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 Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha!
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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 05, 2007 18:39

ORIGINAL: alijay034

I think the 200,000 figure may have been an under estimate, because everywhere I have been to still has plenty in stock.

So the conclusions are:

1 Sony lied about the number of units sold.
2 Sony lied about the number of launch units which were made available.

I am not advocating anything but given Sony' s record of decieving people, then this could be the case, of course the other reason why they are still in stock is that they (Sony) actually have pulled their fingers out and are manufacturing at a decent rate and shipping them out at a decent rate.

I was looking for the original number, and i was wrong, the initial allocations where 220,000, not 200,000 my bad.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 5 Apr 07 10:40:50 >

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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 05, 2007 19:52
Even so an extra 20,000 units is still not going to account for places like Game,Tesco,Gamestation,Comet and whatever Dixons are called now all still having stock. These are multi branch organisations each with hundreds of locations, this is not even taking into account online retailers like Play and Amazon.

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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 05, 2007 20:06
Sony' s " sold" figures have always, and will always translate to " shipped to warehouses" .


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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 06, 2007 05:05
We know that PS3 isn' t selling well, all you have to do is walk up to the first clerk you see in a retailer and ask:

Has the PS3 been selling well? Yes or No?

Done it, it' s not suprising, it' s not news. It' s a decent enough console now, growing pains aside. But until they get more good titles, it' s gonna stay like this.

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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 06, 2007 06:55

Sony' s " sold" figures have always, and will always translate to " shipped to warehouses" .

Right, because they sold those systems to retailers. Hence the term, " sold" and why it exists in the English language. Care to give us further lessons in economics?

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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 06, 2007 06:59

ORIGINAL: DontPeeOnBilly

Sony' s " sold" figures have always, and will always translate to " shipped to warehouses" .

Right, because they sold those systems to retailers. Hence the term, " sold" and why it exists in the English language. Care to give us further lessons in economics?

You idiot. If retailers have bought lots of units or not doesn' t matter much. What matters is if consumers have bought the product because their interest will reflect the market for the coming period. Sold to retailers but no sell through to consumers is a really bad sign.
Stop being such a mean smartass.
Agent Ghost

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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 06, 2007 07:01

Right, because they sold those systems to retailers. Hence the term, " sold" and why it exists in the English language. Care to give us further lessons in economics?

Hey everybody, come quick. Come on you gotta see this. Look, it' s a smartass! No really, a real one.

edit: ginjirou beat me to it.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 5 Apr 07 23:02:49 >

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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 06, 2007 07:15

You idiot. If retailers have bought lots of units or not doesn' t matter much. What matters is if consumers have bought the product because their interest will reflect the market for the coming period. Sold to retailers but no sell through to consumers is a really bad sign.
Stop being such a mean smartass.

Hey, another economics lesson! It' s like supply and demand from the second grade all over again.

Hey, when something gets sold, what exactly happens? Currency (be it paper money or even items!) is traded for a service or a product.

Now, why would people want to buy an item or a service? Because it has demand in society. It could be bread, sex, or the playstation 3.

Now, people may not want this product or service, so the demand could be low. This would reflect the supplier' s amount of products sold. Even if the product is sold through a store, the same rules still apply. However, the amount sold does indicate the amount bought by the store, which means that the seller is getting money even if his product never touches another person.

So, what does this mean, class? If Sony' s playstation continues to sell, then we will see more sales numbers indicating it. If Sony' s playstation does not continue to sell, then we will see more sales numbers indicating it. So we will be able to tell if consumers buy it or not through those sale numbers because those numbers indicate the supply sold, and that will give us the info to determine the demand for the system. If supply sold is low, then demand will be low. If supply sold is high, then demand will be high.

Let' s use this free education to make sure we are productive citizens of society.

When Sony sells a system, they are selling a system. Supply and demand is figured out by the amount of systems sold. There is nothing wrong with reporting what Sony sells, because that is what Sony sells.

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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 06, 2007 07:22
Shit, now you' re at it again. You must be suffering from some kind of mental disease or something.
Sony selling lots of units to retailers means nothing if consumers doesn' t buy the PS3. Because if they don' t buy the units that the retailers got, then retailers won' t buy more from Sony in the long run. And that sucks for Sony. It' s obvious that retailers made a terrible miscalculation. They were all expecting their stores to be empty, but the PS3 can be found everywhere.
The best way to count how many units have been sold is to look at how many units the consumers have bought.
And by the way, the amount of sold software is important. And software sales are dependant on how many consumers are owning units. 200 000 units in the hands of retailers won' t sell any software. And that pisses developers of. Making them go for the 360. '
See why it' s a little misleading to count units sold to retailers? What matters is units sold to consumers and that' s Nitro' s point. At least I think it is.

