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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 07, 2006 07:25
this is a poor list for a sony console , this is a shame !! what the hell is happening to sony damn it!! i see the PSP vs DS as the xbox vs Ps2... why the DS has castlevania and final fantasy while pSP got none !! why can' t sont make a PSP a true playstation brand where are all the good rpg' s that playstation owners are proud of !! you' re going down sony you' re going down man calm down there are many good games on the works for the consol, here are some Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops Loco Roco Valkiria Profile: Leneth Finanl Fantasy: Crisis Core Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters Killzone Ridge Racers 2 Gran Turismo Mobile Ultimate Ghost and Goblins Breath of Fire 3 Monster Hunter Tekken: Dark Rsurrection Daxter Luminies 2 Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel Silent Hill: Origins PSP Eye Toy Game just to say a few, things look very nice for the PSP future, the ceramic white version is about to be released, the PSX oficial emulator its another cool upgrade, so i thing a PSP its a good investment but only if u can afford buying a 100-200 dlls memory device...
< Message edited by fernandino -- 7 Jul 06 1:20:49 >
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 07, 2006 07:43
if i' m going to buy a psp i' ll buy it with 2gig of memory , that would be sweet. quez, what the hell are u talkinga bout, i' m not buying a ds because franckly speaking there are no pirated games or at least it' s far more complicated than PSP. breath of fire 3 !! wooow what a great RPG oh my god i' m so excited!!! i played that game 8 years ago or even more , i played it the year it was released and i didn' t finish it although i loove rpg' s why? simply because the game is SO SO. now sony come and they telling me they going to release an average rpg that was relseaed 8 years ago, i mean even if they polish the graphics , what the FUCK are they thinking !! ok not them that' s CAPCOM to blame, wasting ressources for almost nothing... and then they released a messed up viewtiful joe while the DS got the real deal , this is rediculous, i don' t know how developers think may be they choose a winner from the very begining ...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 07, 2006 07:44
How about rpg naruto 3? Or Final Fantasy 3? the new zelda.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 07, 2006 08:16
C' mon just buy a PSP. The DS does have games that are more fun but that' s all it does. Plays games. With the PSP you' ll get a lot of bonus features. It' s not always that you want to play a game. Sometimes you just want to chill and watch a movie. Sometimes you' d like to show yuor friends photos and sometimes you might want to listen to music. The battery time is great. I' ve never had to stop playing because of the battery. And if you play more than 4H at a time (that' s not healthy man!) then you can buy an additional battery with even more power in it. The only reason you should get a DS instead of a PSP is if you' ll only use your portable for playing games. But if you want more then the PSP is the best choice. If you want to do piracy stuff then no additional devices are required with the PSP. The DS got the good version of Viewtiful joe and the PSP got an old Breath of fire, sure. But when the DS got the old N64 Ridge Racer the PSP got a new great game. And when when the DS got the old Mario64 the PSP got a new Daxter game. The DS gets Zelda, well the PSP is getting FFVII CC. The PSP ain' t so bad at games as some people say. BUY IT!
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 07, 2006 08:30
i think i would , maybe tomorrow and i don' t think i would regret buying because even if it' ll fail as a console , it will still offer some sweet features that will always be granted cheers all!!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 07, 2006 08:31
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 07, 2006 14:07
what do you play the most Terry? 1. Metal Gear Ac!d 2... I invested about 110 hours into the game in less than one month. This game owns my soul, which I find AMAZING because I LOATHE *turn-based* RPGS, strategy games, and card games, but Konami managed to take all three elements and make a really fun and highly addicting game out of it. 2. Gradius Portable... I love playing and replaying through Gradius Gaiden mostly. 3. Fight Night Round 3... I think the PSP version is BETTER than the Xbox 360 version simply because the characters move faster and I just like the feel of the controls better when I use the wrist strap for leverage. 4. Smackdown vs. Raw 2006... Another game I put a lot of hours into. Ever since I got the PSP version I haven' t touched the PS2 version other than using it to transfer over my custom grapplers. 5. Star Soldier... Easily the best remake of this classic shooter.. Better music and better gameplay than was found in the GameCube and PS2 remake of the same game. 6. Kingdom of Paradise... Easily my favorite RPG released this millenium... Was also the very first RPG I completed from beginning to end and on my own. And what' s even crazier was that it was the Japanese version!  ! Once I got the U.S. version it was a cakewalk, but I' ve put a lot of hours into the game. 7. Capcom Classics Collection Remixed... The BEST Capcom compilation released so far. I love it WAY more than the version originally released for the Xbox and PS2. 8. Gangs of London (E3 demo).... Downloaded it from E3 and still haven' t gotten rid of it yet. Going by the E3 demo alone, this game has the potential to be pure, utter garbage. I still play it on occasion, but I SOOO regret getting rid of the Ratchet and Clank E3 demo for this piece of chit. 9. Every Extend Extra (E3 demo).... Another E3 download. This game is addicting. I love it way more than the overrated Lumines. I' m not getting rid of this demo until the full version game is released. On the movies end, this week' s UMD movie viewing consisted of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, I, Robot, and the Exorcism of Emily Rose!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 7 Jul 06 6:08:40 >
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 07, 2006 16:40
I' m pretty sure you' ll be able to mod it no matter where you are , but you shoul know one thing about moded psp - it plays only few games for the psp - the ones that require ver1,5 - newer games (newer than Ridge Racers and lumines) won' t work - you' ll have to buy them. At least that was the case last time I checked :)
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 07, 2006 18:02
Terry, you' re quite the avid handheld gamer aren' t you? Always on the go?
