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your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
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your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 06, 2006 07:44
here are my 10 most anticipated games of 2006, there are in no particular order and i included only the most probable ones so resident evil 5 or metal gear solid 4 are to avoid and don' t include unnanounced games (shenmue 3): 1) Final Fantasy 12 2) oblivion 3) gears of wars 4) rogue galaxy (ps2) 5) splinter cell double agent 6) black 7) zelda twilight princess 8) okami 9) ryu ga gotoku 10) valkiry profile it still very hard to choose and i' m sure i forgot some, i didn' t include lost odissey or blue dragon or some ps3 titles because i have no idea when they' ll be on shelves and i didn' t include revolution cus well what do you know ... 2006 will be a sweet year anyway
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 06, 2006 07:52
1.Blue dragon 2.Final Fantasy 12 3.halo3?! 4.ghost recon 3 5.Oblivion 6.Gears of war 7.n99 (will come as soon as they find publishers to US/EU probably by Ubi..) 8.Rf online mmorpg 9.rogue galaxy 10.ryu ga gotoku (A shenmue clone is not something i turn down to >_<
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 06, 2006 15:25
Well my list is a little forced. 1.) Zelda Twilight Princess 2.) Phantasy Star Universe 3.) That non existant Kirby for the Cube (what happened to it) 4.) Virtua Fighter 5 5.) ryu ga gotoku 6.) rogue galaxy 7.) Grandia III 8.) Dragon Force Ps2 remake (loves original) 9.) Sonic Riders (basically filler) 10.) Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams The first three are basically it for this year that I know of. plus VF5 I like all those just but don' t want to buy them. I am sure I would like to see some one else play alot of the others to be released.
< Message edited by Kannon -- 7 Jan 06 5:06:32 >
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 06, 2006 16:46
i said 10 dude not 9
Terry Bogard
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 06, 2006 17:12
1 - Gradius Collection (PSP) 2 - Gradius 6 (PS3) 2 - Okami (PS2) 3 - Virtua Fighter 5 4 - Outrun Coast to Coast (PSP) 5 - Wrestle Kingdom (Xbox 360) (Damn recall!!) 6 - Rumble Roses XX (Xbox 360) 7 - The next Smackdown vs. Raw game for the PSP 8 - Under Defeat (Dreamcast) 9 - Pursuit Force (PSP) 10 - Biohazard: Deadly Silence (DS)
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 7 Jan 06 5:04:56 >
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 06, 2006 17:27
btw,are RE5 supposed to come this year?!
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 06, 2006 17:30
please guys i know that everyone has every right to pick up whatever he/she likes but geeez we' re not trying to make the list of all the most anticipated games in 2006 but rather what is most important for you , so if you' re the 100th to say that zelda is one of your most anticipated games don' t feel embrassed, i wanted to make this as a survey of some sort , what' s the point of listing all the good games that will launch on 2006 or 2007... isn' t it terry ?? oh forget it
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 06, 2006 18:04
1) Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - (This game will own my life like Morrowind did) 2) Lost Odyssey - (Hopefully it' ll be released in 2006) 3) Gears of War 4) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 5) Alan Wake - (This game sparked my interest the first time I saw it) 6) Blue Dragon 7) Dark Sector - (Not sure if it' s 2006 or 2007) 8) Huxley 9) Virtua Fighter 5 10) Halo 3 - (I may as well shove this at number 10 although I' m very sceptical after playing Halo 2)
< Message edited by Unluckyone -- 7 Jan 06 2:05:39 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 06, 2006 21:06
please guys i know that everyone has every right to pick up whatever he/she likes but geeez we' re not trying to make the list of all the most anticipated games in 2006 but rather what is most important for you Which is EXACTLY what my list is, games that are the most important to me and due out this year.
Game Junkie
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 06, 2006 22:30
1.Huxley (even though the 360 version is slated for 07 the pc version should come out later this year) 2. Oblivion (you know I actually had a life before Morrowind) 3. UT 2007 4.Super Smash bros. 3 (if I buy a revolution, it will be for this game) 5.Mass Effect 6.Fight Night 3 (i played the demo and was very impressed) 7.N3 8.Dynasty Warriors 6 360 (if it comes out this year) 9.FF XI 360 (look for the next OXM Jan 17th for free bata) 10. Ghost Recon 3, 360
Adam Doree
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 07, 2006 10:16
Virtua Fighter 5 Sonic the Hedgehog 15th Anniversary An unannounced Revoluton title ;-) OutRun 2006 Coast 2 Coast Ryuga Gotoku (English version) Not much else I can think of yet.
