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the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
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the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 08, 2005 08:39
this past weekend i was at a wedding where i didn' t know anyone except my girlfriend who was in the wedding party. so needless to say she was busy all the time doing wedding stuff and i was left to my own devices.....so i drank. AND man did i drink alot andd engage myself in lots of stupidity. the topper on the night was when i felt the need to vomit, walked out of the hall, across the alley into someones yard, opened the lid on the bbq, chucked my guts inside it, closed it and went back to the party where no one was any wiser....i hope there wasn' t a big gift opening bbq planned or anything.
Terry Bogard
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RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 08, 2005 09:52
I think the last time I ever threw up was probably as a baby cause as far back into my early childhood as my memory takes me I don' t recall ever throwing up. My stomach is pretty strong I believe, hehe
Mass X
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RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 08, 2005 10:04
The last time I threw up was interesting. Like I had fallen asleep and the bowl I had next to me was across the room for some damn reason. At around 3am I shot up located the bowl did a 360 horizontal roll off the couch into a forward roll for the bowl aimed and fired. It was quite an acrobatic feat considering my health status. However as for place...Id have to say all over my jackass friend. It wasnt from drinking but I had the flu ...I have that alot... Anyways ya he was a jackass and wouldnt let me get access to the nearest restroom so I was like fuckit you my catcher then.
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RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 08, 2005 10:42
Have thrown up a total of 2 times over the 17 years that i' ve been here. 1 time, i had a stomach flu, just threw up in the toilet another time, car sickness, had to pull over on side of the freeway on our way to georgia. So i guess my second time was the worst.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 08, 2005 12:33
Ok, all minors please stop reading. The best place I ever puked was in front of a Police officer. I had had far too much to drink one night, and was riding in the front seat of a car on the way home. My thoughtful friends had put a plastic grocery bag over my ears and hangind down in front of my face (like a feeding bag, only it' s purpose was the opposite). Police pulled us over, no problem as the driver had nothing to drink. He looks at me, asks the car " Anybody in here have anything to drink tonight?" I raised my hand, said " Me" , and hurled my guts out into the bag. the Cop barely hid a laugh I' m sure and just said " you guys take care of him tonight" . Ahhh it' s memories like this that must make my parents proud.
Joe Redifer
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RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 08, 2005 16:56
I very rarely vomit. And when I do, I make sure it is in copious amounts, because if I' m gonna vomit, it' s gonna be a show!
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RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 08, 2005 21:37
Lovely topic guys[:' (]
Mass X
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- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 08, 2005 22:00
Come on now Sharon, share with us, join in on this lovly thread
Joe Redifer
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- Location: Denver, CO
RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 08, 2005 23:38
Women do not vomit, nor do they fart, poop, or burp.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 08, 2005 23:47
The worst place I' ve ever been sick was on my parent' s brand new couch when I was child. I remember eating the almost bad joke quality bowl of Spagetti-O' s. I was sitting on the couch and I felt it coming on, and the thing I remember is lunging off the couch and slinging a 4 foot stream of projectile spaghetti-o' s across the living room floor.
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RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 09, 2005 05:03
Well, let' s see... I ate a BIG bowl of corn flakes (less than $5) one morning. Realizing I was late for school, I ran the quarter mile to school. However, I began to feel really sick and asked to go to the bathroom. The bathroom was on the third floor and I was on the second floor, so I ran up the stairs turned the corner to face the bathroom door only to vomit all over the bottom half of the door and nearby floor. To top it all off, there was someone in the bathroom...and when they opened the door, they stepped right in the milk and corn flake puddle I had created ($10 - about 1 hrs pay for janitor + cleaning supply costs). I still remember the expression on that other kid' s face, when he realized what he had gotten into...the sheer horror and disgust translated into a facial expression!!! (now that' s priceless!!!)
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 9 Jun 05 13:06:17 >
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 09, 2005 07:02
Lovely topic guys think the little [:' (] face Sharron added was actually her addition. I think this topic made her vomit, and that' s the pic she included
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 09, 2005 07:53
Right now as I am typing this post, I am vomiting profusely all over the keyboard. It' s fun and exciting, and tastes GREAT! Mmmm vomit... it' s what' s for breakfast!
