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wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 21, 2006 13:19
i mean nintendos wii will have zelda tp......mario galaxy......metroid prime 3....... and some others...... * ps3 will have........erm.......how they call it.........ah i remember it hesistance fall of gamers       and cheapest too. (wii) anyway i dont know if wii will keep up but atleast on launch day wii will have far better games. * graphics are a little bit old thought
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 21, 2006 15:46
if the DS and PSP is any indication the Wii will destroy the PS3 in japan since Square-Enix anounced Dragon Quest Swords game at launch and Final Fantasy Crystal chronicles also at launch not to mention Zelda which was the biggest hit at E3 using the controller and Wario ware and Mario. Sony doesn' t have a chance.
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RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 21, 2006 18:15
Let Mortal Kombat begin!
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 21, 2006 19:29
according to a survey made by famitsu , most japanese are interested in PS3 you logic might be right about PSP vs DS, it seems like it' s the same thing with Wii and PS3 (Power Vs new way of interaction) but there is one ùmajor difference in my opinion. PSP and DS are handheld consoles, you might not care about graphics in handheld , usualy handheld games are for quick fun and DS is better in PSP in hat field. however when it comes to Console , people loof for the serious thing and they might prefer PS3. but i guess i forgot another major problem for sony, The price !! 600$ vs 200$ (250) , sony is really in big trouble.
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RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 21, 2006 20:14
According to that survey almost the same amount of people were interested in PS3 and Wii. PSP Vs DS is no indicatio of anything - Playstation brand for home systems is what Nintendo means for portable market so in fact I was wrong - it indicates that PS3 will sell like crazy even without games for launch day. First 2-3 months won' t mean anything since crazy people buy PS3 for the name alone. I don' t think PS3 is more serious than Wii in any aspect - it may have HD grpahics, but that' s it. PS3 price won' t stop people from buying it at least for the first 6 months - as soon as all the sony lovers and fanatics get their PS3 it will slow down a bit. I have to say I favour 360 over PS3 now , but that could change pretty quick.Wii' s my priority...and what a priority it is :)
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 21, 2006 20:41
Did anyone see my previous thread,when japanese reporters thought 38.000 yen was to much for a console? And that was the Premium package,then now CORE package for ps3 is gonna cost 58.000 yen,no price for premium in japan yet. Gonna be intresting to see if... 1.the reporters dare to speak up to sony. 2.If they are balance and if they can attack sony for saying 360 was overpriced then will they do the same in TGS? 3.What will the consumer think,perhaps they are already saving up,also what will 360 cost when it arrives? Like 30.000 yen? or less. Hmm... Anyway now im way off topic,i apologies 464cpc. Anyway,i hope Nintendo wii is gonna be a huge sucess :) For me,Red steel never clicked which i thought looked awesome,instead mario galaxy did that,looks awesome. Doesnt look like a GC game at all,and mario in space = cool!!! That tennis game was also cool. Anyway best of luck for Nintendo wii,and if some games beside mario clicks im gonna buy it :) Zelda is a title that looks very good so far,but :) well i want more titles!!! :)
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 21 May 06 12:41:47 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 21, 2006 20:47
PS3 threads are becoming boring now.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 21, 2006 20:51
The best things we can do as consumer is to complain until sony change the price tag and show killzone2 at TGS,.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 21, 2006 21:22
PS3 threads are becoming boring now. I like Majik and his thread-breakers. I have a belly button Or, when I first joined asking about Shenmue Vs. Final Fantasy he mentioned something about Zool and Thomas the Tank Engine... 
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 22, 2006 00:59
the Wii stole the show at E3 and people waited in line for 5 hours and lots of people are saying that Sony had a bland and boring show. Plus the polls i saw which i will look for showed that the Wii had a commanding lead over the PS3. Plus the Wii is significantly cheaper you can buy 3 wii' s (if the price is what everyone thinks it will be which is $200) for the price of 1 ps3 and Microsoft is endorsing the Wii telling everyone to buy a 360 and a Wii for the price of one PS3 and might be cheaper if the rumor is true about them dropping the price this fall to combat and steal the thunder away from the PS3 happens. 360 got more and extra hype from E3 because according to E3 polls they had a better showing then the PS3. Plus like i said Japan goes insane over anything Dragon Quest and having a new dragon quest game at launch for the Wii guarantee' s a successful launch. The PS3 has like no RPGs at launch. I think it will be just like the PSP, lots of people will buy it at launch then it will just kinda cool off and the Wii will take off like the DS did and you connect the DS to the Wii and seeing the sales of the DS which are constantly sold out and the hype at E3 and i am sure they will have more surprises at TGS. I have a Feeling the Wii will dominate. Even here in the US i think the Wii will beat it here too. I work at Best Buy i know how cheap allot of people are and they sneered when i said the price of the 360 was $400 and when i mentioned the price of the Ps3 being $600 most people said oh hell no. I did find some Sony fans who said they don' t care how much it cost but that was like 2 out of 15-20. I want Sony to lose they need to be humbled they are too cocky and arrogant and need to know they are not all that and they can' t walk all over people and have them say it' s on because it' s Sony. Nintendo' s former president Yamauchi had the same attitude and pissed everyone off (which was the reason why the Playstation line even exist and Why Sony has the Square-enix RPG' s) and look what happened they sunk to 3rd place and he mysteriously isn' t president anymore. Being #1 goes to people' s head and if you are not careful and become arrogant and cocky karma has a way to bite you in the ass.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 22, 2006 01:04
The Wii is like the DS. You have to play it before you really want it. That' s what Reggie was talking about during E3. It' s the same thing here. The poll might show bigger or similar interest in the PS3 but I believe that once people have gotten their hands on the Wii they' ll change opinion and buy it instead of a PS3. Or buy it as a complement to the PS3. And in Europe and the U.S. we' ll buy it as a complement to the 360.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 21 May 06 17:05:18 >
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 22, 2006 01:12
yeah i totally agree with ginjirou. i feel sorry for the the People in the UK having to pay £425 which is like $800 for the PS3 which is INSANE. Why to they have to pay more then everyone else even the rest of europe gets it cheaper so why is it more expensive in the UK? Sony is shooting themself in the foot. the Wii games that i saw on E3 coverage looked cool people who don' t normally like sports loved it' s sports games, wario ware got a rave review with it' s fun and quirky minigames, of course Smash brothers (which will not be a lucnh title but i am cool with it just take as long as you need and make it a awesome game), Mario had a huge showing with mario galaxy using the remote, and metroid prime 3 was also a big hit (although i wish they would not make it a FPS and just make it a normal metroid like on the SNES, i wonder how cool it will if they made it a action RPG hehe).
