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the dumbest things in video games
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the dumbest things in video games
Apr 22, 2006 23:29
there are some concepts in design that i would like to see change: 1) i was playing onmiusha 4 lately, as you might expect you are a super hero, however many times in the game, a small tree is blocking your way, heck even a case and to pass through you should really look for another way which is always complicated... and this si just ridiculous even a 5 year old could jump over that tree, can' t they just make a wall blocing the way or some door of some kind so it loks more believable ?? no more complicated stuff just to pass a simple door, heck my sword weight 100 pounds alone... 2) what i hate in rpg' s is the " very" frequent battles, in suikoden 5 which i' m playing now, this is so irritating , every 10s or less a new battle plus the loading for each to start and come back to the game again which take more than 5s, this is very irritating. 3) then comes the kind of game in which when you die, you have to start all over again... it sur makes a lot of pression but it' s stressing and if the game doesn' t have a perfect control , you' ll throw your pad out of the window. 4) camera problems, ome games let you view everything but your character, specialy in hack and slash games or platform, the last game i played that really pissed me off is the latest castlevania.. ps2 what else get on your nerves???
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RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 22, 2006 23:55
Well...in FF serie i always thought battles=better level=easier time vs bosses,so never really bugged me,however i like the system ToS use or now FF12. Will fix a lot of things. A combat like mmorpg is the best way.
Terry Bogard
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RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 23, 2006 00:40
You wanna know what I find to be one of the dumbest things in video games???? Developers taking a game from one genre and turning it into a friggin fighting game.. Double Dragon went from a great beat-em' up series to two of the most piss poor fighting games this side of the planet (Double Dragon 5 for the SNES and Genesis, and Double Dragon for the Neo-Geo). Viewtiful Joe............ Capcom should have focused on another side scroller. Golden Axe........ Umm NO!! I was already not that big a fan of this series and the fighting game version of it didn' t help it at all. Sonic............. Sega fanboyism aside, this game was extremely lacking as a fighter.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 22 Apr 06 16:43:28 >
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RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 23, 2006 01:07
Dubbing japanese speech to american is the dumbest f**king thing I know!
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RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 23, 2006 04:26
Taking existing games and unneccesarily turning them " urban cool" e.g: Jak and Jaxter > Jak 2/3 Sonic > Shadow with guns
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RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 23, 2006 05:30
Taking existing games and unneccesarily turning them " urban cool" e.g: Jak and Jaxter > Jak 2/3 Sonic > Shadow with guns i hate that too, and specialy the emphasise on sex in games, not sexe but stuff that supposed to be sexy ... that' s fucking stupid look at the intro of prince of persia 2, what a freaking dominatrice is doing in yhis game... how about that lady in ninja gaiden ... [:' (]
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RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 23, 2006 17:09
I hate framerate issues , glitches and bugs - so I hate PC developers making games for consoles - I also hate how some gamers ignore those and in return devs care even less. I hate those 1/2 next gen games that have sharp textures and big levels but with previous gen models and animation.It' s always like that when new gen arrives. I hate stupid ingame hints that make the game Retard-easy. I hate titles that focus on scope,features,while neglecting the pure aspect of gameplay. Oh, and one more thing - those ingame movies that are made from realtime animations but recorded into a movie -It looks like shit ...should' ve done it in realtime.