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RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 09, 2005 10:44
On a kid in class in third grade. Man, I loved every damn second of it! the kid was a friend, but it was just funny as hell when it happened. I wasn' t feeling good the whole day, then five minutes before school was over... BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEH! All over the dude. I started cracking up while still puking. Muahahaha!
Terry Bogard
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RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 09, 2005 11:41
Am I allowed to make up a vomit story???
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- Joined: Jun 23, 2004
- Location: NS, Canada (living in Rhode Island)
RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 09, 2005 15:12
Fill your boots, Terry. First though, I' ll add a story. I' ve been around a lot of vomiting people in my time, this one stands out the best. My brother-in-law was at a dorm party with a new girlfriend (her dorm party). Prior to going to " said party" they went to the Spaghetti Factory for supper - had lots and lots to eat  Went to party, had lot and lots to drink  Got completly shit faced  Girlfriend sitting on floor, brother-in-law sitting on chair over girl  Brother-in-law asked girlfriend something, girlfriend turned her pretty face up towards my brother-in-law and...  Girl not pretty anymore!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 09, 2005 15:14
Girl not pretty anymore! And not girlfriend anymore neither? Here' s a decent made-up story.. I was hanging out at the arcade many years ago and was at one of the Fatal Fury game machines and someone decided to play against me. I beat him the first two times and then on his third try he beat me, I was annoyed so in retaliation I threw up on him. Got my a$$ handed to me but it was still funny to see him covered in spewage.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 9 Jun 05 23:16:51 >
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- Joined: Dec 07, 2004
RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 09, 2005 23:27
i' ve got a few more stories...such as my comming of age story... ...no, not sex. legal drinking age.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 10, 2005 00:24
Hi for the first time I guess people! I don' t know what worries me more: The fact that a post about vomit inspired me to get off my backside and post, or The fact that you guys will forever remember me introducing myself on this thread. I' m going to go for it - because at least I' ll make a ' splash' of sorts! I can distinctly remember feeling indestrucable when it came to drinking from an early age. I was, well lets just say well under the legal drinking age in the uk - and I still had never really been the worse for wear from drinking - despite from consuming copius amounts of alcohol. I don' t know wether it was the McDonalds meal I had for lunch, but I do remember feeling particularly bad after about 9 pints, topped off with a couple of bottles of Pernod Hex. I went to the gents as you do frequently in that kinda situation, but I was still ok, and still had a chance with this, well - out of my league girl from work called Joanne so I was on a high! What I witnessed in the mens room has scarred me for life, I walked in just as one of the blokes at the urinals exploded into vomiting all down the ceramic tiles and all over the chap stood next to hims' bare arm. As he pulled hurridly away, I sort of saw his eyes roll slightly as he turned to me and start to heave - I' m backing up to the door as fast as a drunk teenager can go at this a point, but its too late, he lets rip all over the floor and on to my coat. Being 16 at the time my coping skills wernt what they now are and I threw the coat on the floor and did the thing that any hangover virgin would have respectably done - walk out of the gents, pretending everything was ok! Except it wasnt staying in, and I then seemed to manage a spontaneous, excorcist style projectile vomit of BigMac, beer and finally a strange Red liquid all across the bar, some people (causing screams) and the finally carpet. The torrent subsided only when it reached the feet of Joanne. Lets just say I didnt drink again properly for a while, never went to that pub again and changed jobs soon after! [:' (]
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: the best(worst) place you have ever vomitted
Jun 10, 2005 07:21
I don' t know what worries me more: The fact that a post about vomit inspired me to get off my backside and post, or The fact that you guys will forever remember me introducing myself on this thread. I' m going to go for it - because at least I' ll make a ' splash' of sorts! Be proud jtypecav. You will always be remembered for this (and I love the play on splash by the way). It' s better than what a lot of us are remebered for a round here. Look at the.ben for instance, he' ll always be remembered as the guy who loves Celine Dion, and Joe will always be the guy who would make love to his genesis if the controller ports were a little bigger, and me, well let' s face it, I won' t be rememberd at all.
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 10 Jun 05 15:21:37 >
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