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ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 10, 2006 00:58
It all depends on what kind of people Sony are aiming at. If they are aiming for regular kids that likes videogames then there' s no chance in hell that the PS3 will do good. But if they aim for tech-freaks, rich people, and lifestyle-people then the price won' t make much difference and eventually the kids might follow the other groups. It' ll be interesting to see how Sony intends to market the PS3.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 10, 2006 01:24
I agree with Lottuson (perhaps a first  ) Actually, rather I HOPE they are not, but I fear what might happen. If people DO buy this thing en masse, it' s a sad day in my opinion. 600 plus tax for a toy at christmas, (and not to sound like a bleeding soul fool here) and kids down the street don' t get to eat at christmas. I certainly hope not.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 10, 2006 01:25
But playstation, and ofc playstation2 won thanks to being a mainstream console.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 10, 2006 02:35
I totally agree with lotuss and quez. the xbox and dreamcast were a much better deal in comparison to the cube and ps2 and yet that wasn' t enough to over through them. I think this generation will test sony' s fan base and see exactly how much people are prepared to stick to a brand and give money to it even if you don' t feel the difference.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 10, 2006 08:16
See, the ps3 will sell to the following Ken Kutaragi 9 year olds with rich grandparents (the kind of 9yr olds that are on a consoles online plan from day one) Like mentioned earlier lifestyle gamers who buy and play consoles because it is an important part of their life... and finally Me... Eddie, the crazy arse Michigander who saved up for over a year only to realise he needs to save more for the optimal 60 gig box. (and on a side-almost angry-note, what percent of the world population will have hdtv' s by november? a friggin small percent, that' s what) that may have been sony' s dumbest move yet. Hopefully the higher price tag means that many early adopters will be scared off so that I can snag a U.S. unit near launch without too much trouble ;) Good luck, the pre-orders for Gamespot and EB start either early tonight, or early tomorrow, according to the manager i talked to. so unless you' re planning on buying one from a no-reserve first-come first-serve place, you' ll probably be screwed. but hey, it could be worse, you could live in japan where they' ll be jacking up the big-boxes price to insane amounts of yen.
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 10, 2006 09:05
When the 360 premium pack was announced as being £280 I didn' t even flinch. That was well within my budget and I snapped one up at launch day with 3 games and a wireless connector for about £400 PS3 is looking to cost £410 for the " Premium" package alone. That price has me worried. I know if I get it on launch day I' ll be happy but there' s a chance the price could drop stupidly after launch if it does an X-Box and doesn' t sell because it' s too expensive. As much as a games whore I am even I' m finding it hard to justify spending £410 on a new console... especially as my 360 cost me much less and delivers about the same in graphics power.
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2006
- Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 10, 2006 10:50
It is too rich for most of our bloods. Still saving for it though... and the 360... and the WiiDS... and tuition, especially tuition.
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