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predictions for the ps3
Mar 13, 2006 22:32
I know you have probably seen this on other sites, but I thought it was a good idea still. I' ll go first of course. 1. the launch of the ps3 will bring to us world peace, every nerd and geek in the world will drop there weapons to be called into the house by their mommy to play on their new gaming console. 2. population of the world will go up by 10% in the next 3 years, as parents will buy a ps3 to babysit their kids 24/7, which will give them more time for u know what. 3. adam sessler is still going to be living at home with his mommy and 98 cats 4. dick chaney will shoot his way in line to get his hands on the first ps3 in the u.s 5. price for the ps3 will be 300 us and your first born child!! 6. the worst catastrophe in nerd history, as fellow nerds will rampage and tramble and stomp over one another to get their hands on the first ps3. their will be scratches bruises and possible the worst thing for a nerd next to be in dead zone area with no access to the web, CUTS AND SCRAPES. you will be able to hear the faint crying of thousands of nerds as they lay lifeless in line, tending to their scratched knees and cut up arms, for hundreds of miles. the wails and cries will only be overpowered by the champion of the nerds who made it to the front of the line for his/her new ps3 only to be given a sheet of paper stating " we apologize for the inconvenience but due to circumstances beyond our control sony is delaying the launch of the ps3 again and will not have any new news on a launch date for the next while. 7. the above prdiction will be followed by the formation of a new regulatory agency called CON(coallition of nerds). their only mandate, to make bloody sure that this kind of shit does not happen again and therefore save millions of nerds' lives around the world.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 13, 2006 23:45
2. population of the world will go up by 10% in the next 3 years, as parents will buy a ps3 to babysit their kids 24/7, which will give them more time for u know what. I don' t know how things work arround you, but in my world, videogames typically don' t lead to people getting it on. I think a more likely scenario for this would be that the worlds population drops 10% as all the geeks of the world (that' s all of us) forget about the opposite sex in favor of the new dance dance revolution game featuring charcters from the metal gear solid franchise.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 14, 2006 01:03
that' s exactly what I thought heheheheh PS3 ships - no population growth for next 5 years - everyone' s playing. I' ve got a good scenario for you: The day PS3 launches in the US , MS counters it with Halo 3 - people wait weeks before the launch in lines ...after 2 days they start to argue (Halo3 buyers Vs PS3 ones) ...The first to throw a punch is a 30 years old Sony fanatic with overweight problems.People start fighting.Week after launch people still fight and call for friends and families to help - noone realises that launch have already happened. The outcome is : MS fans all dead , Sony' s Fanatics all dead but one ...who appears to have a very advanced stadium of brain cancer...he dies as well. PS3 sells 0 copies , so does Halo 3 ...The earth is once again pure ...cleaned from scum ...the only gaming machine to exist ...Nintendo Revolution. Now please call me a Nintendo Fanboy, please :)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 14, 2006 08:29
... Chapter 1: The Japanese Launch Sony delay the launch of PS3 in Japan until early-mid September and they have nearly 1 million units available. Microsoft counter with several big-ish Japanese games but do nothing in the west. Nintendo release Twilight Princess and special edition DS' s. Chapter 2: The US Launch PS3 is launched around November, just in time for the holidays but only has a small number of so-so launch titles and a bloated pricetag. Nintendo launch late November with a Mario flagship title, which is hailed as the greatest platformer since Super Mario 64, ...the console becomes christmas 2006' s must have present. Microsoft launch Halo 3 along side several other titles in the same week as PS3' s launch and take huge numbers of sales, hitting 9 million units sold before the end of the year. Chapter 3: The EU Launch PS3 is delayed in Europe until February so that Sony can satisfy demand in Japan and North America. When it launches it has several more titles than the US did but is still seen as being overpriced. Nintendo launch Revolution in March and quickly establishes a large userbase. Too be continued....
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 14, 2006 10:19
I predict that this will be Sony' s finalised controller:
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- Joined: Jul 03, 2003
RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 14, 2006 18:45
I predict that PS4 will be out before it.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 14, 2006 19:43
I predict that this will be Sony' s finalised controller: You gotta love that the controller looks tiny compared to an asian womens hand...¨ is that something that should make us happy or impress? Nintendo is strange...
