senate votes over marriage amendment next week

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senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 06, 2004 18:11
r u for or against same-sex marriage?

-i am against
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 06, 2004 18:17
What ever suits yer fancy. Doesn' t bother me in the least. If it makes you happy, why not!

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 06, 2004 20:07
Im all for it. Not like they taking over the world, or conspiring to do so. And unlike certain groups they dont force their ways onto others.

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 06, 2004 22:46
Riiiiighhht...theres no such things as the " Gay Agenda" .

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 06, 2004 22:57
Everything is supposed to be equal yet it seems that some people are more equal than others.

For some god forsaken reason some people to think homosexuality is learned behaviour or something, as if same-sex parents are going to somehow pervert the mind of their child. But then if that was the case are our parents not twisting our perceptions as we speak!? There' s one for the X Files kids - Smiaras Blog - Diary of a celebrity stalker - Gamers Europe - More fun than Jenna Jameson

Joe Redifer
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 07, 2004 00:08
I am not against gay marriage, but I don' t see a need to change the Constitution. Some people are really freaking out about it, though.

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 07, 2004 04:08
i just dont think it' s a sacred thing to do, marriage = man + woman, marriage was that and should be that, after all, we can see the adaptability of man to woman and vice versa (you know, reproduction, men have 1/2, women have the other 1/2). I support civil union, but " i pronounce u man & man" ?, uh uh, no way...
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Joe Redifer
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 07, 2004 05:39
Well marriage really is a church thing, so there' s no way a gay couple could be married " proper" . A civil union or a " legal marriage" would be the best they could do. I say give gay couples the same legal benefits (taxes, hospital visitations, etc) through some sort of civil union and be satisfied with that. But if they want to call it " marriage" , I really don' t care either.

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 07, 2004 09:49
People talk as though we hold marriage as something sacred still....doesn' t america have the highest divorce rate in the world? - Smiaras Blog - Diary of a celebrity stalker - Gamers Europe - More fun than Jenna Jameson

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 07, 2004 18:13
I don' t see how it can be anyone' s decision to stand up and say " no, you can' t marry who you want to marry" . Although I don' t necessarily agree with the lifestyle, I still understand that I can' t tell someone else how to make their decisions

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 07, 2004 19:58
I' m against gay marriage. That has a lot to do with my religious beliefs and the fact the way of the world is man and woman unite to make children-it' s how the world works. If they do allow gays to unite don' t call it marriage. Marriage is man and woman, make up a new name for it.

Btw, for one of the posts above- " If it makes you happy, why not!" There' s a lot of things that make people happy that simply shouldn' t be allowed.
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 08, 2004 01:18
Whatever floats your boat.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 08, 2004 04:51
looks like Rampage99 shares my perspective, I can see where he' s coming from and I bet he can see mine too.

Btw, for one of the posts above- " If it makes you happy, why not!" There' s a lot of things that make people happy that simply shouldn' t be allowed.
yea, like killing and stealing and all those other stuff
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Joe Redifer
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 08, 2004 08:10
Being gay is analogous to killing and stealing? How?

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 08, 2004 17:03
Look, Marriage is for a man and woman. Thats it. This is not an " equal rights' ' debate or anything else like that, though many mis-informed people and the gay agenda want you to believe it is.

First " marriage" is not a right. Just like driving a car is not a right. If a couple of gays want to play " man-and-wife" thats just too bad! Mainly because they are not man and wife! They are 2 people who want to live an alternate lifestyle, and they feel that their alternate lifestyle should be accepted into society even though they dont necessarily understand that all the other " alternate lifestyles" (i.e. marry animal, marry family, marry more then 1 person) would also have to be considered.

Secondly, marriage is a religious thing, not a secular thing. Secularists in this counrty hate the fact that Christian values helped form this country and that they are such a large part of our society. Tough! But that does not stop them from trying to erase anything and everything related to God from this country.

The whole point of gays wanting to be married is to undermind and weaken the institution of marriage through-out the world. If gays want the same " rights" as married people, I guess they should look to civil unions or other existing laws that already grant them the same benefits as married couples enjoy.

