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namco n konami abusing 360.
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stephen ashaley
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namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 15, 2006 11:37
namco n konami r abusing 360 to make ps3 overpass them which unprofessional of them i hate to comfirm this but his the truth,their graphics r far better than other games company so they wanna shift they r attention to ps3 for now i will say wait n see what will come of what am talking.
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RE: namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 15, 2006 11:51
How about posting some comparison screenshots? It' s hard to believe that they would invest the time and money into intentionally making an inferior product to sabotage a console. They would sooner just not make any titles for it.
stephen ashaley
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- Location: west africa and my in Ghana
RE: namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 15, 2006 11:57
yea zoy their r doing it for sony cuz they r old folk in the business,so u see.can u contact me for something
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RE: namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 15, 2006 14:21
Well when it come' s to developing a software for a certin console, developer will invest their time creating and tweaking. Graphical games will be improved when it becomes an exclusive, and mutiplatform will be the same with no graphical changes only if the console has an advantage over graphic upgrade (like a PC graphic card). As for Namco and Konami, I don' t think they are abusing the 360 hardware just for the PS3 powerful nvidia RSX, Ridge Racer 6 for the 360 looks alright, the PS3 Ridge Racer 7 looks almost the same, and Konami (Kojima Production) Metal Gear 4 looks great, even Kojima stated that the 360 can execute the same graphic as the PS3 can. So in my opinion I kinda agree that some developers like Activision makes games like ' ' Guns' ' and ' ' TH:American Wasteland' ' ported to the 360 looks so xbox1.5 and for them not to take advantage of the next-gen hardware makes M$ looks bad.
Vx Chemical
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RE: namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 15, 2006 14:49
Really though, isnt most of what Namco and Konami make just shitty games no matter what the console is. Except for a few of the prize titles like Konami' s MGS, there is really not much to remember about them!
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RE: namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 15, 2006 16:03
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Really though, isnt most of what Namco and Konami make just shitty games no matter what the console is. Except for a few of the prize titles like Konami' s MGS, there is really not much to remember about them! (Out of topic) Well judging by games developed by (Namco) now is Namco-Bandai: Ace Combat- one of the best flight simulator, as in gameplay and graphic. Xenosaga-Great graphic, and cut-scene animation. Tekken-Soul Calibur- both sports great visual and gameplay. Konami (KCEJ) MGS-Graphic/story/gameplay(you know the rest) Castlevania-2D to 3D both has great visual Rumble Roses- might not look good as DOA, but I really like it. now all of these games are ported for the PS2, and because of the shitty ' ' Emotion Engine' ' the hardware has it' s limit(not disrespecting the PS2) . So you see whatever the hardware has in it' s sleeve' s, the result will come out the way the hardware can produce. Shitty games are developed by lazy low-budget lack of expierence staff member.
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RE: namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 15, 2006 18:24
If I understand you correctly. you' re saying that namco and konami will make worse looking games for 360 to help sony...and seriously man how stupid,retarded and naive do you have to be to come up with something like that? Vx - you really don' t know shit about developers.
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RE: namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 15, 2006 18:32
Please, don' t insult Stephen Ashaley.. He' s level headed and comes to this forum with genuine assumptions, at least advise him why you think that isn' t the case... Stephen ashaley =
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RE: namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 15, 2006 21:35
Not only that, But Nintendo are out to get me too. Its one Gaint Conspiracy!
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 15 Jul 06 13:35:56 >
stephen ashaley
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- Location: west africa and my in Ghana
RE: namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 17, 2006 09:59
u don' t really get it bubby u wait for what am i have said now ok
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 17, 2006 19:47
I agree with stephen and i mentioned the same thing in other topic. Usually you see Konami and other companies making their best games for sony and usually (not everytime) give microsoft and sega (in dreamcast time) crappy titles that won´t sell. when you see games from such developers on both sony and microsoft consoles, the sony´s will look better, be out first. So many people will say that graphical differences are there because 360 is inferior but when a decent western developer makes a game like Mass Effect it´s obvious that there isn´t that inferiority. To those who don´t believe just remember the great amount of sabotage that dreamcast had from other japanese developers. I remember well the shitty titles like mr.driller for dreamcast by namco or the strange cancelations of dreamcast ports. P.s.- many of my favorite developers are japanese but they protect their own brands too much sometimes and Sony is one of their favorites, it employes many japanese people and it difficult times for thier economy is it is now they will protect their brands even more.
