have: - No HDMI out - No force feedback - No wireless controllers (note that not only will they not come with the console but the console won' t actually support them) - No Wi-Fi - No Memory Stick Duo slot - No ability to upgrade (which is a joke in itself) I would' ve put it in the " PS3 Controller" thread but bit may not have been noticed by everybody so instead it' s getting it' s own.
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 16 May 06 19:40:26 >
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 03:54
What the hell? Are they actually expecting people to buy the core package?
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 03:55
So even if you went out and got some wireless ones it won' t support it?, if so I wouldn' t understand why. Also if thats the case it looks like my comment about steering towards the 599 bundle is not that far from fiction.
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 03:58
No, they wouldn' t work because the Bluetooth tech isn' t being put in the core package. The " premium" (proper) system will be identified by it' s chrome lettering (i wonder where they got that idea...  ) PATHETIC!
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 04:06
Thats a really weird or rather bizarre tactic (imo)because why waste money on production of the ' ' core' ' version if they are different to it' s brother by a wide margin and also I think if most people got the 599 one you' d have to go without some games and other stuff for a while. By the way how' s you find that out?.
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 04:10
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 04:25
Ken Kutaragi = KK and Phil Harrison = PH.. KK: Core version? You mean like Playstation 1.5? Interesting.. PH: Yes. (Temporarily removes head from KK' s ass), that way we can still bring in money for this $499 version. KK: You make a valid point <atchoo> motion sensing... PH: Pardon? KK:My distinctive sneezing sounds like I am saying something... PH: I think you may be onto something.. KK: World dominance with 2 PS3' s! Haha, and those dumb american b!tches and european fags will lap it up! So will my beloved japanese family and their forty wives... MORE SALES!!! PH: Like me! Since I was imported as a slave. KK: But you know, the Sony bank has been filled with butterflies and moth' s lately. PH: Yes, the acquisition of CELL did put a deficit in the account. KK: Sell one at $600 and the other at $500! PH: So that' s the 60GB at $500... (Kutaragi pulls out something from his inside pocket and slaps him) [ b]PH: Hot sh!t diggity, what was that? KK: Oh, the original dual shock, I like Killzone multiplayer. But this is about acquiring cash! PH: SO sell, the 20GB version and.. lower cost lower cost... No wireless pads! KK: If only more american slave were like you... PH: Blu-ray production ramped up... KK: No! Those blu -ray drives stay under my bed. PH: But what about customers.. KK: Well seeing as the lower version is virtually a paper weight and by here on is not a PS3, we can make all sorts of things go wrong! It won' t play blu-ray.. PH: No HDMI ouput.... KK: No wireless... PH: No 1080p... KK: No wi-fi... PH: No games? KK: I' ll allow it... PH: Yes!! And no upgrade ability! Yes <clap, clap, clap> forcing them to more or less get 2 PS3' s.... KK:......... ............. I like the way you think.. PH: Oh, here' s something I sketched... KK: Looks like the one in my pocket, and what in Nippon ichi are these 6 arrows? PH: You know how we fired the design and electronics team.. KK:? Mm- hmm.. I didnt want another Dual Shock.. PH: And you always wanted to leave E3 with a bang... KK: You know, more American slaves wouldn' t go amiss.. To E3!
< Message edited by Tiz -- 15 May 06 20:37:55 >
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 04:27
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on Y' know, the complete model will cost £425 in the UK. If i convert that by crrent exchange rates then it works out at $800 ($798.89). Wow, that really sucks. Not only is the core system shaping up to be a joke, but the PS3' s price is not going to be universal? I wonder why Sony' s favoring America with the price difference. What' s its problem with Europe? Do you know what the price will be in Japan?
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 04:30
But why?....I honestly don' t see what it takes to have the chrome lettering put onto the 20gb one. So in effect you' re paying for Wireless bluetooth Chrome lettering Hdmi output Wifi Memory stick duo And also if you choose the 20 gig you' re stuck with it as it' s un-upgradeable. I still don' t understand it.
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 04:31
@Tiz Hilarious! " ...if only more American slaves were like you..."