This ammendment will pass whether or not some of you like it. Why? Because a large majority of this country still knows what marriage is, and we are going to make sure that it stays between a man and a woman. Gays can have their civil unions or whatever.

If your gay and you want to play man-and-wife, then grow up. If you want the same benefits as married people thats fine with me. I am all for some other form of union that offers u the exact same tax benefits etc. But dont you dare call it marriage, and dont try to rip-off the marriage ceremony either.

I now pronounce my rant over.

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 10, 2004 06:43
Christian values were a major founder of America, but i don' t think i agree with marriage totally being religious (although I believe that is the origin, I' m a Christian myself) , there are a lot of secularists out there who agreed and lived by marriage as it is and was.

Joe Redifer: I meant killing and stealing to be applied to " things that make people happy that simply shouldn' t be allowed." It was just an example to that, not anything related to gay or lesbian subjects.

Spacepiston: I think I am positive that the amendment will pass. If u take a look at , it will show you only 21 senators who have not voiced their support for the amendment, that leaves the majority of 79 senators who HAVE voiced their support. Failure will be an unlikely result. For more info, go to
< Message edited by Alley_Hater -- 7/9/2004 6:44:27 AM >
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Terry Bogard
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 10, 2004 06:50
I' m ALL for it... Live and let live I say.

Joe Redifer
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 10, 2004 06:58

If they ammend the Constitution to say " Marriage in da United Statez shall consist only of da union of a man and a woman" , then people can still technically marry family members, transexuals, etc etc etc etc. This is it' s own separate issue, and does not obliterate the possibility for other issues.

I would like to see someone give me a long term outlook on how allowing gays to marry will harm society.

Terry Bogard
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 10, 2004 16:32

I would like to see someone give me a long term outlook on how allowing gays to marry will harm society.

All it will really do is piss off the homophobes in our society ;)
A good thing!

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 11, 2004 03:05
Ok, Joe, I found an article( ) , i read most of it, maybe you can find your answer here.

Cause and Effect: The Benefits of Traditional Marriage

By Paul Strand
Washington Sr. Correspondent

In Scandinavia, the first place where gay marriage was formally legalized, it appears it is actually helping to kill off the traditional form of marriage: a man and a woman committing for life and making babies. – (CBN News) - Scientific studies have now proven that married people are healthier, wealthier, and happier. For example, married men live about 10 years longer than unmarried men. And marrieds spend only half as much time sick and in the hospital as unmarrieds.

Linda Waite literally wrote the book on the case for marriage.

Waite said, " The research evidence is just overwhelming that becoming married improves mental health." And on average, married people make three times as much money as singles.

Family policy analyst Bridget Maher said " The median income of a married-couple family is about $65,000, and this compares to about $21,000 for single parents."

Former Harvard professor and noted social scientist James Q. Wilson writes frequently about marriage. He said, " The vast majority of people do better if men marry women. The sexes complement each other. Having a woman in your household makes men better, and having a man in your household makes women better."

As for kids, social science has done more than 2,500 studies indicating a married man and woman raising their own children offers clear advantages to those kids no other family structure can.

One example is that children raised by both their parents are seven times less likely to be poor than those raised by never-married moms. They face hugely reduced odds of being beaten or molested.

Waite said, " Children raised by married parents complete more schooling. They achieve better occupations later on average. They' re more likely to stay married themselves. They are more likely to avoid teenage pregnancy and early sexual behavior."

In other words, a successful marriage is the place most likely to produce successful children. Waite says what gives marriage so much magic is the vow at its core: a man and a woman promising to be true " till death us do part."

Waite added, " The benefits of marriage come in large part because people make a public, legally-supported, socially-supported, religiously-supported vow to stay together for the rest of their lives."

But there is evidence that gay marriage will shake this tradition of commitment and monogamy because homosexuals are likely to bring their famously promiscuous lifestyle right into marriage.

In the Netherlands, where gay marriage is already legal, the average " committed" gay relationship is lasting just 1.5 years.

