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You guys want these bastards to rule the console war?
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Dead Saint
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- Joined: Nov 06, 2006
RE: You guys want these bastards to rule the console war?
Dec 08, 2006 22:22
i hope the wii is just a fad....this is not gaming people its just one big gimmick!!
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: You guys want these bastards to rule the console war?
Dec 09, 2006 01:53
Yeah, Majik has a life (judging by his myspace). Me on the other hand, not so much 
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: You guys want these bastards to rule the console war?
Dec 09, 2006 02:35
Us no lifers RAWK!!! 110 hours put into Metal Gear Ac!d within the span of 3 weeks!! Yeah Baby!!!  Social anxiety for the win!
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RE: You guys want these bastards to rule the console war?
Dec 09, 2006 02:58
Making a post to say your not posting anymore? how lame, i' m sure you wont be missed.
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: You guys want these bastards to rule the console war?
Dec 09, 2006 03:11
i hope the wii is just a fad....this is not gaming people its just one big gimmick!! Just like the DS!! huh?!, The Wii' s gona ' rightly' take over and win the hearts of tons of potential new/old gamers...Nintendo have it in the bag.. Get out of your dull, uncreaive minds, live with it.
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: You guys want these bastards to rule the console war?
Dec 09, 2006 03:17
Tiz and Silentbomber pretty much summed up my flames :P But to note, after Sony came into gaming it no longer became associated with nerds. Last I heard Nerds aren' t the only one who plays games anymore :P
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: You guys want these bastards to rule the console war?
Dec 09, 2006 03:22
The guy obviously has a chip on his shoulder or a cell...(did you see what I did there.) There are plenty of people like him on forums and the only thing you can say is why join them in the first place, maybe his mother took away his network adaptor, or removed the batteries from his controller, either way he won' t be missed. I would rather my money goto a company who is going to keep their promises as to what their system will do, Sony have lied to the consumers and as such confidence is very low at the moment, whereas Nintendo and M$ have kept to their boasts, however I still feel that there is a childlike quality to the systems Nintendo bring out. Most games tend to be very very twee and cutesy. However they have bought about alot more interaction with games with the controllers, I look forward to seeing more games coming out for it and then will maybe take the plunge. Just to be totally unbiased, M$ did possibly rush the 360 out just to be first and this is being shown by the amount of the early 360' s failing at the moment however, having had mine for just under a year I can safely say that I have not had any issues with mine.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: You guys want these bastards to rule the console war?
Dec 09, 2006 05:33
ORIGINAL: f3hunter i hope the wii is just a fad....this is not gaming people its just one big gimmick!! Just like the DS!! huh?!, The Wii' s gona ' rightly' take over and win the hearts of tons of potential new/old gamers...Nintendo have it in the bag.. Get out of your dull, uncreaive minds, live with it. For the past 18 months i' ve stoutly defended Nintendo and Revolution/Wii but then just weeks ago decided against getting the console after hearing negative reports about Red Steel. I just spent the past 2 hours playing Wiisports and Twilight Princess and i' ve been blown away. Wiisports especially, a game that just looks rubbish is immense fun to play. I' m away as of the 20th and my XBL Gold is due to run out soon but when i get back i' ll be signing up again for 12 months and i' ll be buying a Wii (as long as i can get a component cable). Lost planet and Wii will make my January complete, then in February i' m away for a week in Beijing and need to figure out what i get get away with bringin back!
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: You guys want these bastards to rule the console war?
Dec 09, 2006 05:53
I can' t do this anymore I feel like a fucking nerd for even talking to yall. have a nice life playing japanese rpgs, watching anime, collecting action figures and comics spending hours out of your day searching for new video game information and then posting it on kikizo and then replying to other peoples remarks. as for me I am done. Have fun wasting your lives away you fuckin nerds. I hope everytime you waste hours out of your day doing this shit you think about all the people in the world who go out there and actually do somthing with their lives and make a difference. Majik you especially take these words to heart 6,132 posts in under a year is fuckin sad. Well I' m out of here. No hard feelings. I hope you all aren' t virgins forever and I hope you move out of your parents house before you die. PEACE OUT
Umm... Okay. Thing is, C*Dub nobody here cares about what you do after this, or who you associate with. I like posting here because we' re all like a broken disfunctional multi-cultural family here. It' s not like we exactly get new members every day, & I' m just fine with that. As for us being nerds, that may be so, but I' m quite secure with where I am in my life. If you can' t associate with people like me because we' re nerds, that' s only because of your social deficciencies, not mine. I mean, I' m actually pretty young compared to most of the people here on Kikizo, and I intend on posting here for as long as possible. Not because this is all I ever do, I' ve got a job, a girlfriend, and higher education to worry about. It' s because it' s something I enjoy. So you go off and get laid 24/7 or shoot hoops. No hard feelings on my part, but don' t try to make me feel bad for doing something I enjoy, because it won' t work. i' m away for a week in Beijing and need to figure out what i get get away with bringin back
Black lung and a couple of autographed copies of the " Little Red Book" from a museum somewhere. That' ll get you invited back in a heartbeat.
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- Joined: Dec 09, 2006
RE: You guys want these bastards to rule the console war?
Dec 09, 2006 05:58
Has a long-time lurker, I' d like to point out to C*Dub (who is most certainly going to read this) that he seems to have missed the irony in his post. He' s had a pop at the people who post here because they like to. He posted here because he doesn' t - which is odd, don' t you think?
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: You guys want these bastards to rule the console war?
Dec 09, 2006 06:06
Welcome to the forums man! Come for the fellowship, stay for the emotional complexes!
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: You guys want these bastards to rule the console war?
Dec 09, 2006 10:34
Disregard my last post, I was thinking of Rampage' s page, my bad.
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: You guys want these bastards to rule the console war?
Dec 09, 2006 13:28
nice life playing japanese rpgs, watching anime, collecting action figures and comics spending hours out of your day searching for new video game information and then posting it on kikizo and then replying to other peoples remarks. as for me I am done. o_0 C*Dub, you have a worse life than me! And you just said the stereotypical life of a fanatic Otaku!? Somehow...this isn' t really convicing 0_o o_o....-.-.....@____@.....T____T;;;; Back on-topic, why can' t we be normal like PC gamers -______-;;;
< Message edited by Byakko -- 9 Dec 06 5:36:02 >
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