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ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 10:51
with 20gb harddrive you get basically 100 dollar cheaper price or 100 eurp cheaper price then with having the 60gb HD. I always said the price would be 550 dollar,now they have 2 skus,one at 500 the other one at 600,so i was right,i dont wanna brag but i was right so me > all of you ;) COmments about the price?
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Game Junkie
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 11:11
I have no more faith in Sony, the only thing that will save them now are the game developers. They stole MS two sku pricing structure and ripped off Nintendo' s motion detection except Sony is doing both poorly. I won' t buy a ps3, instead I' ll invest in a high end pc, I need one for college anyways.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 9 May 06 3:12:25 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 11:14
I always said the price would be 550 dollar,now they have 2 skus,one at 500 the other one at 600,so i was right,i dont wanna brag but i was right so me > all of you ;) COmments about the price? Hopefully the higher price tag means that many early adopters will be scared off so that I can snag a U.S. unit near launch without too much trouble ;).. But then again, people were known to have given up an arm, leg, and their own children for a PS2 at launch, so with that I guess the higher price won' t matter much at all.. You motherf*****s make me sick!!!!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 9 May 06 3:18:09 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Game Junkie
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 11:16
Hopefully the higher price tag means that many early adopters will be scared off so that I can snag a U.S. unit near launch without too much trouble ;) You were sold when VF5 was exclusive to ps3 weren' t you.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 9 May 06 3:16:46 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 11:19
NO WAY.. I was sold looong before that. I was sold at Gradius 
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 11:20
I can wait
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 12:09
I don' t want to even think about how much that' ll be in Australian dollars....[:' (]
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 13:41
OH BABY OH BABY OH BABY!!!! I know you' ve just been praying I don' t post on this Terry, but I' ve been waiting for this news since the day we made that bet. The bet So ah Terry, here it is, your wonderful new avatar. I' m not sure what we have to do to get this started, I' ll pm Adam, unless of course you' d like too...
Joe Redifer
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 14:29
The lower price point PS3 also does not include HDMI, wifi and some other crap. The whole Sony press conference was pretty underwhelming. Same old crap. They showed only 1 or 2 games that ALMOST looked interesting. Everything else was a racing game or a game with a gun. B O R I N G! Does Sony try to make as many boring games as possible? The crowd surely wasn' t appreciative of anything. They barely applauded for anything. Probably because there was nothing to applaud for. I could hear everyone' s eyes roll when Sony showed their " innovative" controller. Sony expects to sell 6 million the first year alone so you all HAVE to buy one! The price is almost too reasonable. Sony is too innovative!
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 9 May 06 6:32:22 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 14:46
OH BABY OH BABY OH BABY!!!! I know you' ve just been praying I don' t post on this Terry, but I' ve been waiting for this news since the day we made that bet. That' s where you' re wrong mxpeexer  ... The minute I saw the OFFICIAL price I thought of you and wondered where you were! And I already messaged Adam long ago :p.. And since I don' t gamble, it was never a bet :P... I simply stated that I wouldn' t bet ya but would still wear the Ricky Martin avatar with pride IF the PS3 didn' t come in at the $99 price point I predicted :P ;) So ah Terry, here it is, your wonderful new avatar. I' m not sure what we have to do to get this started, I' ll pm Adam, unless of course you' d like too... lol, I asked him to find the ' gayest' Ricky Martin avatar, but whatever you have shall do, LOL.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 9 May 06 6:48:01 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 17:01
hose games looked mediocre and not even near some games presentet for 360 in it' s early days. I hope VF5 doesn' t get visually downgraded too much
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 17:11
Lol *laughs like a school girl* I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, those people saying it was gonna be 300 and saying how analysts are a bunch of idiots...somehow I thought sony way gonna step the price down to that to make their fans for once their no.1 proirity but it just seems like sony again to employ the product to be at the consumers expense. And now i' m even more glad that i' m sticking with the 360 and nintendo this generation. By the way gangster the vf downgrade thing I think it might happen...could be wrong but that' s waht I was thinking whaen I looked at it (could be wrong).
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 9 May 06 9:12:26 >
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 20:11
yeah seems a bit more than possible
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 20:17
Actually the analyst said up to 900,or even 1000. I said 550,now sku 1 gonna cost 500,and sku2 gonna cost 600. See i was the only one who was right,and im no damn analyst,tghese so called analyst are dumb asses who just guess.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 20:32
By the way gangster the vf downgrade thing I think it might happen...could be wrong but that' s waht I was thinking whaen I looked at it (could be wrong). Unlikely as the PS3' s GPU is superior to that of the Lindbergh arcade board, as is the processing capabilities. Same goes for the 360 too. The only reason for a downgrade would be rushed development, but seeing as the game will be out in arcades in Japan by Aug 06, and not released for PS3 until next spring there shouldn' t be a problem with the conversion. Sadly I wasn' t impressed by anything on show other than Next-Gen Sonic (and obvious lindbergh VF and VT footage, MGS 4 also), but that was reportedly playable on 360 hardware so who knows what footage was shown. Maybe the 360 version will look better, plus I' m more inclined to buy that version as I prefer the controller. The Dual Shock needs to be retired, comapared to the 360' s pad it fails for me. Jusk look at the poor triggers Sony have tried to come up with. Hell the pad doesn' t even match the design of the machine. Maybe a modified version of the batarang controller would have been a better choice.