Dr. Timothy Dailey, Center for Marriage and Family Studies, said, " These so-called committed homosexual couples had an average of eight extra-sexual partners per year."

An even more startling statistic that one study found is that 43 percent of white homosexuals slept with 500 or more men, and 28 percent had sex with a thousand or more men.

Dailey said, " It' s really something radically different and do we really want to subject children to this kind of environment?"

" Oh, don' t worry!" say some same-sex marriage advocates. Gays won' t pervert marriage; marriage will tame gays. But gays may have no intention of being tamed.

One popular activist wrote that homosexuals should seek to " ...redefine the institution of marriage completely...The most subversive action lesbian and gay men can to transform the notion of ' family' entirely." But why would they want to do that?

Talk show host Tammy Bruce is herself a lesbian, but she doesn' t support homosexual marriage. She warns that some gays are what she calls " malignant narcissists," striking out at whatever they think threatens them, or does not measure up to their idea of an acceptable lifestyle.

Bruce says, " In the gay community, you are looking at a contingent that wants to literally destroy the nature of tradition in this nation, because they feel in their very narcissistic way, that it' s not good for them."

So, many homosexuals insist on having it both ways. They want marriage, but without monogamy; or all the benefits of marriage, but without the permanent commitment. And that will surely have ripple effects in the heterosexual world.

You can already see it in France and other European countries that recently created civil unions to give gays something that better fits their lifestyle, something like " marriage lite," easy to get into and out of.

But it is heterosexuals, by the tens of thousands, who are signing up for these civil unions, preferring to get the benefits of marriage without the marital vows.

And in Scandinavia, the first place where gay marriage was formally legalized, it appears it is actually helping to kill off the traditional form of marriage: a man and a woman committing for life and making babies.

Secular social scientist Stanely Kurtz said, " What we see in Scandinavia is marriage, quite literally, is dying." He points out gay couples can' t make babies. So their Scandinavian marriages are erasing the idea that making babies and being married are all wrapped up together and inseparable.

" The result," says Kurtz, " is that 60 percent of first-born children in Denmark are born out of wedlock, and there are some parts of Scandinavia, believe it or not, where as many as 80 percent of first-born children are born out of wedlock. And these are the most liberal districts where the acceptance of gay marriage is the highest."

Already, many Scandinavians weren' t marrying until after their first child. Now, since gay marriage there is furthering the idea children and marriage are separate subjects, more couples are waiting to wed until after their second child.

Soon, they may just skip wedlock altogether.

Kurtz remarked, " In Scandinavia, same-sex marriage is part of a collection of factors, which first break marriage apart from the idea of parenthood and second, lead to the elimination eventually of marriage itself."

Social historian Allan Carlson, author of " The American Way," said, " Homosexuality, by definition, cannot create children, so it' s a trivialization of the institution."

The U.S. is ripe to have the same thing to happen here. Already the marriage rate is down almost half from a high in the 1950s.

Five-and-a-half million American couples are deciding to just shack up rather than wed. And American women are having more than 1.3 million babies out of wedlock in the average year.

Wilson said, " When 30 to 70 percent of all children born in the United States this year will grow up with a single parent, you realize this is not a trivial matter."

Starting next Monday, Massachusetts will legalize same sex marriage, the first American state ever to do so. It will literally be bucking all of history.

Wilson said, " No human society has ever made homosexual marriage its norm."

But once that begins, it could snowball into legalization of just about any relationship someone wants to claim is marriage, like bigamy and polygamy. Because, if it is no longer fair to restrict marriage to one man, one woman, then how can you set any limits on it whatsoever?

For instance, Kurtz warns that advocates of polyandry, which is group marriage, have begun to use the same arguments that gay marriage advocates use.

Kurtz said, " They have all sorts of arrangements, you know, two women and three men, any kind of a combination, a kind of group marriage. And polyamorists (individuals who support multi-partner relationships and families) have already had a law case arguing that their marriages should be recognized."

Carlson says history shows the pairing up of men and women to form families is the very cornerstone of civilization, and it is fatal for a society to weaken that bedrock of marriage by encouraging alternatives.

