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 Gotta Get Xbox 2
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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Jan 24, 2005 05:39
Firstly, i have a post up there that I didn' t make... this is my first time in this thread... so that mildly confuses and bothers me. Anyway. (edited... i found out what happened, problem solved)

This has been a frustrating thread to read. What does it matter if one person wants to buy an Xbox 2 and another person doesn' t? Is it really the end of the world if mxps182 doesn' t want to buy an xbox2? Personally, i won' t be buying one either, i can barely afford A gaming console let alone all three. So when the time comes for me to buy one, I will buy the best console for ME, whether that is sony, Nintendo or MS.
< Message edited by rikka -- 1/24/2005 9:44:19 AM >

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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Jan 24, 2005 05:42

Firstly, i have a post up there that I didn' t make... this is my first time in this thread... so that mildly confuses and bothers me. Anyway.

This has been a frustrating thread to read. What does it matter if one person wants to buy an Xbox 2 and another person doesn' t? Is it really the end of the world if mxps182 doesn' t want to buy an xbox2? Personally, i won' t be buying one either, i can barely afford A gaming console let alone all three. So when the time comes for me to buy one, I will buy the best console for ME, whether that is sony, Nintendo or MS.

As I said later in the thread, I don' t really care if he gets a X-Box/X-Box 2, and I' m not trying to convince him to buy one. It was some of his reasoning that I found a bit silly so I questioned it. I think my last 2-3 replies on page 1 would be a good summary of the discussion at hand.

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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Jan 24, 2005 06:47
you didn' t question it so much as be a complete jackass....

I think my last 2-3 replies on page 1 would be a good summary of the discussion at hand

i think all your replies should be a good reason to shut the hell up....
Mass X

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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Jan 24, 2005 07:33
sigh...this was just a thread for Elder Scrolls mostly, not a debate.

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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Jan 24, 2005 08:19

you didn' t question it so much as be a complete jackass....

And thanks for adding so much to the discussion.

Your soothing words make me feel so much better.

. . . . . .

Some people should realize that if you can’t add anything constructive to the conversation, then you are not helping.

Tell me, if I called you a jackass, would you be more likely to respond, or less?

I could give a retort equal to your own general attitude, but I’d rather point out that if you truly want someone to shut up, talking to them is better than flaming them. . .

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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Jan 24, 2005 09:43
I agree with MassX, it is a shame this thread had to be so horribly derailed.

As I said later in the thread, I don' t really care if he gets a X-Box/X-Box 2, and I' m not trying to convince him to buy one. It was some of his reasoning that I found a bit silly so I questioned it. I think my last 2-3 replies on page 1 would be a good summary of the discussion at hand.

You know what.... who cares if his reasons are silly or not - does it matter? I might agree with some of them. Whatever his reasons are don' t make a difference. He doesn' t like Xbox, fine. And maybe your weren' t trying to convince him, but that is how it sounded. And I will maintain that it was a frustrating thread to read.

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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Jan 24, 2005 10:52

You know what.... who cares if his reasons are silly or not - does it matter?

Well, I never expected our conversation to last this long. I simply wanted a better understanding.

As for why - perhaps he had some misconceptions about the X-Box that could have been corrected, maybe not.

But we wouldn’t know unless we asked.

Terry Bogard

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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Jan 24, 2005 10:57
How about every one go out and buy a 3D0 right now and just forget about Xbox 2, PS3, and Revolution?? ;)

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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Jan 24, 2005 11:13
I have a 3DO.... and yes I want my cookie!

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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Jan 24, 2005 15:32
Finally, someone other than me started a conflict here, lol. With that being said...I can' t wait for the release of Xbox 2 because the screens of the new Morrowind game look awesome. I still haven' t opened my copy of the Game of the Year edition, but I' ll probably break it out near the end of this year to prepare for the new game.

PS Where is fathoms? He' s been gone for quite awhile...does he just post with all his friends at Gamespot now?


I couldn' t resist...

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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Jan 24, 2005 16:53

You know what.... who cares if his reasons are silly or not - does it matter? I might agree with some of them. Whatever his reasons are don' t make a difference.