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 14, 2006 21:03
I predict the Earth shall tremble, and mighty cities will fall before the mighty Playstation 3. Its likes well never be seen on earth again. This wondrous device filled with unimaginable technology. This will be the one to unravel the mysteries of earth and cure cancer, and out of its tray Jesus will walk. And it can make Toast
< Message edited by Vx Chemical -- 14 Mar 06 13:04:16 >
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 15, 2006 00:36
Vx Chemical , i thought you said it can' t!!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 15, 2006 01:35
It can definately make toast.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 15, 2006 01:37
It can definately make toast. Why overhyping it? Now you telling me its not only a console but a toaster...wtf I highly doubt a console can make toast... it just doesnt make sense ffs...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 15, 2006 01:57
... Perhaps you don' t get the joke. We' re making fun of it...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 15, 2006 02:50
My sarcasm,is so good people cant even get it. therefore im ownage?
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 15, 2006 03:02
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- Location: London, England
RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 15, 2006 03:05
lol The grilling, toast making, polulation lowering, PS3 will join forces With Godzilla and level tokyo and ultimately destroy the world
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 15, 2006 03:22
Hahahahahahaha.... Well PS3 will NOT be out in North America or Europe this year!!!!! Sony have conceded to the recent rumours that the release would be pushed back in Japan and confirmed that because of problems with Blu-Ray the initial debut (read: Japanese release) has been pushed back until NOVEMBER!!!!!! Since they aren' t doing a worldwide launch, it' s almost impossible for them to launch in the US this year. This means that the US and Europe releases will now have to be pushed into 2007, leaving Nintendo to launch before Christmas without much competition. This has put me in a REALLY good mood!!!!! The story is available here... http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3148763  
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 14 Mar 06 19:24:03 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 15, 2006 03:27
How can you be happy that ps3 doesnt come this year? ... dont get that... Anyway... I said before,no way is ps3 gonna come 2007 to europe or usa,and majik said he thought so before...well he was right i was wrong,i admit that. No way is it gonna come to europe in decemember,IT MIGHT come to late decemember in USA,but just " might" .... Anyway,square-enix better dev multiplatt forms games now,or how are they gonna pay all its employers under 2006 without losing some money? Anyway with this delay,people might reconsider getting a NR if its so cheap,and coming in 2006 as its promised,btw it was blu-ray that forced the delay,hmm even HD-DVD or normal dvd could have been enough...but nvm.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 14 Mar 06 19:29:42 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 15, 2006 03:40
(For anyone who doesn' t bother to read the previous page, PS3 has officially been put back to November in Japan, meaning the US and Europe will have to wait until 2007 to get their hand on it. The story is available here... http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3148763 ) I' m happy because it gives 360' s userbase more time to grow (hopefully 10 million by 2007) and it gives Nintendo the opportunity they REALLY need. I honestly couldn' t care less about PS3 right now, and like i said previously, it' s not that i dislike their hardware, i just don' t like the company. They' re not trustworthy. PS3 is gonna be huge, ...we all know that. I just think the competition deserves this chance they now have. Variety is good for gaming, ...i don' t want one company to dominate like PS3 did because it' ll choke the industry. I love games. PS3 could have done just as well with DVD-9, but Sony NEED to have Blu-Ray in the machine for Blu-Ray to be a success. It' s kind of a Trojan Horse (literally), in that it will get Blu-Ray into people homes faster than Blu-Ray players would. Anyway, the longer it' s delayed the better the launch games will be right?!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 14 Mar 06 19:42:02 >
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 15, 2006 03:49
very disapointed, damn you sony, why wouldn' t you said that from the begining, just to admit that you won' t make it on spring !! why were you sooo hardheaded, now i' m fu****ng pissed off... geeez november in Japan?? you better make that ps3 worth it and not that expensive or i swear Microsofto will make u burn in hell. damn it, the one thing i don' t want is for Microsoft to be N1, it is just too scary, i just feel so bad about it , and seriously i' m really worried about the futur of PS3... yeah the launch games might be better but still, i want that Console War now right now, i want to see what PS3 is capable of , unfold the mistery, and see how it will compare to 360, and most importantly DROP in PRICES for 360 cus i want to get one.
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 15, 2006 04:28
I' ve never been much of a nintendo fan to be honest, though i' m interested in the rev. The last thing I want is M$ to take the lead in the console wars... if they do well it' s ok but i certainly don' t want they to win... To see america butt it' s nose into a console scene which was completely japanese industry, to be taken over by america.... With my beloved Sega gone (and going downhill i might add), I put my hope into sony to keep japan at number 1. I think there is a reasonable chance of a worldwide launch... or staggered but all out by x-mas... if it down to Blu-Ray then they can still manufacture the other components of ps3... meaning they could (in theory) have an almost huge supply of systems. Could all just be positive thinking but whatever...
< Message edited by uumai -- 14 Mar 06 20:29:12 >
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