" It' s a way of committing societal suicide," said Carlson, " because it winds up taking the one institution that is vital to the community' s future, and reducing it to simply another relationship."

Wilson said, " Every human society has depended crucially on the bonding of males and females."

In the 1930s, British anthropologist J.D. Unwin studied 86 cultures that stretched across 5,000 years. He found, without exception, when they restricted sex to marriage, they thrived.

Strong families headed by faithful spouses made for bold, prosperous societies. But not one culture survived more than three generations after turning sexually permissive.

Noted Harvard sociologist Pitirim Sorokin found no culture surviving once it ceased to support marriage and monogamy. None.

Historians say it is not surprising that societies fall at such times. As citizens fail to re-populate, as they concentrate on their own pleasures, their society weakens. The aged are left with few to defend them.

Carlson said, " When all these things happen, societies begin to shrivel and die. And it' s happened many, many times. This is how civilizations disappear."
< Message edited by Alley_Hater -- 7/10/2004 3:06:45 AM >
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 11, 2004 11:29
That' s funny... and extemely one sided.

If I ever get married, I will still never want to " make babies" . The article insinuates that' s the purpose of marriage. I don' t want a little snot nosed punk ruining my life. I want it all and I want it for me and whomever I marry. Instead of buying the baby food, toys and an education, I can instead buy toys for me. And that would make the world a far better place. Hell, it' s overpopulated already. I don' t need to add to the pile. That' s not to say that nobody should have kids. Obviously people should. Just not as many people as are having them now. There should also be an IQ test to pass as well as anger management classes before children are allowed. :)
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 7/11/2004 11:31:26 AM >

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 13, 2004 18:42
In the begining GOD created Adam and Eve not adam and steve.

So im against fags and all their ways.
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 14, 2004 22:24
So I guess we' re all inbred seeing as adam and eve' s children must have procreated, no wonder the world is so crazy :D - Smiaras Blog - Diary of a celebrity stalker - Gamers Europe - More fun than Jenna Jameson

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 14, 2004 23:39
i think a lot of people who support ssm (same sex marriage) base their argument on " equality and justice for all" . Well, there' s just some things that people shouldn' t cross the line with. We all have equal right and justice, heck, gays can go marry their opposite sex if they want to and nobody will argue with that. It is just like crossing red lights, that' s something we shouldn' t do even WITH " equality and justice for all" . Well, I think ssm is beyond the red light. Too bad senate didn' t succeed in the amendment, close vote though, 50-48. I guess ssm people can have their way, i' m still against it though. It shouldn' t be surprising that there are only men and women on earth, obviously the 2 are meant for each other, right, Adam and Eve... when did Steve show up?
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 15, 2004 00:19
Don' t say " ssm" as it makes me think " Super Smash Melee" . Why are you against such a great game that everyone else in the world is having multiple orgasms over? People love their Smash Bros. Melee.

Also, a 50-48 vote isn' t even close. In order to amend the actual Constitution, they need 2/3 of everybody. They didn' t even get 1/2. Changing the Constitution is tricky business, and there had better be damn well good reason to do so. There really is no need to do so as gay marriage isn' t gonna destroy us. I just think that is really scares homophobes, which I find very amusing. One thing I' d like to see is the change of the Electoral College voting system. It is retarded. And as we saw last election, it can cause problems.

Anyway, homosexual traits have been documented in many species of animals. It' s not a human thing. People just don' t think " Hey... I think I' ll be a gay homo!" It all depends on who you are attracted to. Can you help that you like brunettes more than blondes? I can' t. I think being attracted to the same sex is not normal (obviously), but again I don' t think it' anything to freak out about.

And if the Bible is true (which I don' t believe it is), then yes, we are all inbred. Personally I prefer the concept of evolution.

