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PS3 Only Uses 196 MB RAM!!!
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RE: PS3 Only Uses 196 MB RAM!!!
Dec 09, 2006 09:13
Why is that? because most games only req 2gb ram for max. While in console they dev for one console in minde and max that specc,if pc dev maxed for your pc the game could be better then a 360 title atm.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 Only Uses 196 MB RAM!!!
Dec 10, 2006 01:21
YDL can only use 196MB because there are no Linux Drivers for RSX. I' m sure they' re working on it though and when they sort it out the graphic heavy applications will run much faster. As it is CELL is doing all of the work and managing far better than other processors would.
Evil Man
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RE: PS3 Only Uses 196 MB RAM!!!
Dec 10, 2006 01:47
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Why is that? because most games only req 2gb ram for max. While in console they dev for one console in minde and max that specc,if pc dev maxed for your pc the game could be better then a 360 title atm. I don' t know about that.... I deffinetely noticed a difference in WoW when I upgraded from 2GB to 4GB, my game always used to lag around the IF Bank/Auction house cause theres always a million people standing around there, but now it' s as smooth as butter, loading times are also insanely fast, I used to wait probably 8-10 seconds for an AV to load now it seems like its instant, once I accept to join the battleground I see the loading screen for 1-2 seconds and I' m in there. It also fixed the issue I was having with my wireless mouse/kb when I ALT-Tabbed out of games they became unresponsive, and I can also now run a 2nd instance of WoW to help level up my alts and have it run perfectly smooth.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 9 Dec 06 21:08:59 >
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RE: PS3 Only Uses 196 MB RAM!!!
Dec 10, 2006 10:43
As it is CELL is doing all of the work and managing far better than other processors would. Just like you' ve been saying for months Majik, Cell is actually useful for certain things, this being one of them. Good tech, flawed execution. I deffinetely noticed a difference in WoW when I upgraded from 2GB to 4GB True, especially for older games that don' t really have any locks just run as fast as the machine will let it.(or so a friend in my Computer Repair and my Programming classes says. Sadly I only have 1GB so High-end PC gaming is not a reality for me  )
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RE: PS3 Only Uses 196 MB RAM!!!
Dec 10, 2006 22:56
YDL can only use 196MB because there are no Linux Drivers for RSX. I' m sure they' re working on it though and when they sort it out the graphic heavy applications will run much faster.
Yeah, I' m giving it a couple of months before they can get it up to at least the " passible?" 256 MB.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: PS3 Only Uses 196 MB RAM!!!
Dec 10, 2006 23:06
" Using your logic, my PC with 4GB of Ram should ass-rape Xbox360 30 times over, but it doesnt." Except ps3 and 360 are both consoles, your pc is not... With regards to your Ram, I' m glad you have 4gigs and gave your opinion on it as I was considering the same upgrade for Vista. I have a question, I read that windows XP only recognizes up to 3 gigs, did you find a way around that? Or are you essentially using 3 of your 4gb ?
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: PS3 Only Uses 196 MB RAM!!!
Jan 03, 2007 03:49
NECROMANCY Using your logic, my PC with 4GB of Ram should ass-rape Xbox360 30 times over, but it doesnt
But if 360 had a web browser, then your 4GB ram would rip the 360 a new one.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: PS3 Only Uses 196 MB RAM!!!
Jan 03, 2007 03:54
And why is that evil man? because no dev would be retarded enough to make a game demanind or taking use of 4gb ram. But with a ps3,the dev knows what they have to work with,thus its bad you fucking retard. You suck.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: PS3 Only Uses 196 MB RAM!!!
Jan 03, 2007 10:02
And why is that evil man? because no dev would be retarded enough to make a game demanind or taking use of 4gb ram.
Crysis 2, it' s inevitable.
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