I really don' t want a fight on my hands here so I will be as tactful as possible. Your right, who cares if his reasons are silly or not? It doesn' t matter. I know it won' t make any difference to what I buy.

However, this is a games forum and is, therefore, here for discussions such as what occurred in this thread. It’s the entire purpose for the forum to exist. To debate the pros and cons of video games and the machines on which they run. Of course, this thread (whilst admittedly off the original topic) falls nicely into that category.

Now going back to the main reason I quoted you, there is a problem. I have no problem with other people' s reasons, but the point is there were no reasons (at least none which did not open themselves to hypocrisy). Ultimately, his sole reason for not buying the Xbox 2 was that he didn' t like Microsoft' s business practices. Firstly, the only 2 things, which should matter with a console purchase are whether the technology is up to spec and, primarily, whether the games for the machine are good or not. At this point in time no one knows the answer to either of these questions. Therefore, there cannot possibly be a legitimate reason for not wanting a certain console.

Secondly (and this addresses the hypocrisy part), if he were basing his decision purely on business practice, then he would not buy a Nintendo machine. As was already said by another poster (name escapes me), they had some very shoddy business practices in the 80s. In fact about 2 years ago the European court slapped a massive penalty on Nintendo for blatant attempts to monopolise the games market and for illegal price fixing (leading to overpriced software) on their products. I will try to find a link, as I know there was an article on You can' t have one rule for one company and a different rule for the other. Well, ok, you can, if you are a complete hypocrite. Where is the fairness in that?

Now don' t get me wrong, I am no fan of big corporations that treat their customers like filth as soon as they can get away with it. I know Microsoft and Sony have both been ruthless in their time. I am a gamer though, and am therefore stuck with a choice of 3 large companies, each with a dark side to their history. Either that or quit gaming. I am not saying don' t buy Nintendo. I own, and am very happy with, a Gamecube, Gameboy, N64 etc. If he had said he was looking forward to the Nintendo and Sony machines more then fair enough, as he may imagine that they will be better and therefore appeal. There is a difference between being excited about the potential of one machine and actually making up your mind on what you will buy before you know anything at all about its quality.

What I am saying is simple: " wait until you have all the facts before making a decision"
< Message edited by Pierre2k -- 1/24/2005 5:00:05 PM >

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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Jan 24, 2005 17:03
Just did a quick search and here are a couple of links: (read the 2002 section on the right column)


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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Jan 25, 2005 06:16
Listen pierre2k, I have no real probem with you, but I do take offence when you start calling my reasons hypocritical. Please if you' re really interested in my reasons read my post. the first reason I stated was that I like Nintendo' s innovation. In my very next post I gave 3 more reasons: Nintendo has the franchises I love, Sony has the 3rd party Support to provide me with the games I' ll miss on the Nintendo system, and and I have neither the time or the money to buy all the games I want as it is, so I' m not going to bother with a different system when I already know I' ll get the games I like on the other two. I' m not basing my decision on business practices 20 years ago. Perhaps when I was 12 and bought my original NES I should have been shamed. Hypocrysy is saying one thing and doing another. I am not doing that, I gave 4 very legit reasons. If you feel the need to know more ask me personnaly with a PM rather than joining in on a slander campaign, I' m happy to talk about it.

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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Jan 25, 2005 10:26
Well, I don' t think I was exactly slanderous. Just stating the facts as I saw them. Lets face it, to say you won' t buy MS cause of their business practices but still buy from rivals doing the same thing is a bit on the hypocritical side, and you did give that as a reason whether there were additional reasons or not. Ok, fair enough you did say about Nintendo franchises so I stand corrected there. I can understand that reasoning as Nintendo obviously have many exclusive characters and titles. I don' t agree so much with the innovation part. If you had asked me before Gamecube and stuff I would have, but these days they seem to release the same game 20 times over (Pokemon anyone). Still, thats more my opinion than fact and although, not nessecarily innovative they still make good games.