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 23 Apr 06 9:10:40 >
Game Junkie
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RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 23, 2006 20:27
I hate seeing every woman character with exadurated body proportions and wearing next to nothing, games like DOA,Tomb Raider and rumble Roses really piss me off. A real insult to my intelligence. I hate seeing ports with performance problems, its like all they had to do was get the fucking game running on a different system and they couldn' t even get that right. I hate the pricing philosophy with videogames. Well it cost alot to make so we should price them high. Wake up mother fuckers! if you cut the prices in half you will sell three times as much! it makes me especially mad when i see 360 ports cost so much more then pc counter parts, greedy pricks. One thing that bothers me is that not enough games focus on humor, not enough games try to be funny. Its always about saving the world. Sometimes i just want to fuck around. I hate seeing those games that are targeted for the real suckers, parents who want to get a game for their 9 year old daughter. You know the Mary kate and Ashley,britneys dance beat or Barbies playhouse. These games probably took two days to make and are pure crap but parents still buy them because it has some dyke on the cover that their daughter idolizes. Old style rpgs, you know the type. you walk three feet and are forced to endure the same fucking battle you just did 2 seconds ago. rinse repeat 50000 bazzilion times. All to reach the boss which only feels rewarding because the boss is remotly different from the previous 50 hours of gaming slavery. MMOs, this is the newest gaming scam. They charge us full price for the game then charge us per month. And they get away with it by making the level up system really slow and addicting. They do everything to keep us playing. So the real suckers find themselves playing for 10 hours in one sitting just to gain enough exp. and gil to attain a new skill or weapon. Videogames should be fun and awarding, any time you' re playing because you feel you need to just to gain a vitual item, put the controller down and try to piece together whatever you have left of your life before you have nothing. I detest bullshit release dates, they give you a release date to generate hype when they know full well that they will release the game at a later date. Then the cock suckers have the audacity to tell us, ah its not done yet. Ken Kutaragi, the man is either crazy or he is a fucking moron. It doesn' t matter which, the fact is that he isn' t fit the represent Sony Playstation at any capacity. If i wasn' t so tired i would pull up some of my favorite quotes from this twit. uneccessary loading times. I' m a patient guy but if you force me to load between each menu I' ll be pissed. The worst is when you have to restart a level and have to reload each time like in a racing game. people playing LIVE under the age of 15, I just can' t stand their squeeky voices. Then they bitch when you swear. If i saw them in person i would choke the living shit out of them. artificial difficulty levels, what i mean by that is when the only difference with hard mode and easy mode is that in hard mode they mearly jack up the enemies health. Different dificulty modes should be controlled by ai not health points or amount of enemies. special editions of games, I don' t care if they give a free nick nack if you preorder but if they give an ingame item to those who preorder i get mad. Example, Black & White 2, gave an ingame tiger to those who preordered.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 23, 2006 21:46
ORIGINAL: Game Junkie I hate seeing every woman character with exadurated body proportions and wearing next to nothing, games like DOA,Tomb Raider and rumble Roses really piss me off. A real insult to my intelligence. One thing that bothers me is that not enough games focus on humor, not enough games try to be funny. Its always about saving the world. Sometimes i just want to fuck around. I hate seeing those games that are targeted for the real suckers, parents who want to get a game for their 9 year old daughter. You know the Mary kate and Ashley,britneys dance beat or Barbies playhouse. These games probably took two days to make and are pure crap but parents still buy them because it has some dyke on the cover that their daughter idolizes. MMOs, this is the newest gaming scam. They charge us full price for the game then charge us per month. And they get away with it by making the level up system really slow and addicting. They do everything to keep us playing. So the real suckers find themselves playing for 10 hours in one sitting just to gain enough exp. and gil to attain a new skill or weapon. Videogames should be fun and awarding, any time you' re playing because you feel you need to just to gain a vitual item, put the controller down and try to piece together whatever you have left of your life before you have nothing. I agree with you on so many levels. Particularly with: Women with huge bouncing brests..yea it' s kinda funny sometimes and provides some fan service but there is a line where you can get bored, that' s what I think led to tomb raider' s downfall the game use to be about game play and the story then suddenly lara got even bigger tits to focus on. I remember playing the first three series of doa and thinking the first one was really good second better third verging on prerversion and the fourth thinking this guy is a perv. I mean there' s a scene where this girl is on a train and it shifts and some grubby old guy grabs her tits to stay stable. Then there' s one where another girl is lap dancing and she has the guys head between her legs (who' s neck she breaks). But I could just imagine the amount of time these guys probably spend thinking how to be more peverted in games. Humour: I love humour in games as well as a good story line that' s why I love zelda (which I think is beggining to wash out a little), shenmue (it' s so easy to relate to and i don' t even know why...I don' t have any plans on avenging anyone but feel like I can relate, plus it' s humourous in parts), Viva pinyada looks really funny and I' m 19 but I think I might get it still but like you said there ain' t enough humourous games out there..not much iv' e played anyway. Games for suckers: I can' t agree more I mean yea I can understand trying to get some into gaming but it' s so annoyingseeing so many silly baby-fied games on the market yea some are fun and even humourous but over cook it and it gets boring. MMo' s: eccch don' t get me started on this one I think it' s so sleezy charging a monthly subscription for a game bundle that' s issue to change features where you will feel the need to upgrade to get the new stuff so you don' t miss out... I also hate release dates like sometimes the year has only begun and a game would be announced in january and will only be realeased on the 25th of december or something. I mean why can' t they just wait till the dates are closer to let us know it' s like your going through with the game' s development process aswell and it' s depressing. Another thing I hate about some games is about the logic like I was playing quantum redshift and kept getting stuck in the wall sometimes or even disappear somehow and reappear when everyone is already ahead...so fraustrating especially when you' re winning...also in some racing games how the computer can speed around corners but when you try it you crash then even when you perfect your skid it seems like they somehow get faster. (I think i' m done now).