< Message edited by hidemoto -- 17 Jul 06 13:08:55 >
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RE: namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 17, 2006 20:29
OK wait I' ll just put you on my list here ... Low IQ members List : Stephen ashaley Hidemoto Update 17.VII.2006
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 17 Jul 06 12:29:51 >
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RE: namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 17, 2006 21:08
OK wait I' ll just put you on my list here ... Low IQ members List : Stephen ashaley Hidemoto Update 17.VII.2006  ...you´re pretty naive
< Message edited by hidemoto -- 17 Jul 06 13:11:02 >
stephen ashaley
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- Location: west africa and my in Ghana
RE: namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 19, 2006 11:48
thanz hidemoto for explaining things easy for gangsta.
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RE: namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 19, 2006 19:19
OK wait I' ll just put you on my list here ... Low IQ members List : Stephen ashaley Hidemoto    NAMCO and Konami aren' t purposefully creating bad/sub-par games for 360, it' s simply a case of Japanese developers hving a hard time with the hardware and it' ll be a similar case with PS3. You saw Tekken 6 at E3 right?! Rendered inengine instead of CG right?! No?! Let me refresh your memory... ...disturbingly bad isn' t it! NAMCO' s other disgusting looking (now cancelled) next-gen game Frame City Killer... ...actually managed to look worse! Driving games aren' t hard to do as there' s not much going on with regard to lighting, shadowing, AI etc, and while RR6 looked nice it still sucked ass when compared to other driving games. Konami on the other hand are hardly known for their AMAZING games. Silent Hill, MGS and PES are the only games they make that are worth mentioning. Kojima' s studio will have had a ton of help from Sony in developing for the console, much more so than any other developer because MGS4 was always going to be special. It' s simply a matter of Japanese developers still learning their way around what is essentially PC-esque hardware (one of the reasons Japanese developers shunned the original Xbox), but i think Kojima said it best... " If you talk about the war between Japanese developers and those overseas, I acknowledge that we have already lost. The Japanese creators have lost to the European and American creators. Therefore, I always say to my staff, Don' t look at the Japanese creators. Look toward the Europeans and Americans when looking at development" . -- Hideo Kojima in the newest issue of Game Informer
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RE: namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 20, 2006 07:16
well, i guess i exagerated a bit on the generalization on my answer but it was hard for me on the dreamcast era to see that many titles that i was looking forward were almost always strangely cancelled when they were almost ready to go for sale. Gangsta if you didn´t agreed with my reply then you could have pointed some reasons for that, i would have listen to them and probably agreed with you. I know that most games like MGS don´t go for 360 because Sony pays for the exclusive but sometimes i would read Kojima´s or other major japanese developers interviews i would feel that they don´t look to MS consoles like an option...only as a backup plan sometimes to make extra money. " If you talk about the war between Japanese developers and those overseas, I acknowledge that we have already lost. The Japanese creators have lost to the European and American creators. Therefore, I always say to my staff, Don' t look at the Japanese creators. Look toward the Europeans and Americans when looking at development" . -- Hideo Kojima in the newest issue of Game Informer It´s true that many Western developers are growing strong in the past years but Japanese developers usually have a different vision from Western developers thanks to their culture...that gives them inspiration to make fun games that usually western developers wouldn´t do. But like in all there are good and bad developers on both sides.
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RE: namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 20, 2006 08:02
MGS2 = 80% cut scenes and 20% gameplay.. It is also my favourite MGS. Yeah what? Come on then you Snake fanboys.... Yes Raiden was WAY cooler... He can use a sword! He did look like a typical japanese male, more akin to poofy Squall and pansy Tidus, but he' d kick their arses any day... > you and...    and...   
stephen ashaley
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- Joined: May 16, 2006
- Location: west africa and my in Ghana
RE: namco n konami abusing 360.
Jul 20, 2006 12:28
yea that' s true bubby.
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