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 22, 2006 01:15
oopsy i forgot 2 other games that i heard alot about Red Steel and Ray man. With the possibility of Red Steel going online and doing sword fights online is really tempting hehe. Then there is some fun platformer action with Ray Man which looked cool.
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 22, 2006 07:59
I know I want a Wii and will get one at launch. I want a PS3 too but aren' t paying £425 for one and theres only one game I care about for the system I won' t be able to get for 360.
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 22, 2006 08:04
" Sony doesn' t have a chance. " Especially not with strong titles announced and coming like : Metal Gear Solid 4 Final Fantasy XIII Final Fantasy Versus XIII Virtua Fighter 5 Tekken 6 Heavenly sword Warhawk Grand turismo Killzone Unreal Tournament 2007 Grand Theft Auto 4
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 22, 2006 08:09
The only games in that list I' m excited about are MGS4 and VF5. I can get Unreal Tournament for my PC and GTA4 for my 360.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 22, 2006 08:17
yeah they do have strong titles coming out later but how many of those are launch titles? Plus the 360 is getting exclusive content for GTA 4 (which i don' t care to play it was cute on the first one but is actually a boring game the only thing it has going for it is contraversy) I don' t see what the big deal is with it. Plus if the rumor is true about the games costing $70-80 as much as i love Final Fantasy, Kingdom hearts, and the ratchet and clank series they can wait until the price drops. The Wii has a very strong lineup with Mario, wii sports, wario ware, Dragon quest Swords, FF: crystal chronicles (i am sure they improved it over the Gamecube one which all that was, was to push the sales of GBA to play with friends), and of course ZELDA on the Wii which made a strong showing of the features on the Wii. Not to mention they said about 20some games at launch and those are just a few that i listed. $600, the warrantee plan (like i said i work for best buy and i almost always buy the warrantee especially on a Sony product), Taxes, a game or 2 at the rumored $70-80, and a second controller that is a crap load of money which i need to pay bils with so that can wait i have the 360 for high def games and i will b egetting the Wii for different innovated games i don' t NEED a PS3 especially if it wil cost that much.
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 23, 2006 21:47
well, it will be greater playing fps with a mouse and keyboard, but greater playing with cars on ps3, and i also believe the ps3 will have better graphics so will gta4 than xbox
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 23, 2006 22:26
why is it better playing racing games n the ps3 for? THe Wii-mote acts like a steering wheel, plus the only racing game i care for it MArio kart which will only be playable on the Wii, well i also really got into Burnout Revenge for my 360 which is a beautiful and fun game. if anything i hear playing a FPS on the Wii is alot funner and more precise because you point where you want to shoot. There won' t be that much of a difference in graphics between the 360 and PS3 plu si hear they can do different things better liek the 360 has unified architecture and the PS3 which makes it easier for the 360 to do things better. Plus i also heard that it was a mistake for Sony to go with the cell CPU for the PS3 because it' s soo annoyingly difficult to program and develop for that it takes longer to make which makes labor go up which in turn makes the price of the games go up. We still don' t know what the 360 full power is capable so there is proof ssying the PS3 looks better then the 360 and for people who don' t have HDTV' s the PS3 and 360 will look pretty much the same as the Wii since the TV is only shown at SD. what did you mean by " so will gta4 then the xbox" ? GTA is a boring series i don' t know why peopel make such a big deal about it. Plus from what i read GTA4 on the 360 is getting exclusive content via xbox live. Plus it being most likely cheaper i don' t see why people will go with the PS3 one.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
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RE: wii vs ps3 on launch !
May 23, 2006 22:26
well, it will be greater playing fps with a mouse and keyboard, but greater playing with cars on ps3, and i also believe the ps3 will have better graphics so will gta4 than xbox How about playing driving games with a wireless steering wheel? With vibration feedback? EY? EY? I love the way this above quote is all about graphics, but since when has a game that comes out on two consoles ever had better graphics than the other, fair enough a slightly smoother framerate or that extra bit of bump-mapping, but not overall a far better gaming experience.. But each to their own, if you see £200 worth of getting the game on a console that has a nicer framerate, by all means go ahead.
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