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Ikaruga to 360?
Feb 15, 2007 02:21
Seems like it. UK, February 14, 2007 - Legendary Dreamcast and GameCube shooter Ikaruga could be making its way onto Xbox Live Arcade, after a download appeared on the debug version of the service. Unfortunately it doesn' t work though. Overnight, files relating to Ikaruga appeared on Partnernet, a version of Live only available for developers and journalists. Although it' s possible to download an executable programme, when it' s fired up the Treasure logo appears briefly before crashing. Most XBLA games appear on Partnernet before release, so they can be tested thoroughly to make sure they work. Therefore, the appearance of Ikaruga would indicate a Marketplace release is likely to follow. At the moment it' s not clear, assuming it makes it out into the open at all, whether Ikaruga will be available to all territories or will just get a limited release in shoot-' em-up friendly Japan. We asked Microsoft for confirmation but a spokesperson couldn' t enlighten us with more details or even confirm that it was definitely set for release. So while I don' t have a 360 this is great. I can only hope they make it multiplayer over XBL. That would be awesome as this game rocked solid on DC and GC. Treasure should do this with Guardian Heroes too (and bring them both to PS3 under the same online format - multiplayer) so i can get to play them.
Chee Saw
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RE: Ikaruga to 360?
Feb 15, 2007 02:41
This is AWESOME news!! I really wanted to play this game, but for some reason they cut the production on the Gamecube (don' t have my Dreamcast anymore). Now I just need to get my 360 back online!
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Ikaruga to 360?
Feb 15, 2007 06:20
Well worth it this game is awesome i have my my dc somewhere at home :)
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Ikaruga to 360?
Feb 15, 2007 06:22
YES! I was hoping for this.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
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RE: Ikaruga to 360?
Feb 15, 2007 06:25
Awesome game but be prepared for alot of swearing...
Joe Redifer
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RE: Ikaruga to 360?
Feb 15, 2007 08:33
God I hope not. Ikaruga was the first in an incredibly long series of boring vertical shooters. Radiant Silvergun is much better, and MUSHA is much better than that.
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Ikaruga to 360?
Feb 15, 2007 15:23
I wish i got to play radiant silvergun, though even having a saturn i never got the chance... i was very poor in those days, couldn' t really buy many games. But Ikaruga was awesome, I' d still like to try RS but the MUSHA ive not heard of, at least i think not. What' s so good about it Joe?
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Ikaruga to 360?
Feb 16, 2007 09:05
It' s fun and takes up the whole width of the screen (which hasn' t happened in an overhead shooter since Radiant Silvergun). Plus the music is much better than Ikaruga and Radiant Silvergun combined, and it' s just a Genesis cartridge game.
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Ikaruga to 360?
Feb 16, 2007 09:48
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Ikaruga to 360?
Feb 16, 2007 19:32
Holy crap!! he is amazingly good, to control 2 and still do all that stills... Im awe struck
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Ikaruga to 360?
Feb 17, 2007 01:42
Yep, a true artform!
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Ikaruga to 360?
Feb 17, 2007 08:29
I don' t give a crap about depth, I care about FUN. Ikaruga having a great soundtrack? No way. It' s not even memorable. I don' t think it has any actual melodies. Just strings in the background changing from time to time and sometimes trying to create an " urgent" feeling.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Ikaruga to 360?
Feb 17, 2007 17:02
Ikaruga having a great soundtrack? No way. It' s not even memorable. I don' t think it has any actual melodies. Just strings in the background changing from time to time and sometimes trying to create an " urgent" feeling. I have to agree with that for the most part, but then again I never really expected much of a soundtrack from a Treasure game   . Historically, their games have been great-looking and great-playing, but I have yet to encounter one that I thought was great-sounding... I always thought Treasure should let Konami of Japan handle the music in their games! That' s not to say that I didn' t enjoy certain parts of Ikaruga' s soundtrack. There were ' parts' in some tunes I did like, but, with the exception of one theme, those parts really didn' t last all that long. THIS is still, by far, my favorite theme in the game and the only one I found memorable at all: http://gh.ffshrine.org/song/374/6 It' s the music from the 3rd stage. The first minute and 19 seconds is Great, but after that point, the rest of the song totally ruins the cool groove they had going during the first minute and 19 seconds. I liked the intro of this theme (the first 5 seconds) but that was it: http://gh.ffshrine.org/song/374/7 And I also liked the intro of this theme (the first 8 seconds) but that was really it as well. http://gh.ffshrine.org/song/374/8
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 17 Feb 07 9:03:28 >
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