Terry Bogard
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 15, 2004 03:21

i think a lot of people who support ssm (same sex marriage) base their argument on " equality and justice for all" . Well, there' s just some things that people shouldn' t cross the line with. We all have equal right and justice, heck, gays can go marry their opposite sex if they want to and nobody will argue with that. It is just like crossing red lights, that' s something we shouldn' t do even WITH " equality and justice for all" . Well, I think ssm is beyond the red light. Too bad senate didn' t succeed in the amendment, close vote though, 50-48. I guess ssm people can have their way, i' m still against it though. It shouldn' t be surprising that there are only men and women on earth, obviously the 2 are meant for each other, right, Adam and Eve... when did Steve show up?

But who' s call is it to make about stuff like that? This world hasn' t evolved enough to make such decisions. This planet is still ignorant to a lot of things which is probably why we won' t see a female president for quite some time and that just sucks. I think it' s high time we had a female president and vice president run this country but that' s not going to happen anytime soon unfortunately. The world hasn' t evolved that much since the cave man days, we just have fanciers gizmos like PS2s and GameCubes to keep us occupied in our wonderful caves.

As far as the bible goes, I don' t believe anything in it is true and I' ll just leave it at that.. :)
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 7/15/2004 3:22:53 AM >

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 22, 2004 21:42

But who' s call is it to make about stuff like that? This world hasn' t evolved enough to make such decisions. This planet is still ignorant to a lot of things which is probably why we won' t see a female president for quite some time and that just sucks. I think it' s high time we had a female president and vice president run this country but that' s not going to happen anytime soon unfortunately. The world hasn' t evolved that much since the cave man days, we just have fanciers gizmos like PS2s and GameCubes to keep us occupied in our wonderful caves.

As far as the bible goes, I don' t believe anything in it is true and I' ll just leave it at that.. :)

A sad existence.

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 22, 2004 22:47
In the news back home in Canada they are now discussing " same sex divorce" .

TORONTO - A lesbian couple is seeking what one of their lawyers believes may be Canada' s first same-sex divorce, the Toronto Star reported Wednesday.

The women, known only as M.M. and J.H., tied the knot on June 18, 2003, one week after the Ontario Court of Appeal legalized same-sex marriage, but separated five days later.

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 24, 2004 06:09
yea, i read some report saying the average ssm (sorry Joe :{ ) is only a year and a half, sorry i don' t have the link.
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Joe Redifer
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Jul 24, 2004 07:29
Why are you apologizing to ME? Did you betray me somehow? Should I start planning revenge?

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Aug 02, 2004 00:34
haha, i apololized to you because i put " ssm" in there, tha' ts all . What did u mean by betray, and what' s that with revenge?
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Joe Redifer
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Aug 02, 2004 07:06
Don' t apologize to me for " SSM" . I' m happy to be an SSM. Although I think being a Single Straight Male is becoming politically incorrect. I will enact my revenge anyway.

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Aug 02, 2004 17:21
hmm, suit yourself
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Aug 06, 2004 06:43
Congrats to Missouri for banning same-sex marriage. That makes it 1:1 with Massachusetts legalizing same-sex marriage.
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Aug 06, 2004 21:09

^ Wow Alley, that last remark was pretty archaic. If you think that being gay is a choice, why do people choose to be ostracized and hated by others who are heterosexual? Do you think that gay people like to be picked on and treated as sub-human? That has got to be one of the most ignorant remarks that I have eve heard.

Shame on you
(from another thread)

homosexuals just want to be ignorant. plus, society doesn' t hate them enough that they will not survive. if society does hate them enough, they will turn back, or die in defiance, which is suitable for ANY person who participates in the corruption of sacred marriage.
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Aug 07, 2004 06:20
Joe Redifer:

Hater of Alleys (and gays), why are you attracted to so called " hot girls" ? What makes hot girls more attractive to you than say, chunky girls? Did you just sit down one day and think " Hmmm... I think I will like thin girls with blonde hair, etc... and I choose not to be attracted to chunky girls" . They' re both girls. Can you control who or what you are attracted to? Or do you just go with what comes naturally to you? People who don' t know much about homosexuality are usually the ones who believe that people just somehow choose to be attracted to members of the same sex... just for fun or something. Oh by the way, homosexual behavior has indeed been observed in most animal communities.

