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 The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions
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The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 14, 2007 10:20
Communism, gotta love it.

The Chinese Government has given online game operators until July 16 to implement software that severely restricts the amount of time children under-18 are allowed to play their games, according to the People' s Daily.

With the software installed, children will be able to play games in the normal way for up to three hours. During the following two hours, the amount of points they can earn will be halved.

After five hours, scores will be zeroed with no more points to earn. In addition, a warning will flash up every 15 minutes explaining that this is " unhealthy game time" and advising the player to rest.

It would seem that games companies seem to have little problem with the new regulations as most of their customers are adults. However, there is concern that one element of the new scheme could cause problems: the need for gamers to register their real names and identity card numbers in order to play.

" The system requires every online player to register with their real identity. This will scare away many adult and young users," BDA China chief analyst Liu Bin told People' s Daily Online.

Companies will have their games shut down unless they fail to comply with the new rules by the July 16 deadline.

China sucks. [:' (]

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 14, 2007 11:37
China is still a very closed nation. My party had to have a National Guide for the entire time we were there. He stayed at our hotel, spent the full 10 days away from his family, ate with us, accompanied us almost everywhere we went. It was uncomfortable for the first few days..

His " real" job was in the police. Probably just some traffic cop or whatever, but he was pretty astute. It was just a pain in the ass to have him with us all the time.

I kinda like Communists though. They all dress real smart!

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 14, 2007 12:28
Wow, that' s pretty stupid. Instead of trying to control the rampant Piracy over there (China' s like the Piracy capital of the world) they spend money on other pointless ventures.

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 14, 2007 17:50
Wow, does that software work on all games? Cutting points to half and stuff sounds advanced.
Anyway, I wouldn' t recommend anyone, especially children, to play for more than three hours a day. So it' s not such a bad idea.
The scary part is the need for registration.
Virtua fighter 5

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 14, 2007 22:21

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 14, 2007 22:37
How come those guys cant take their games eh?

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 14, 2007 23:36

His " real" job was in the police. Probably just some traffic cop or whatever, but he was pretty astute. It was just a pain in the ass to have him with us all the time.

I kinda like Communists though. They all dress real smart!

That' s just to hide the dual-broomhandles they' ve got stowed away in their jackets dude.

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 15, 2007 03:16
Filan Dalfa! Fight the Chinese Gov' t!

In all seriousness, I' m quite torn on this issue. They aren' t restricting the playtime of adults and they give younglings reasonable time to enjoy MMORPGs (except in certain EQ like 18 hour spawn waits). I could see America moving forward with something like this because it only applies to people under 18 and it' s really not a bad idea to kick kids out of the house for a half of an hour to bake in the sun.

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 15, 2007 03:19
This is why im a liberal.
Get the fuck out of my fucking live you disgusting piece of goverment shit.

Conserative,communism and socialism just happend to like to take money and spend it how it fit them,fuck them.

I want my money I want to do whatever I want,you the fucking goverment should stay out of my fucking life you disgusting piece of shitheads.

Communist girls in EU dress " okay" but they are still lesbo and fags, and disgusting and should be spitted on because they are often poor.

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 15, 2007 03:39

should be spitted on because they are often poor.

I seem to recall you confessed that you once found $50,000 cash in a closet in whatever political palace you grew up in, and your political bigwig father made a deal with you that you wouldn' t tell anyone else about it. Here' s a newsflash -- you haven' t earned a dime in your life, and just because you grew up rich doesn' t mean your family was entitled to that money anyway. You' re no liberal, you' re just a shiftless rich kid who indulges in escapism 24/7. The poor people you would spit on have more integrity than you, simple and plain.

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 15, 2007 03:42
Chinese girls are pretty hot. It' s too bad they don' t age very well though...

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 15, 2007 03:43

In all seriousness, I' m quite torn on this issue. They aren' t restricting the playtime of adults and they give younglings reasonable time to enjoy MMORPGs (except in certain EQ like 18 hour spawn waits). I could see America moving forward with something like this because it only applies to people under 18 and it' s really not a bad idea to kick kids out of the house for a half of an hour to bake in the sun.

I can see where you' re coming from, but the main issue is that that is something that individuals and families should be free to take personal responsibility for, not something that government has any business imposing on people. And if the U.S. did impose that policy on videogames, they damn sure should impose it on people who watch Fox News and listen to talk radio.

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 15, 2007 03:45
Or that socialist cable CNN,fuck them and fox news.

And who are you to judge me about spitting on poor people?

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 15, 2007 05:32

I can see where you' re coming from, but the main issue is that that is something that individuals and families should be free to take personal responsibility for, not something that government has any business imposing on people. And if the U.S. did impose that policy on videogames, they damn sure should impose it on people who watch Fox News and listen to talk radio.

Look, I' m as guilty as over mmorpging as anyone. I ditched school/stayed up late and did anything in my power to level up (furthest I got was level 19, ironically).