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 04:32
Majik it is speculation, not confirmed by sony. I was reading joystiqs article on it. The HDD is upgradable on either version also. I' ll copy it here. There' s a story making the rounds suggesting that the $500 PS3 " Core" system is missing something else in addition to the aforementioned Wi-Fi, HDMI, and memory card support: wireless controller functionality and an upgradable hard-drive. While the Xbox 360 Core system doesn' t ship with wireless controllers, it does support them; however, Games Radar writes that " wireless Bluetooth controllers won' t be supported" in the lower-priced PS3. Similarly, whereas the Xbox 360 Core system ships sans hard-drive, it is possible to add one and match the functionality of the more expensive offering. Games Radar writes that a " Sony representative on the show floor at E3 also emphasized that gamers won' t be able to upgrade the memory of the 20GB version." Sony' s press release (.doc) clearly states that both models will ship with " Wireless controller (Bluetooth)" so, until Sony issues an official statement saying otherwise, we' re going to disregard this rumor. The lack of credibility on this one doesn' t bode well for the second rumor, that the PS3' s hard drive won' t be upgradeable. Examining older press shots of the rear of the system doesn' t reveal a removable hard drive solution similar to the PS2' s combo HDD and Ethernet adapter, so it is possible that the hard drive is intended to be permanent. The omission of a user-upgradable hard drive would certainly pressure consumers to " get it right" the first time and opt for the more expensive model, further marginalizing and diminishing the value of their lower-priced offering. If the 360' s dual SKU' s were " confusing" ... (Update: It appears our skepticism was well placed: readers were quick to point out that the removable hard drive bay is on the bottom of the console when vertical, or on the left when horizontal. Here' s an image where you can clearly see the bay. Games Radar is 0 for 2 on this one.) And taken from IGN http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/708/708601p1.aspx IT Media asked Kawanishi to give details on how Sony will be explaining to potential PS3 purchasers the difference between the two models. When playing games, explained Kawanishi, there will be no problem if you consider both models to be the same. The level of importance of the lack of HDMI on the 20 gig model depends on if your television has an HDMI port. Also, the difference in hard disk size can be fixed by swapping the 20 gig drive for a larger one.
< Message edited by uumai -- 15 May 06 20:40:02 >
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 04:38
Interesting. But if they' re removing the Wi-Fi anyway then it would make sense to remove the Bluetooth too. Joystiq is just a blog though...
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 04:41
True but sony' s spec sheet that shows the ps3 has no wifi and smaller hdd no card slots etc, shows both systems having wireless controller.
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 04:43
Where? It doesn' t say anything on the press release. EDIT: Nevermind, i' m blind.
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 15 May 06 20:44:22 >
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 04:55
Y' know, the complete model will cost £425 in the UK. If i convert that by crrent exchange rates then it works out at $800 ($798.89). So anbody in the states who is pissed at the price tag should think about us and our more expensive purchase! I' m sure I' ve posted this elsewhere, but again for comparison and to update on the current exchange rate... Japan (11th November) 20Gb Ver. = 59800¥ ($542.35 / £288.55) 60Gb Ver. = Price set by retailers. America (17th November) 20Gb Ver. = $499 (€389.96 / £265.62) 60Gb Ver. = $599 (€468.12 / £318.85) Europe (17th November) 20Gb Ver. = €499 ($638.67 / £339.97) 60Gb Ver. = €599 ($766.66 / £408.1) My calculator' s never seen so much action.
< Message edited by Pyrii -- 15 May 06 20:57:06 >
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 05:02
The american 60g and the european has nearly a £100 difference (£398) pretty steep but how come?. I have a feeling it' s going to end up cheaper in japan. Saying that when I imported the psp I had to pay something like £57 import tax.
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 05:08
ORIGINAL: dasher232 The american 60g and the european has nearly a £100 difference (£398) pretty steep but how come? Because once again, tech companies like sony forget about exchange rates and just to a straight number port. Meaning we europeans always pay FAR MORE than americans do for almost everything. I see this behaviour all the time and it sickens me.
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 05:16
Weird... kinda makes you dizzy just thinking about it.
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 05:25
It was the same with the 360. $400 in the US vs equivalent of $525 in the UK. J Allards excuse last year was that Europeans don' t mind buying it at that price, because they have a different sense of value. If we had a choice we' d take it at $400! [:' (] 360 games are £50 ($94), and PS3 games are probably going to be more!
< Message edited by choupolo -- 15 May 06 21:27:57 >
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RE: $499 model PS3 requires WIRED controllers
May 16, 2006 05:30
Yeah the americans always get the good end of the stick price wise when it comes to consoles. If only there was a european company willing to join the console next gen era....or the one after. Nah it' s probably best then just waiting for a price drop like most people I know...but i' m too hasty sometimes.
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