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Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
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Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 18:04
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=130108 - Blue Dragon is now officially a series, in an interview Sakaguchi reveals a sequel is planned. There are two different design plans for the Xbox360. - There will be free downloadable content for Blue Dragon. - The game itself is about 40-50 hours long. - ASH is 50% complete. - Mistwalker has 3 other titles in production at the moment. - It appears that out of the 3 Mistwalker games in development, one of them in particular is a joint production with a developer in the West (of Japan that is) and if for either the Wii or the DS. That implies that it might be a Nintendo joint production.
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 18:39
- Mistwalker has 3 other titles in production at the moment Is this including, or excluding Lost Odyssey? At least one other title would be Cry On, which I think is a DS production. for either the Wii or the DS. That implies that it might be a Nintendo joint production. Cry On' s for the DS (according to Wikipedia). This sounds great! I' d love to see Sakaguchi' s work back on Nintendo' s hardware!
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 18:40
Aww, shit! What' s wrong with making just one game? I' m starting to bug myself with all the 2,4,5,7 and 12 games out there (recently finished KH2, Jak 3, bugging myself through Xenosaga 3 and FF12 and am still hoping for Shenmue 3). I guess it' s his choice to make and many like it, but to me it feels like a commitment when I know I will have play through more then one game to know how it ends. This news made up my mind and I' ve dfecided to pass on Blue Dragon... Unless I hear that it' ll be like FF and each istallment be completely unrelated.
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 21 Nov 06 10:41:36 >
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 18:42
Well,i have no problem with a sequal,as long as the world is " big" i also heard rumor from some people that they said in japan that BD will be on 3 disc. Dino you gonna pass on a game cause it' s gonna get a sequal? You better be kidding me,now you just look for faults. Nvm ,this is great news for all us other unbalance rpg lovers.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 21 Nov 06 10:43:49 >
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 18:52
What' s wrong with making just one game? I' m starting to bug myself with all the 2,4,5,7 and 12 games out there news made up my mind and I' ve dfecided to pass on Blue Dragon Hm, so I wonder in what way do you feel that Elder Scrolls IV is a rip-off of Elder Scrolls III  Seeing that its a sequel, it' s ' obvious it' s a bad game' . Honestly Dionysius, that' s the least objective statement I' ve ever heard you say! It' s only fashionable to hate sequels when they' re actually BAD. Otherwise, you just pass yourself off as a childish, slightly hypocritical, band-wagon riding gamer, with no real opinions on your own. PS: Admitting to playing/planning to play 4 games (FFXII isn' t a sequel, it' s just a number) that are sequels, and then saying you don' t want to play a game which is A NEW FRANCHISE; yeah, that' s hypocritical and more than a little...stupid.
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 19:08
I' m very much aware that I' m childish as well as stupid and a hypocrit, but I' m not saying that Blue Dragon is a bad game or that there is anything wrong with Oblivion. I' m just saying that I' m bad at sequels because I have issues with commitment. I almost never watch a television series because I don' t like how they go on forever, and I tend to get bored of girls fast. Even so I also hate to not see things through to the end, which is a risk with continuing games (for me) as I tend to easily get restless and there is always the risk of continuing gaming series either turning bad or worse, CANCELLED (Shenmue 3, the hinted BG&E2). So do know I' m not in ANY way saying that Blue Dragon is a bad game (I think it looks KICK ASS), just that I myself am bad at sequels. And even though I am, there are exceptions.
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 19:11
That still doesnt explain why you would want to pass on the first game called " blue dragon" just because it rcently got announced to get a sequal you' re not even gonna give the game a chance? The sequal could be a bomb,it could stink,i have no idea how it will be,but why does it get a sequal now? Japanese gamers who tried it a TGS spread the word about BD,Ms had to pay whatever they could for a sequal,nobody force you to buy sequals,but to pass on a game just because it got a sequal is very childish. Atleast we know already that you wont be fair about it when it actually hit the stores.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 21 Nov 06 11:12:42 >
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 19:14
Ah, I see. Sorry about that Yeah, I know what you mean. But there are sequels where it pretty much doesn' t matter whether you' ve played the game or not. DMC for one, the story, while it was cool, is kinda pointless as the sequels came out one after another. So people pick it up just to play for the good mechanics and nothing much else. And then there' s stuff like the Resi Evil series. I played Resi 4 without EVER played Resi 1 or more (survival horror wasn' t really a key genre for me), and loved it. Prerequisite wasn' t needed since having a basic framework of the story was enough. The best is when they provide a totally different storyline/character/situation in the same gameworld. Like the Oddworld series (too bad they' ve closed =/)
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 19:32
I' m sorry,what he said didn' t explain much,has he ever played blue dragon? If someone for ex said,you know what Killbill is getting a sequal,would you refuse to see it then? He hasnät even tried Blue dragon yet,so how can he judge a sequal? Make no sense whatsoever.