Now that I' m a legal adult, I suppose I' m a bit hypocritical, but it can' t be bad to limit playtime to three hours. As long as children aren' t imprisoned for it and simply have their games taken away for a period of time as punishment, I simply don' t see a problem with it.

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 15, 2007 06:17
I kinda agree with Billy. Kids aren' t allowed to drink, drive or smoke because they' re too young and unexperienced to have a good judgement. Videogames are kinda the same, it' s great in the right amount, but when it' s too much it should be restricted in order to prevent people from hurting themselves.
Adults have enough experience of life so they can decide by themselves.

One of the key roles of a government today is to make sure that the citizens are healthy. Healthy citizens generate more welfare in society and keeps the nation strong.

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 15, 2007 06:31

Now that I' m a legal adult, I suppose I' m a bit hypocritical, but it can' t be bad to limit playtime to three hours.

I agree but that should be the responsibility of the parents. Governments sticking their noses in and reducing peoples freedom to choose are not appreciated.

As has been mentioned already, why aren' t other forms of media put under this type of scrutiny? Video games seem to be the scapegoat of every government out there.


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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 15, 2007 06:36
Movies have age ratings and at cinemas they prevent children from looking at inapproriate movies.
The difference between videogames and other media is that videogames are interactive which stimulates peoples minds more effectively than other forms of media. People get more affected by videogames than movies so that' s why addiction can be common among gamers, especially young ones. That' s why they need guidance to stay healthy.
Parents seldom know what' s best for their kids. Just look at all the fat kids in the world. It' s a friggin epidemic. The government have to do restricitions in order to keep big groups of society from destroying themselves.
Also, lots of parents probably want their kids to stop playing so much but many don' t know how as they can' t monitor their children 24/7. By using software in every game this is one way to help those parents.
But I still don' t like this move from the Chinese government as I suspect they have some hidden motives as well.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 14 Apr 07 22:38:57 >

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 15, 2007 06:48

Movies have age ratings and at cinemas they prevent children from looking at inapproriate movies.

Games have age ratings and you don' t have to go to the Cinema to watch a movie.

The difference between videogames and other media is that videogames are interactive which stimulates peoples minds more effectively than other forms of media.

Nah, the only difference between video games and other forms of entertainment is that governments don' t understand video games and they' re scared of what they don' t understand. Radio, TV, Films, Rock Music have all had to endure the same shit that video games do before they became fully accepted.

Parents seldom know what' s best for their kids. Just look at all the fat kids in the world. It' s a friggin epidemic.

Well, that' s very true but would you advocate the governemt rationing the amount of food the kids are allowed access to? That' s what they' re doing with the games after all. Not really an acceptable option in a free country is it?

If people are stupid then they need education not a police state.

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 15, 2007 06:54
You retards.

So you think for ex a mom who must work extra and might be gone for hours shoulnd' t be able to let her son for ex watch the tele or play games for hours?
I know a kid I sometimes oplay GoW with he is 11 and his parents arn' t home much,he got no friends so me and funner sometimes play with him.

If it wasn' t for games that retarded kiddie would stare in a wall.
Soon we should decie what a kid can eat or not,and at what time?

LOTR movie is like 3 hours+ you mean that after watching that movie someone shouldn' t be allowed to watch anything more on the tele?

I played FF7 for ex 8 hours in a row on a sunday,it was a blast,how did that hurt me?

The fucking goverment should stay out of our fucking lives when it comes to what we spend our time with.

You morons compare alcohol with games,jesus christ!
Wtf is wrong with you people,have you become Jack Thompson' s puppies?

3 hours is like minum for an fucking theater also.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 14 Apr 07 22:58:10 >

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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions - Apr 15, 2007 07:00

Games have age ratings and you don' t have to go to the Cinema to watch a movie.

I suppose that' s true. But then, you don' t have to play online on a PC in order to play a videogame. This method won' t apply to normal consle games. Not yet anyway.

Nah, the only difference between video games and other forms of entertainment is that governments don' t understand video games and they' re scared of what they don' t understand. Radio, TV, Films, Rock Music have all had to endure the same shit that video games do before they became fully accepted.

You might be right. But I personally feel that videogames are slightly different due to the interactivity.

Well, that' s very true but would you advocate the governemt rationing the amount of food the kids are allowed access to? That' s what they' re doing with the games after all. Not really an acceptable option in a free country is it?

No, but they should limit the overall access to unhealthy food, and this is something that lots of governments do. For example, they' re taking away candy in some schools in the states and stuff.
A free country you say? Freedom is an illusion. And it' s also a point of view. People concider freedom the ability do to what THEY want. But they never think about what consequences their actions and freedom has on other people.

If people are stupid then they need education not a police state.

We constantly teach people how to eat healthy but it doesn' t help because the parts of society that wants us to eat (producers of candy, food and fast-food chains) are more influential with their brainwashing methods (commersials etc.)

< Message edited by ginjirou -- 14 Apr 07 23:01:54 >
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