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 23 Apr 06 13:56:12 >
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RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 24, 2006 03:31
Agreed with the gaming female characters thing. Need more of a female perspective in game developement and journalism imo, but it' ll come with time I guess. My pet hate is how there' s this assuption that all 1st person games (and many 3rd person) have to have guns/weapons in them to be entertaining! How strange! Maybe it' s because it' s so much harder to come up with interesting dialogue and story than programme code for gory death animations eh.. Yea it was fun and novel up until around the time of Doom, but 10 years on?? I guess it must be more fun to shoot people in the face! I was laughing the other day at how many games that I had or was after in the near future didn' t have primarily gun based gameplay in them. Apart from racing games, I think it was only about 4! So I guess I' m just as guilty for buying gun games.  However, I loved Manhunt for going completely the other way and showing how much of an obscure fetish it really is! What is it about guns in games anyway?
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
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RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 24, 2006 03:37
also in some racing games how the computer can speed around corners but when you try it you crash then even when you perfect your skid it seems like they somehow get faster. That reminds me of Midnight Club 2 on the xbox (and probably all other versions but I only have xbox version) - When racing with them side by side, like at the begining, if you are in a kinda nudging battle you can' t win, you are so easily tossed aside. Also when they crash nothing really comes of it and a split second later they are of at full speed. Meanwhile You crash and it' s a life time waiting to get back up to full speed. Racing games AI on rails, hate it.. COmputer should play as players online for example, not all follow one path, not have some need for competition between itself kinda battling each other. etc etc etc.... [:' (]
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- Joined: Jan 30, 2006
RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 24, 2006 03:40
I HATE TUTORIAL LEVELS!! Glad I got that out of my system. Honestly though, since most games (I hate to admit this) are beginning to look the same in each genre, why waste time trying to tell you to tilt the D stick to walk and/or run and that, surprise on surprise, you need to take turns during battles? I can understand if there' s a unique aspect to the controls such as Katamari or, to an extent, Metal Gear, but for fighting, racing, some sports, most platformers and Final Fantasy Style RPGs they should just do away with them.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 24, 2006 04:16
That reminds me of Midnight Club 2 on the xbox (and probably all other versions but I only have xbox version) - When racing with them side by side, like at the begining, if you are in a kinda nudging battle you can' t win, you are so easily tossed aside. Also when they crash nothing really comes of it and a split second later they are of at full speed. Meanwhile You crash and it' s a life time waiting to get back up to full speed. Racing games AI on rails, hate it.. COmputer should play as players online for example, not all follow one path, not have some need for competition between itself kinda battling each other. etc etc etc.... [:' (] Yeah that crashing thing is so true that happens to me in project gotham, if you bump into the car they seem to get the good end somehow and pass you still...if you crash them in the wall they reverse and catch up in like seconds, there was this game aswell where you dare not let the car infront go pass a corner before even if u are a second behind when you pass the corner they' re no where to be seen. Another thing I hate in games is long introductions that you can' t escape from..even if you know what you need to do and how to do it...zelda. Something that I think would be cool is if you missed something in a game once thats it you don' t have another chance (make it that harder,but I doubt it would be accepted) but would be so fun. Imagine if shenmue 3 came along and you had to fight some of lan di' s hench men before you got to him and if you lost thats your chance over. Actually I chnage my mind that probably would be dumb.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 23 Apr 06 20:18:39 >
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RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 24, 2006 04:54
Imagine if shenmue 3 came along and you had to fight some of lan di' s hench men before you got to him and if you lost thats your chance over. Actually I chnage my mind that probably would be dumb. Well I like this to a degree. When I first heard about Shenmue it sounded a lot more open. Like you can get a job or gamble to make money for a flight and IF you miss it you' d have to find another way. It' d be nice if instead of losing to lan di' s henchman and getting a retry option, the game continues. You get to recover, train more if you wish and have to find him again to aquire the information or whatever. Also multiple ways of doing something would be nice, not as linear. So I think the idea is a good one and something, not exactly the dumbest thing in video games, but it' s not up there with real life.