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 19:36
That' s what I thought he said Quez, but re-read what he' s saying. He' s saying he simply cannot commit to the amount of time and memory you need to follow whole sequels from game to game. Hence, if the BD story is as epic as we believe it to be, a sequel would be hard for Dion since he is, in his own words, not that good with sequels.
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 19:37
Nope This news made up my mind and I' ve dfecided to pass on Blue Dragon... Unless I hear that it' ll be like FF and each istallment be completely unrelated. he clearly says he gonna pass on BD because its gonna have a sequal based on the BD world. What Dino need to get is,that BD get a sequal because its vert popular and has got alot of attention since TGS,not LO as i hoped would get it,but BD. Popular games get sequals,why? answere-people want a sequal. I for ex wanted more of FF7 then was delivered,and still i played for over 90 hours. However none here can say ff7 didnt dleiver enough to quit the game story forever and never need a sequal. But if ther eis one,just better for us fans.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 21 Nov 06 11:39:45 >
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 19:50
This news made up my mind and I' ve dfecided to pass on Blue Dragon... Unless I hear that it' ll be like FF and each istallment be completely unrelated. Yes, because then I won' t feel as commited to the game and can end it at the first without feeling comitted. I think Byakko understood, but I think I can see how Quez missunderstood. BTW: I hated all FF7 sequels, yet I played through all of them, that is why I dislike sequels, but worse is when I don' t even have streanght enough to get through them.
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 21 Nov 06 11:53:27 >
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 19:52
No,i didnt missunderstood,you clearly wrote yuou gonna skip BD just because its now gonna have a sequal,you already know BD is on sales in 2-3 weeks and the game has gone gold. 1.You have no idea what the sequal is about. 2.You have never tried out BD. Saying you cant finish BD because its gonna get some kind of sequal is just a aftermatch of what you wrote,and make no sense whatsoever still. GoW is with 100% gonna get a sequal,you was gonna skip GoW also? Cliffy said if the game sells good and gets good reviews the sequal comes,so,ye its coming. Mgs4 you' re not getting that right? That will be the 5th Mgs game so... And zelda for the wii?
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 21 Nov 06 11:58:16 >
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 19:59
Actually I didn' t know the game had gone Gold and is about to go on sales in 2-3 weeks. And as I said, I might reconsider, depending on whta the sequel turns out to be. But I am not ready to commit myself to an epic and long stiry that will continue forever, even if the game is great. Sometimes I feel like committing myself to longer tales, but now is not such a time and that is also not because I think the game is bad (as mentioned I think it' ll be great), but simply due to personal reasons. Edit: And like I also mentioned, of course there are exceptions, and I stared MGS a long time ago and even thoguh I love the games I wouldn' t mind seeing the end of the series.
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 21 Nov 06 12:01:31 >
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 20:01
Yes,you might do that,im just pointing out that you' re clearly not fair and balance towards the 360. All i needed to know
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 20:04
WTF? Since when haven' t I been fair towards the 360? Actually, since when have I ever been unfair against any console? And, how can I be unfair against a console, it' s a machine. I think I' ve even posted that might top most wanted games are Zelda, MGS4, Alan Wake, Cryssis (funny how 2 of them are sequels).
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 21 Nov 06 12:05:12 >
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 22:43
Thought I might just spam and be the fourth different member to post something in here... By the way Dion, how was Kingdom Hearts 2??? Worth a purchase? I clocked number one and to the end it became a tell of serious drivel when Xemnas blurted out.. KINGDOM HEARTS!!! I smashed my TV in by the way.. it' s like he HAD to get the title in there sooner or later.
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 21, 2006 23:21
Honestly, I found Kingdom Hearts 2 to be really anti climatic. I played the game from beginning to the end, only to find out that the coolest parts of the game was the CG intro and the CG outro. The biggest problem I had with its gameplay was the fact that everything looked cool and wov, yet it felt like I did nothing ' cept hammer the triangle button, storywise the biggest excitement I got was watching the secret teaser for Kingdom Hearts 3.  I hope the next installment ends this series.
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 21 Nov 06 18:13:58 >
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 22, 2006 00:20
BD comes in 3 fukin DVDs ... and it seems they used all kinds of freaky compression techs and still had to use 3 dvds ... So i guess ppl sayin we dont need blu rays are wrong .. by the way cry-on is a x360 game not a ds game ...
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RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 22, 2006 02:08
No,they arn' t,Blue dragon is gonna be one of the first 360 titles in 1080p,that also use alot of CGI HD in 1080p,that takes loads of space. Also we dont know for sure yet if its gonna be 3 playable,or just a bonus disc,was rumors about a manga/make off disc.
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