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- Joined: Jun 29, 2006
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 08, 2006 00:44
psp will enventually be getting loco roco, one very few psp original. may i recomend Daxter, gta liberty city stories. both are very addictive
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- Joined: Jun 29, 2006
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 08, 2006 00:50
i agree buy it i had one butsomeone at my school stole it. but you should buy it.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 08, 2006 00:54
Terry, you' re quite the avid handheld gamer aren' t you? Always on the go? PSP has a nice comfortable home in the inner pocket of my jacket. Whereever I go, it goes :D... The daily commute to work and back home is an hour and a half affair each way so I consider the PSP to be a godsend really! Plus with all the subway riding errands I do every week it' s nice to have for some short speedy play sessions or get further into a movie. Why do I love the PSP so damm much? Because I am a WHORE for powerful handhelds.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 08, 2006 02:41
Really, I thought you would be into the ds more, like all that 2d goodness and Nintendo games.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 08, 2006 02:55
Really, I thought you would be into the ds more, like all that 2d goodness and Nintendo games. I only have 5 DS games, lol.. I only buy DS games that I' m HIGHLY anticipating. Stuff like: Nanostray, Sonic Rush, Viewtiful Joe, New Super Mario Bros, Yoshi. I mean to be completely honest, I was never all that enamoured with the DS, despite liking Nintendo more
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 08, 2006 04:31
Oh shit my inner Nintendo Fanboy is coming back.... gruargh no no no argh! WHAT THE F*** is up with this thread hUH!?!? Terry?! YOu don' t like the DS?! You prefer the PSP?!??! You are what you said yourself, a whore. Damn you bitch, I mean Whore!!!!! You like powerful handhelds, well then the DS is the thing for you man!!!! Sure it doesn' t have the same graphics as a PSP but it does have two screens and if you put the power of both screens together you' ll get the same power as a PSP DUMB ASS!?!? ISn' t that power or what!?!? HUH!?! Bitch answer me!!!! And then the DS has touchscreen and other magical stuff that really needs power so it' s amazing man! What the F*** is wrong with you! FIve games?!?! Are you retarded or what???? I bet you haven' t given any of the other games a chance even, you damn Sony whore, have you??!!! HUH!?!?HUH!?!? Bitch I' m talking to you, answer me damnit!!! I bet you don' t even know the DS has a touchscreen DUMB ASS!!!!!! Or do you know how to use it? Maybe you' re too stupid to use a touchscreen and two screens at once?!? Yeah, that' s it, you' re too stupid to like the DS. F***ing nutcase is what you are.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 08, 2006 04:57
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey houwaaaaaaaaaa I GOT MY PSP 1.5 !!! yes yes yes heeeeeeeeeeeeeey it' s so fucking Scarce to find a 1.5PSP Ginjirou you Bitch , the PSP is the best Console EVER to grace mankind now please tell me guys, all the tricks to enjoy my psp at its fullest pleasse pretty please tell me everything, PM or something i have three game so far, Daxter and Sword of eternia aaaaaaaaaaand Loco Roco that game look sooo cool from the very first minute , i hope it won' t disapoint me !! well thank you guys in advance for your hook up !!
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2004
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 08, 2006 04:59
despite having both the DS and PSP, i must choose the PSP, but that' s becouse i love race games most. mariokart is my fav. racegame for DS, and ridge racer and outrun 2006 coast to coast are my fav. PSP racers. if you love puzzle games the most, then i' d go for the DS becouse of the touch screen. playing zoo keeper is way exelent with the stylus. but if you like the more main stream games you also find on ps2 or whatever console. i gues its still up to you if you like the psp good enough to buy.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 08, 2006 05:02
If you run those games they' ll force an update and you won' t be able to run homebrew or use emulators. Daxter forces and requires the 2.6 firmware update and Loco Roco 2.7. Basically, playing the games you bought and updating will completely destroy any reason you had to get a 1.5. You CAN trick the games though but i fear it may be too late already...
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 08, 2006 05:36
Majikdragon , i' m telling you it' s all right i play the game and once i trun off my psp and restart it, it goes back to 1.5 !! isn' t that just amazing , damn it is , i' m really happy.. Majik please let me know if you know (in private) how to use the " sugar" for my PSP , man anything you know .
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: to all PSP owners
Jul 08, 2006 06:01
Consider yourself PM' d.
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