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RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 24, 2006 04:58
Thats a huge part of shenmue that I like the real life aspect and finding other ways around things. And I never thought about the going away and training bit soundslike a good addition.
Game Junkie
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RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 24, 2006 05:51
Oh I' m not done yet... I hate racing games that have an automic catchup so if your in the lead the ai all of a sudden gets to go faster just to catch up. It just makes the entire race pointless. I hate when game saves can be rendered useless if you make a mistake and all of a sudden after 50 hours of gameplay you can' t progress any further because you missed some stupid key five levels ago. I hate mazes or walking long distances or anything that makes a game artificially long. Developers like to boast oh with our new title you get 100 hours of gameplay. Well if you have me staring at the fucking ceiling with my thumb pushed against the controller just to get somewhere I' ll take a dump on your game and mail it right back to you. lost or currupted save files, this is usually a hardware problem but sometimes games are so poorly programed that they do this to. Platform jumping, Hey devs, you want to know why your adventure games don' t sell well? We fucking hate jumping on god damn platforms! Especially when you have a shitty automatic camera that changes angle when you' re mid air. Whenever i see i have to jump over a soemthing in a game to advance I always pop the game out and throw it out the window. I simply don' t play games that have platform jumping. I wish gaming sites and magazines told us weather or not platform jumping is in the game or not so i know not to play it. censorship! in general i hate censorship above anything else. So when I' m playing a new game and i see that some of the content that i payed for is censored or diluted to make a certain rating, well that pisses me off. I mean most gamers are above the age of 18 so if a character is supposed to be naked then let the character be naked, if they should be swearing let them swear. too many sequals and not enough original games. The devs say that sequals sell better but thats only because they get bigger budgets and thus are usually better quality then new franchises. So devs,, how about you try and invest in new ideas? poor control/camera I can live with a game with poor graphics or sound but if the game has poor control. Well then fuck off. Jack Thomson, I know he' s not actually a part of videogames and there in lies my complaint. We need a game where the sole purpose is to kill all the assholes in the world. The last boss can be Jack Thomson. Lets give this idiot a reason to bitch. sport games! Hey look the new madden is out! Who gives a shit!? It' s the same game you bought last year fucktard.
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RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 24, 2006 06:15
I don' t really like sport games either bar tennis I absolutely hate basketball and baseball games with a flippin vengence. And iv' e been saying about the sequels thing for quite a while. I would like to see some devs put some of the work they' re known for aside for a bit and try to start something new especially zelda,mario need for speed and mortal kombat.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 24, 2006 06:16
too many sequals and not enough original games. The devs say that sequals sell better but thats only because they get bigger budgets and thus are usually better quality then new franchises. So devs,, how about you try and invest in new ideas? i' m not against sequels and certainly tose are not the stupidest thing in video games, who wouldn' t love to seea metal gear solid sequel , resident evil sequel, devil may cry , ninja gaiden ... hey sequels are not always bad as long as they keep up the very good quality , they are all welcome... now originaluity is not always good, how many times developers try to change a game or come up with something " new" but it' s no good. what i find " extremly" stupid about shenmue is its game design somehow, you keep looking from one person to another, how the hell can you have fun with that guys? yeah i enjoyed the game, i liked it, but that' s for the cutscenes , the graphics , the story , the fighting somehow and BASTA, the gameplay sucks , it reaches to a point where it gets really rediculous, they ask u to go to somewhere to find a man but you certainly know he won' t be there, and that' s after a very long search from again one npc to another .... one word SUCKS.
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RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 24, 2006 07:29
to find a man but you certainly know he won' t be there, and that' s after a very long search from again one npc to another .... one word SUCKS. In the real world if you were in that situation, you would just know where to go, or would you ask people? I know it seems a bit long winded, and the fact there is only one person who knows can be a bit annoying, but to find what you seek you must ask questions. We can' t just find a magical book in the real world (the world Shenmue represents) that tells us all the necessary information
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RE: the dumbest things in video games
Apr 24, 2006 07:41
this is a game, and if it supposed to refelct reality , i' ll criticize even much more, a game is agame and it should be fun. 80% of what you do in shenmue is looking for people... it' s not because it tries to reflect reality that people should worship a game, shenmue " gameplay wise" is really average, i don' t know if it matters to u but just to give more weight to my point , many professional sites agree on that and before i played the game i was pissed off, how dare could they unrate a game like that, but hey that was damn true.
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