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12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school (Harsh Debate within)
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Mass X
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12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school (Harsh Debate within)
May 14, 2007 19:24
Yahoo! New Yeah the whole making the students watch the film without permission is a open and shut case and all, but I laughed my ass off reading the line in the article about the kid being " traumitized and needing psychological help" . Aw christians are a funny type. All it takes is a couple of gay cowboys to bring them down and " traumatize" them. Hmm I think I need to hooked up my TV to the back of my car and run the movie while driving around churches every sunday. Betchu I can make a bunch passout and twitch and comvulse all over the sidewalks!
< Message edited by Mass X -- 20 May 07 22:19:01 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 14, 2007 21:16
i find it funny that some americans find gay people so upsetting. Hell i couldnt picture anyone 12+ in denmark being upset over it other than the definet EWWW when two men kiss.
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 14, 2007 21:35
Gays, Jews, Windows, ...we should get rid of them all! EDIT: a case could be made to keep windows...
< Message edited by NITRO -- 14 May 07 13:36:06 >
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 14, 2007 22:03
I' ll show those idiots what a REAL trauma is! I' ll **** so hard in the *** they' ll bleed for ****ing weeks and then I' ll stick my **** in their ****** and ***** **** ** ***** **!!!!!!!!!!!!
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 14, 2007 22:06
I don' t think that movie should be shown in schools. Personal opinion though.
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 14, 2007 22:31
ORIGINAL: Rampage99 I don' t think that movie should be shown in schools. Personal opinion though. Says the God fearing Christian.
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 14, 2007 22:57
Well, no R rated movie should be shown to a captive audience of underaged children. That much is obvious. Add that to the fact that in the US gay = evil and that teacher was just asking for trouble. I don' t see a reason for monetary compensation though. The kids experienced trauma...why exactly? Were they entirely ignorant to that fact that there are >gasp< GAY PEOPLE in the world? Off-topic a little: Did you know our glorious leader has promised to veto a bill that would protect gays under the hate crime laws? What kind of president vetos a bill designed to protect his citizens, whatever the reason?
Mass X
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 15, 2007 03:47
Did you know our glorious leader has promised to veto a bill that would protect gays under the hate crime laws? What kind of president vetos a bill designed to protect his citizens, whatever the reason? --Nekkid Monkey Wtf, are you serious? Ahg fuck this world!
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 15, 2007 09:53
Why would you show that movie in school? To me it sounds like it was more of a teacher pushing her personal view. If it was for some sort of learning experience I would be okay with it but it doesn' t sound like that was the case.
Evil Man
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 15, 2007 11:30
Homosexuals are disgusting, we have proof enough of how despicable they' re kind is even in these forums (Quez, Nitro, etc.) Kids don' t need to be watching movies about faggots, actually, no one should. I' m not surprised the kid needed psychological treatment, even I as an adult already well aware of the homosexual trash that exists in our world am disgusted just by the thought of two men engaging with eachother, it literally makes me want to vomit. So imagine what that could do to a kid' s mind? And I' m not Christian, it is simply instinct to despise homosexuality, it is unnatural. It' s like cannibalism, you don' t need to be " conditioned" by religion to hate it, simply being a normal human being your instinct makes you reject it, it isn' t a choice, it' s written in your DNA to despise them. Faggots belong in asylums, not among society, I have more sympathy for a psycho murderer than for a ***ing fag.
< Message edited by Evil man -- 15 May 07 3:39:10 >
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 15, 2007 12:10
ORIGINAL: Evil Man Homosexuals are disgusting, we have proof enough of how despicable they' re kind is even in these forums (Quez, Nitro, etc.) Kids don' t need to be watching movies about faggots, actually, no one should. I' m not surprised the kid needed psychological treatment, even I as an adult already well aware of the homosexual trash that exists in our world am disgusted just by the thought of two men engaging with eachother, it literally makes me want to vomit. So imagine what that could do to a kid' s mind? And I' m not Christian, it is simply instinct to despise homosexuality, it is unnatural. It' s like cannibalism, you don' t need to be " conditioned" by religion to hate it, simply being a normal human being your instinct makes you reject it, it isn' t a choice, it' s written in your DNA to despise them. Faggots belong in asylums, not among society, I have more sympathy for a psycho murderer than for a ***ing fag. That' s funny  The same way the KKK is funny.
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 15, 2007 12:41
ORIGINAL: Nitro ORIGINAL: Rampage99 I don' t think that movie should be shown in schools. Personal opinion though. Says the God fearing Christian. Your point? So it' s okay for gayness to be promoted but I can' t be against it? Sounds kinda hypocritical. Like I said it' s my opinion. I can also point out over half of the people I work with are gay along with a few of my friends. I do live in the city with the second most dense population of gays in the country. I' m not one of those radicals that thinks all gays should die or whatever. I just think it' s wrong. You know... it really pisses me off you called me out for being a Christian as if that' s a sign of ignorance or something.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 15 May 07 4:43:50 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 15, 2007 13:10
I just think it' s wrong. How can homosexuality be wrong? It' s inherent. It' s not a choice, morality has nothing to do with it.