As for the 3rd party support bit though. Well, at this point in time, we don' t know which console will get the best third party support. I mean, obviously, Sony will get all the major publishers, but the same could be said of Microsoft. I think the 3rd party arguement would be better based on which console runs the third party titles best. For example, the Xbox version of almost every multiplatform title is better (slightly) than its PS2 equivalent. Personally, I would hold off until you see whether a similar situation develops between PS3 and Xbox 2 before making a decisive judgement? But hey, what do i know?

Anyway, no hard feelings I hope?

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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Jan 25, 2005 12:18
No hard feelings at all with you pierre. I take great offence to the word hypocrite, It' s a very nasty word that is mostly used to try and discredit someone entirely. And you certainly don' t have to agree with me about the innovative part, but that' s what I think. I' ll admit their innovations aren' t always great, but I like the effort being shown. Yeah, and I' ll agree that x-box titles look slightly better than PS2 games of the same title, but that' s pretty much due to the generational gap of a year. With Microsoft releasing first I wouldn' t be surprised to see a reversal. Of course all machines are going to be so powerful, that the games are going to look so good anyways, that I' m not really putting that into an equation between those 2 for this generation.
Evil Man

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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Jan 26, 2005 20:55
I' ll probably try the PC version, morrowind 3 was decent. And it doesn' t matter if the game will run on HDTVs, HDTVs just improve resoluion, they dont add two times the texture detail and overall effects + way higher FPS that a PC can, nor the extreme antialiasing and anisotropic filtering, if I put a PC game just in high res without all of the extra things it would look like shit, resolution isn' t everything.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 1/26/2005 8:59:19 PM >

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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Jan 27, 2005 11:51
If anyone is interested....unoffically, Xbox 2 is slated for release late 2005/early 2006.

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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Feb 03, 2005 19:11
whoa nver heard about it.i might not get a Xbox 2. i want a PS3

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RE: Gotta Get Xbox 2 - Feb 10, 2005 09:24
Two items to address here...


PS Where is fathoms? He' s been gone for quite awhile...does he just post with all his friends at Gamespot now?


I couldn' t resist...

As many of you all know, fathoms was subjected to a severe attack by flamers some time ago. Of his own choosing, he selflessly decided to make life at Kikizo better for the rest of us by taking way the flamer' s target (himself).

When, and if, he will return is anyone' s guess...

I sure miss his input...much like lotusson, fathoms called people on their statements - made them either elaborate their point or told them to get lost.

And, that brings me to the second item to be addressed:

lotusson, in my book, is right in calling-out mxpx182. If you wish to post reasons for (or against) something, it would be nice if you could thoroughly clarify your position.

Whether it be Sega, Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft...they all have practiced under-handed business paractices at one time or another. Whether these practices worked depends on the company to which we focus our attentions.

The ultimate goal, speaking from a gamer' s point-of-view, is to have the best selection of innovative and well-made games - representing each major genre - available to play.

Each gamer must decide for themselves which hardware/software developer best accomplishes this task, based on their dis-/likes, and ensure they purchase the necessary console(s) and respective games.

Now, I am not trying to start anything, so understand mxpx182, that your initial posting comes across as wishy-washy at best. Your reasons for not wanting to buy the XBOX 2 seemed somewhat biased for no apparent reasoning.

If you prefer Nintendo' s current and future offerings, mxpx182, then I wish you all the gaming happiness you can handle...and then some.

As for me, I enjoy the gaming bliss known as XBOX...

I do hope that XBOX 2 has backwards compatibility, or I will be less likely to buy it. That' s my big selling point...backwards compatibility. Halo 3 would be my second big selling point...and we already know that IS going to happen - Bungie said so.

But while I am waiting to make my decision on the one console I am willing to afford (limited budget and family to raise), I am also looking at what both Nintendo and Sega will be bringing to the next-gen table. I have been surprised in the past by these two console makers, and fully expect that trend to continue in their (and my) future. And, maybe I' ll just decide to go with N' s or Sony' s offerings, rather than XBOX 2.

Who knows...

And, Mass X, Morrowind IV is looking even better with the more recent information/pics released to the internet!
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 10 Feb 05 19:27:37 >
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