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2 New FREE Gears Maps Coming Jan 11th!!!
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Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: 2 New FREE Gears Maps Coming Jan 11th!!!
Jan 10, 2007 07:11
Dude you can' t prove a game is good using only pictures. Tell me about the game mechanics, tell me about the AI, tell me about the physics, tell me about the story. Then we can have an intelligent conversation. But don' t just show us promotional pictures and expect us to be impressed. This isn' t the fucking Playstation forums, people here have critical brains.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: 2 New FREE Gears Maps Coming Jan 11th!!!
Jan 10, 2007 11:03
BTW, there are also some thirt party titles like Tekken, DMC, MGS4 that wont be ported either. OH my teh nozzerz, not the great gaming experience that is tekken, DMC or MGS how will 360 owners go on?
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
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RE: 2 New FREE Gears Maps Coming Jan 11th!!!
Jan 10, 2007 11:07
how will 360 owners go on? Well lets see, VF is better than tekken and they get that. MGS may very well be going to 360, and if not oh well, the latest vids didnt blow anyone away. As for DMC, thats Capcom, and a few rumour columns have been saying MS is eyeing Capcom, and even if they arent they' ll have Ninja Gaiden 2.
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: 2 New FREE Gears Maps Coming Jan 11th!!!
Jan 10, 2007 16:41
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Dude you can' t prove a game is good using only pictures. Tell me about the game mechanics, tell me about the AI, tell me about the physics, tell me about the story. Then we can have an intelligent conversation. But don' t just show us promotional pictures and expect us to be impressed. But but but but tha pics are the roxxos¡¡¡¡¡ and it took me a while to take those  and its GT HD, the gameplay its almost perfect there are not other cars so i cant tell u anything about the AI and there no story, u just get some money, get some cars and win everything but the cars look sooooo real¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
< Message edited by fernandino -- 10 Jan 07 8:42:03 >
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RE: 2 New FREE Gears Maps Coming Jan 11th!!!
Jan 10, 2007 18:56
I just downloaded the update for Gears and downloaded the 2 new maps. No time to play them though, gtg to sleep. Thank god they reduced the grenade take radius. <3 Epic. They know how to balance there games and do it. Unlike bungie that determines weapon balance by testing gameplay with a bunch of soccer moms. gj nubs, you got lucky with halo 1 and messed up halo 2. Maybe you finally know what you are doing and can make Halo 3 good?
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: 2 New FREE Gears Maps Coming Jan 11th!!!
Jan 10, 2007 19:03
I' m going to download the maps and update today.... In between serious red-eye sessions of Gears of War.. Thank God they' ve reduced Grenade-tagging distance, I am sick and tired of people tagging me, and waving from halfway across the stage... It' s annoying.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: 2 New FREE Gears Maps Coming Jan 11th!!!
Jan 11, 2007 08:12
I just downloaded the update for Gears and downloaded the 2 new maps. No time to play them though, gtg to sleep. The update is so gay. When you go to look for a game in ranked match, instead of it saying the host' s name, it just says host. I guess it does this so you wont try to go in with your friends or so you wont use your friends to earn acheivments. thats why im so pissed at gears right now
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: 2 New FREE Gears Maps Coming Jan 11th!!!
Jan 11, 2007 08:15
Just played the new maps,they were " OKAY" both was great for what they was supposed to do. Having larg open area with a lot of sniping and a tight map with action from the second you start. The negative thing was that the big open large map was like good for camping,and the tight = grenades everywhere=fast/cheesy kills. The update also fixed the grenade tag bug,wehere you could tag someone from a huge distance,that is now fixed which we thank for. all in all the maps was pleasent and nice and it was nice to have 2 extra maps while playing a long sessions,but the maps itself was like any other map,not better or worser.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: 2 New FREE Gears Maps Coming Jan 11th!!!
Jan 11, 2007 08:23
Just played the new maps,they were " OKAY" both was great for what they was supposed to do. They were okay, but i wouldnt have payed for them if they werent free. I thought raven down was pretty cool, but i think it will turn out to be a shot gun and grenade whore level, bone yard or what ever its called i think will be okay
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