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 15, 2007 13:58
I think people should be able to do and be whatever/whoever they want and that includes being gay. This is my view on it. Naturally all animals should be straight, because if they weren' t straight they couldn' t reproduce. So homosexuality is unnatural. I think people become gay and are not born that way. Similar to how people learn to like coffee or beer. I don' t have anything against coffee or beer drinkers, or homosexuals. But I believe it is a choice.
Vx Chemical
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 15, 2007 16:19
I don' t find gay people to be upsetting, and i think its ignorant to do so. People should mind their own buisness. Calling it against nature is kinda stupid, since iv seen dogs are other animals hump just about anything including creatures of the same species and sex. Some animals eat their own kind as well, so thats nto really unnatural either. There is no reason to shelter people from the world gay people are here, and htey arent so different.
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 15, 2007 17:16
I haven nothing against people from the homosexual community but I do take offence at having their chosen lifestyle rammed down my throat. We all see gay pride marches and people being out-and-proud, yet if someone tried that in the same way for heterosexuals they would be denounced as some sort of blinkered homophobe. I don' t believe children of that age should be subjected to that sort of imagery until they are able to discuss it rationally in an appropriate setting. I certainly would object if my children were shown it, those sorts of issues are for discussion at home not in school.
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 15, 2007 17:32
" In 2005, Richardson complained to school administrators about reading material that he said included curse words. " They already knew what the school was like, why not move the kid, I bet the words were something like " Damn" or " Hell" . For the love of the 21st Century these F*&King do-gooders should just die, I bet they are against holding terrorists at Guantanamo Bay or that the people who flew those planes into the Wolrd Trade Centre, had " just lost their trust in the lord." I agree that Homosexuality should be kept behind lock doors and that it shouldn' t be flaunted in public, and yes the teacher is out of order showing something like this, but this pair of old kooks are just out to make money, by using religion as a weapon. This is why religon is such an hypocrisy, they should try reading the bible especially the part that says " have tolerance for your fellow man."
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 15, 2007 17:40
ORIGINAL: Rampage99 You know... it really pisses me off you called me out for being a Christian as if that' s a sign of ignorance or something. You think homosexuality is wrong and use the word " gayness" and you' re telling me you' re not ignorant? Why can' t you be against it? Against what, this condition? This illness? This curse? The reason you think it' s wrong is because of your Christian upbringing. You' ve been taught that it' s wrong and unholy. That' s why i called you out for being a Christian. You are being ignorant. have you seen the movie?
< Message edited by NITRO -- 15 May 07 9:40:32 >
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 15, 2007 18:31
And I' m not Christian, it is simply instinct to despise homosexuality, it is unnatural. It' s like cannibalism, you don' t need to be " conditioned" by religion to hate it, simply being a normal human being your instinct makes you reject it, it isn' t a choice, it' s written in your DNA to despise them. First of all, that' s wrong. homosexuality is too common to be concidered unnatural and it' s very common in the wild among animals. And animals don' t think homosexuality is disgusting because they have no " right or wrong" they just do their thing. We humans don' t have it in our genes that we disgust homosexuals. It' s something our societies have created. Our disgust for homosexuality is based on our fear for things that are different from ourselves, just like rasism. In some animal races, like certain monkeys, they have sex with everyone, parents, children, same sex, different sex, it doesn' t matter. That' s how their nature works. In nature the only right thing is what keeps you alive. Being gay has, according to some theories, given gay couples a bigger chance of survival. Reason? Well, two strong gay beasts have a larger chance of defeating an enemy than a strong man and his weak woman. I follow science and science has not proved to me that homosexuals are disgusting, or wrong or anything else. I have nothing against homosexuals. What I don' t like is that they' ve created some kinda we' re-better-than-heteros-attitude. Pfff, idiots. I haven' t seen Brokeback Mountain so I can' t give you my opinion on that. What I do believe is that children should be educated on the subject of homosexuality before they get their own twisted ideas that it' s against nature or something. Lack of knowledge is what causes mankind to cause so much bad things in this world.
Mass X
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RE: 12 y.o traumitized by Brokeback Mountain, Grandparents sue school
May 15, 2007 18:45
I..uh I just thought the claim of being traumatized was funny and that they sent her to therapy. But now this discussion is far more interesting. Anyhow I have nopthign gainst gays or anyone else pretty much. Tho I do see negatives in just about everyone and everything. Some more then others, like hardcore religious types. You talk about gays having a parade (not an international seen on every channel parade, just a parade somewhere once a year), but what about christians and there many many almost endless tyrade of forced veiws? Several holidays out of the year, door to door salesmen, ***n advertisments? Come on now. Im not saying all this has to stop Im just saying that pretty much everyone gots this " If you got it flaunt attitude" just go with it and be happy with yourself. er somthing....
< Message edited by Mass X -- 15 May 07 10:45:41 >
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