Boss Hogg
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 07, 2006 11:04
The games I cant wait for are: 1. Halo 3 2. BLACK 3. Splinter Cell Double Agent 4. Gears of War 5. Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 6. Dead Rising 7. The Outfit 8. Too Human 9. Burnout Revenge for X360 10 Fable 2 (Even Though it wasnt announed yet.)
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 07, 2006 11:05
In no particular order:-- Resident Evil 5 Dead Rising Splinter Cell 4 Ghost Recon 3; Advanced Warfighter The Elder Scrolls; Oblivion Vitrua Fighter 5 Tomb Raider; Legend Burnout 360 Halo 3 Unreal Tournament 2007 Yep, i' m currently Microsofts bitch. I' ve been impressed by 360 so far (i bought every launch title, then DoA4 & Ridge Racer 6 last week), but i expect my 10 to change as games are announced for Revolution. The only thing on PS3 i' m remotely interested in at the moment is MGS4.
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 07, 2006 12:11
Ahum... Majikdragon did you not know,resident evil 5 is coming to ps3 too? And that Unreal tournament 2007 and virtua fighter 5 is ps3 exclusive?!
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 07, 2006 13:36
i dont have 10 or so most wanted games, but here goes. 1. outrun 2006 coast 2 coast (i want the psp version, and if it gets released on the xox, or xbox 360, then ill buy that one too. but i avoid the ps2 version. i dont want a scaled down version, exept for the psp version :)) 2. sonic game on the xbox 360. i saw some fotage from a rather cool stage, where you could use a attack on the enemy to break trough a wall, and some other cool new sonic stuff. 3. burnout revenge for the xbox 360. i love the xbox version, but i have no xbox live for that. now i do have it for my xbox 360, so i can' t wait to be able to play this game online ! 4. gran turismo psp. the race sim gets to do its thing on the psp, and i can' t wait to get my hands on it. 5. virtua fighter 5. after missing out on some exelent VF games, i' d like to get back to the fighting game that started the 3D revolution in the arcades and on the sega saturn. 6. ridge racer 6 on xbox 360. its not out in the netherlands yet, so i can' t wait to get my hands on it. 16 players online, and the nitro gets a comeback from the psp version, so what more can i ask. so far those are the games i am waiting for, but there will come more, i dont doubt that.
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 07, 2006 14:30
sorry terry to give you as exemple of the others  but what i want to show is that some few people are not honest in their choices [:' (], we' re all gamers and some of use are hardcores and even if our tastes are different we cannot say something like the following specialy from kikizo staff, someone that knows about video games: for you " Pursuit Force " is better than zelda ?? final fantasy 12?? onimusha?? halo 3?? onimusha 4?? oblivion? virtua fighter 5?? maaan the list is big ... pursuit force ?? since when that game is even in any most anticipated games of 2006?? and where is gran turismo psp ?? seriously people if somehere really and i mean really mean their choices so that they could buy them over some other titles, then i finaly have the ultimate answer why our industry keep releasing some crap/average games ...
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 07, 2006 15:42
I don' t have " 10" , so I' ll just list the ones I know I definitely want: 1. Oblivion 2. Gears of War 3. Mass Effect 4. Too Human 5. Call of Duty 2 6. Halo 3 (better be good!) 7. Kingdom Hearts II
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 07, 2006 15:49
Shenmue 3. I know it has no release date and that absu... didn' t want us to mention unannounced games but I mean, isn' t it going to be released in 2006? It seemed to me as Sega had already finished the game and story. That is was just a question of choosing which console/s it will be released for. Anyway, that' s THE most anitcipated game for me with Twilight Princess as my second. Those two should be so good that I don' t give a damn about any other games.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 8 Jan 06 0:50:38 >
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 07, 2006 15:53
Incorrect on both counts. UT 2007 will debut on PC first then on both 360 and PS3, and since i already have a 360, i' ll probably get it for that. Epic are also releasing Gears Of War on 360 which uses the Unreal 3 engine too. And nothing regarding console versions of VF5 has been set in stone... " While the next-gen Virtua Fighter was displayed at E3 2005 as part of its next-gen presentation, Sega has not officially set down plans for a version of VF5 for play on any console." IGN.com But you can bet your bottom dollar it' ll make both systems!
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 07, 2006 15:54
VF4 was PS2 exclusive, why not VF5?
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