Homosexuals have something wrong with their genes and/or hormones. Abnormalities should' nt be an excuse to change society. Would you follow the behavior of someone with ADHD? .People who DON" T have problems with their genes/hormones are just crazy followers of some dumb trend.
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Joe Redifer
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Aug 07, 2004 06:30
You seem to live in a lot of fear. Gays have always been around and they will most likely always be around. Nothing you can do about it. Nada. You seem to suggest that we all rise up and hate them more until they turn away. If they don' t, we should kill them (" die in defiance" were your words, I believe). Great going. White people used to have the same fear of Black people long ago (some morons still do), and they tried getting rid of them with violence and hate. Your attitude towards gays really isn' t any different, it' s just a new set of people who make you feel uncomfortable for whatever reason. Why? How does it affect YOU? Is it a religious thing?

Just for fun what' s worse?

* A gay man who believes in God and goes to church and gives to charities and always stops on the side of the road to help people in need and is an upstanding citizen who never shakes his penis more than twice after urinating and takes care of his dying bedridden mother by wiping her ass every time she defacates and was just awarded " employee of the month" at work.

* A straight man who worships Satan and all the evil-doings that accompany that.

* Someone either gay or straight of any race and background who simply does not believe in God or anything religious. When you die, that' s it, lights out, nothing won' t even know you' re dead philosophy.

Do you enjoy watching a pair of hot women go at it with each other?
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 8/7/2004 6:32:46 AM >

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Aug 07, 2004 06:50
I' d happily befriend any former gay person. I dont hate them as you accused, I hate their lifestyle. I hate a way.

Just for fun:
Of course the straight evil-doer is the worst. What' s there to say...he' s evil. He will bring negative problems to the world.

The gay good guy is better, as he donates and do all the goodies, he will bring positive solutions to the world. With the fact that he' s a gay Christian, I believe he worships a God of his own heart and desire, a God he thinks wants gay lifestyle. However, as a Christian he should know that the Bible endorses sacred marriage. He is a blinded Christian.
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Joe Redifer
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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Aug 07, 2004 07:05
You edited your post (or someone else did) that precedes mine, and thankfully the hateful speak has been eliminated. If you edited it, could you tell me how to get rid of the " Message edited by..." text? That would be really helpful for correcting typos right after the post goes up (like me changing " theirselves" to the more appropriate " themselves" in the next sentence).

Anyway, if gays have something different with their hormones and/or genes (which very well may be the case), how could they possibly convert themselves back? By saying that you are saying that gays " just are" gay. They can' t choose which hormones or genes they get. Turning gay to straight would be like willing yourself genetically stronger bones or similar.

You forgot to answer my lesbian question. Here' s my answer: I enjoy watching two women go at it sometimes, if I think they are sexy. Do I enjoy watching two guys go at it? NO! But still, two women together is 100% homosexual activity just like two guys together is, and if people enjoy that yet bash the gay lifestyle, then they are hypocrites.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 8/7/2004 7:09:24 AM >

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RE: senate votes over marriage amendment next week - Aug 07, 2004 07:32
is this turning to a back-and-forth thread? i don' t want it to be but yet i want to reply. I dont hate you ok Joe? I just happen to be on the opposite opinion.

i dont see any text in my post(s) edited. maybe i overlooked and maybe someone will edit it after i post this post.

I am satisfied you accept my words that gays " very well" have hormones and/or genes errors. i have sympathy for them if they don' t try to overturn marriage ( they actually said it on tv that they want to). Having a physical error and wanting people to follow your errored way is unacceptable.

Consider this fact: A gay bishop (forgot his name) of the Presbyterian Church admits he' s gay. But the fact that he married a wife and had children brings up the point that he got horny with his wife, which suggests he was turned on or..attracted to her, which means his hormones/genes were on the right path of development (there' s nothing wrong with it), which means he' s one of the

People who DON" T have problems with their genes/hormones are just crazy followers of some dumb trend.

Oh yea, your female sex question. I enjoy each women (like you : IF they' re hot) individually, not the homosexual sex scene between them. As a guy, i' m naturally attracted to girls.

ps. i do' nt hate you ok Joe?
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