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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 22, 2006 02:25
I' m nothing against them using HD cg cutscnes (although it might be unnescesairy in this day and age). I noted at least one cutscene in Gears of War that was rendered and honestly thought it looked worse than the rest of the game, I' m guessing because it wasn' t all that high res.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: Sakaguchi admits BD is becoming a a gaming serie for 360,and hints for wii/ds titles!
Nov 22, 2006 02:28
I seriously doubt this will be 3 gameplay disc' s, in fact I' m certain. Regardless of content for a 50hr game one dual layer disc would be more than up to the task, unless suddenly we are required to hook up 3 xbox 360' s to equal the power of one PS3, so each console needs it' s own...  Nonetheless, It' s waaaaaaay too early to call the format war. Does anyone know if ANY of the cutscenes are in engine? Or any other actual hard facts about the compression techniques? Sometimes things get skewed in translation - after all a dev saying they have 3 dvd of content is very different to what actually ships after the crunch time...