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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 06, 2007 07:52

See why it' s a little misleading to count units sold to retailers? What matters is units sold to consumers and that' s Nitro' s point. At least I think it is.

See, that' s where you' re wrong. If Sony sells 100,000 units to retailers then it recieved money on 100,000 units. What matters is units sold, as that determine' s Sony' s success. That will hinge on consumers buying the product, but that is translated through the store' s demand. Nitro' s " point" was to suggest that Sony was being shady by releasing sales numbers of the amount they sold to retailers. He was completely off about that, as those sales numbers directly determine Sony' s success. It was a platform to bash Sony, and it doesn' t make sense because the results are the same. That was MY point, to point out Nitro' s stupidity in his suggestion.

It' s not important to know amount of consumer purchase when you have amount sold to retail.

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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 06, 2007 07:59
Sony don' t decide how many units the allocate to retailers. Retailers decide how many units they buy from Sony.

If retailers have surplus units sitting in their warehouses they won' t buy as many as they would if the machine was selling out.


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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 06, 2007 07:59
I do still believe that sony are being a bit cagey about the number of units actually bought by consumers, as I think they are rather red faced at the moment by the number of spare units in the marketplace (meaning in the retail stores Billy.)

BTW billy you do know that Nitro purchased a PS3, just in case you were going to use the F word.

< Message edited by alijay034 -- 6 Apr 07 0:02:35 >

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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 06, 2007 08:08

Sony don' t decide how many units the allocate to retailers. Retailers decide how many units they buy from Sony.

If retailers have surplus units sitting in their warehouses they won' t buy as many as they would if the machine was selling out.

Right, which is why there is no need for there to be a distinguishing factor between sold to retailers and retailers to consumers. It' s not shady on Sony' s part, it' s the most reliable source to find out how much money Sony is making on the PS3.

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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 06, 2007 08:22
So when M$ state they have 10 million 360' s in homes, you don' t think that is a mark of success?

The PS3 will only be a success when it is off the shelves and in the homes not sitting on shelves gathering dust. Yes sony make money from shipping to retailers but I am damn sure they would want those machines in homes rather than sitting on the shelves.

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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 06, 2007 08:30
You' re right Billy, ' sold to retailers' will reflect ' sold to consumers' in the long run, but theres always going to be a lag in terms of translating it to actual popularity. It has only just launched, so these sold to retailers numbers are pretty meaningless at the moment. If we had info on actual consumer sales that would be more accurate and up-to-date.

Ergo lets wait and see. All I know is I haven' t bought one... yet.

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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 06, 2007 17:37

We know that PS3 isn' t selling well, all you have to do is walk up to the first clerk you see in a retailer and ask:

Well, where I work the PS3 sold more units than the Wii or 360 over the launch weekend. However sales after this period have dropped significantly, especially in regards to sales of the Wii post launch, and that' s with only 6 to 20 Wii units coming in per week/ 2 weeks.

Compared to the 360 it' s on the same level so far, judging by numbers sold at launch compared to the total amount of 360' s we sold over three months from it' s launch. Though 360' s were in short supply after launch while PS3 is plentiful.

Overall the PS3 could be selling a lot better but reletive to 360 in it' s entry period it seems to be doing quite well, in the UK at least. Obviously the lack of post launch games will contiune the slow sales of the console.

Though in my opinion one or two great launch titles (VF5, Motorstorm, VT3) can easily last for a good month or two of solid gameplay. And back when I was a kid most people could only afford one or two games every couple of months or so. What' s happened to playing the game and loving it over and over untill it' s out of fun comepletely?

Anyway I don' t think the PS3 is doing badly in the UK for it' s launch period, and Sony have given us retailers considerably more stock than with 360 or Wii.

Just my two cents.

< Message edited by kyo.k -- 6 Apr 07 9:38:54 >

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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 06, 2007 23:33

See, that' s where you' re wrong. If Sony sells 100,000 units to retailers then it recieved money on 100,000 units. What matters is units sold, as that determine' s Sony' s success.

But Sony isn' t making money by selling the Playstation 3. They lose hundreds of dollars per sale, and will be losing a hundred or so dollars for the next year & a half, until they can really reduce component cost.

Sony, like every other console maker in the industry right now has to make the majority of their money through software. If you have a hard time figuring this out, feel free to ask, but I don' t feel like wasting my time elaborating at the moment.

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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 07, 2007 06:52
Eddie just think of DPOB as a worse version of Quez only this time he is just an arse.

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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 08, 2007 07:24
For every dead sonyfanboy another quez is born.

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RE: Ps3 not selling at all the next week... hjhahahaha! - Apr 08, 2007 09:15
For every post Quez makes another brain-cell dies.
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