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Stephen ashaley

NAMCO and Konami aren' t purposefully creating bad/sub-par games for 360, it' s simply a case of Japanese developers hving a hard time with the hardware and it' ll be a similar case with PS3.
You saw Tekken 6 at E3 right?! Rendered inengine instead of CG right?! No?! Let me refresh your memory...
...disturbingly bad isn' t it!
NAMCO' s other disgusting looking (now cancelled) next-gen game Frame City Killer...
...actually managed to look worse!
Driving games aren' t hard to do as there' s not much going on with regard to lighting, shadowing, AI etc, and while RR6 looked nice it still sucked ass when compared to other driving games.
Konami on the other hand are hardly known for their AMAZING games. Silent Hill, MGS and PES are the only games they make that are worth mentioning. Kojima' s studio will have had a ton of help from Sony in developing for the console, much more so than any other developer because MGS4 was always going to be special.
It' s simply a matter of Japanese developers still learning their way around what is essentially PC-esque hardware (one of the reasons Japanese developers shunned the original Xbox), but i think Kojima said it best...
" If you talk about the war between Japanese developers and those overseas, I acknowledge that we have already lost. The Japanese creators have lost to the European and American creators. Therefore, I always say to my staff, Don' t look at the Japanese creators. Look toward the Europeans and Americans when looking at development" . -- Hideo Kojima in the newest issue of Game Informer