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 20:35
So at that price does anyone know how much sony would be loosing on each console now?. I' m dreading to think how much their games, and peripherals are going to cost. And also people seem to think that because it' s gonna come with a 60gb hd that makes microsoft look amateur...no look at blu ray...it does the same thing as a hd disc but what are you gonna need a 50gb disc or 60gb hd for? i' m pretty sure there won' t be that much games to like to be archiving, it all just seems misplaced their targeting everything seems to be aimed at well...everything but gaming (imo).
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 20:45
There still trying that will PSP and yet reports show that most people use their PSP' s mainly for gaming. Other than HD movies through Blu-Ray that' s all I suspect people will use PS3 for. Anyway which machine do you think looks nicer. I' m being swayed towards the all black 20gb model at the mo. Although I may have to buy the 60gb one instead just to have the intended system with all the stuff, even though I' ll probably never use it.
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 21:03
I always thought the black looked the best ...but i' m still gonna wait for a while, if by then I don' t decide i don' t want one at all that is.
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 09, 2006 23:30
Ok Terry, you' re right, no bet, " gentlemans agreement" . I can' t wait to see you live your la vida loca on kikizo!
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 10, 2006 00:40
Is America ready for a 600 dollar console? I say no. Before anyone harps about how good of a " value" the PS3 is, let me first say that I agree with you. With Blu-ray players retailing at one thousand dollars, the PS3 is offering HD video playback, wifi support, and a media hub all for 600 bucks. So the PS3 is indeed a good value. However, value alone does not win console wars. Both the Dreamcast and the Xbox were good values yet neither could topple the PS2. What I' m really asking is, do you think 600 dollars will ever be considered a mainstream price point for a console? Keeping in perspective, that with all its bells and whistles, the PS3 will first and foremost be seen as a videogame system. When parents look at PS3 shelves they will see videogames and videogame accessories for a videogame system. Not a super duper all-in-one fantasy machine. When they look over at the Xbox 360, they will see another videogame system comparable to the PS3, but only 400 bucks instead of 600. Focusing on all that, do you think the average American will ever look at the PS3 and say to themselves, " that' s a fair price point?" Is America ready to pay that much for a videogame console? I say no.
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 10, 2006 00:58
It all depends on what kind of people Sony are aiming at. If they are aiming for regular kids that likes videogames then there' s no chance in hell that the PS3 will do good. But if they aim for tech-freaks, rich people, and lifestyle-people then the price won' t make much difference and eventually the kids might follow the other groups. It' ll be interesting to see how Sony intends to market the PS3.
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 10, 2006 01:24
I agree with Lottuson (perhaps a first  ) Actually, rather I HOPE they are not, but I fear what might happen. If people DO buy this thing en masse, it' s a sad day in my opinion. 600 plus tax for a toy at christmas, (and not to sound like a bleeding soul fool here) and kids down the street don' t get to eat at christmas. I certainly hope not.
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 10, 2006 01:25
But playstation, and ofc playstation2 won thanks to being a mainstream console.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 10, 2006 02:35
I totally agree with lotuss and quez. the xbox and dreamcast were a much better deal in comparison to the cube and ps2 and yet that wasn' t enough to over through them. I think this generation will test sony' s fan base and see exactly how much people are prepared to stick to a brand and give money to it even if you don' t feel the difference.
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 10, 2006 08:16
See, the ps3 will sell to the following Ken Kutaragi 9 year olds with rich grandparents (the kind of 9yr olds that are on a consoles online plan from day one) Like mentioned earlier lifestyle gamers who buy and play consoles because it is an important part of their life... and finally Me... Eddie, the crazy arse Michigander who saved up for over a year only to realise he needs to save more for the optimal 60 gig box. (and on a side-almost angry-note, what percent of the world population will have hdtv' s by november? a friggin small percent, that' s what) that may have been sony' s dumbest move yet. Hopefully the higher price tag means that many early adopters will be scared off so that I can snag a U.S. unit near launch without too much trouble ;) Good luck, the pre-orders for Gamespot and EB start either early tonight, or early tomorrow, according to the manager i talked to. so unless you' re planning on buying one from a no-reserve first-come first-serve place, you' ll probably be screwed. but hey, it could be worse, you could live in japan where they' ll be jacking up the big-boxes price to insane amounts of yen.
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 10, 2006 09:05
When the 360 premium pack was announced as being £280 I didn' t even flinch. That was well within my budget and I snapped one up at launch day with 3 games and a wireless connector for about £400 PS3 is looking to cost £410 for the " Premium" package alone. That price has me worried. I know if I get it on launch day I' ll be happy but there' s a chance the price could drop stupidly after launch if it does an X-Box and doesn' t sell because it' s too expensive. As much as a games whore I am even I' m finding it hard to justify spending £410 on a new console... especially as my 360 cost me much less and delivers about the same in graphics power.
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RE: ps3 price 500-600 dollar in USA 500-600 euro in europe
May 10, 2006 10:50
It is too rich for most of our bloods. Still saving for it though... and the 360... and the WiiDS... and tuition, especially tuition.