Wii pictures?
ORIGINAL: Rampage99 ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated Traded in my Zune today for an iPod Nano. I know, I know... craziness. The Zune was really giving me problems though. The player started skipping again and was doing it far too frequesntly. I tried reloading all the songs again and the problem continued. I just couldn' t take it. It' d make sense for Zune to use WinMediaPlayer right? It' s not some funky-bizzare media player like the kind that came with mine right? Well that' s disappointing. Can you not see the pics? I was joking... Oh sorry dude, can' t see your poker face over the interweb. It' s a Zune player. It' s basically WMP11 which is a big rip off of iTunes. the Zune player is a pain though and is extremely resource intensive. I sucks up ram like nobody' s business. I don' t know. The Zune had plenty of perks but it had problems in areas that should have been MS' s primary focus. I' m extremely happy with my iPod Nano though. No skips, software problems, nor glitchy behavior. The Nike+ add on is phenominal! I used it today for a run and it gave me constant updates on my distance and how my run was going (the music dims down and a girls voice gives you a brief update). When I was done I plugged the Nano into my laptop and it uploaded all my run' s info to Nike. It put everything into a nice little chart with all my info listed (how hast I was going, distance, calories burned, when I kicked in my motivational music, etc.). It' s a 8 gig too so even though it doesn' t hold nearly as much music as the zune did it doesn' t really matter. I already have 3 days worth of music on there and it' s not full.
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated Traded in my Zune today for an iPod Nano. I know, I know... craziness. The Zune was really giving me problems though. The player started skipping again and was doing it far too frequesntly. I tried reloading all the songs again and the problem continued. I just couldn' t take it. It' d make sense for Zune to use WinMediaPlayer right? It' s not some funky-bizzare media player like the kind that came with mine right? Well that' s disappointing. Can you not see the pics? I was joking... Oh sorry dude, can' t see your poker face over the interweb.
Traded in my Zune today for an iPod Nano. I know, I know... craziness. The Zune was really giving me problems though. The player started skipping again and was doing it far too frequesntly. I tried reloading all the songs again and the problem continued. I just couldn' t take it.
Can you not see the pics? I was joking...
Can you not see the pics?
LOL Eddies Custom Built Wii, DUde you just save yourself over US$850!!! (On Wii & ps3) Dude you got too much time on yours hands
(nothing much to play eh?)
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated Not if you deduct the price of the under-counter radio that supplied the " mote" , but whatever. I just like making people laugh.
Actually, I' ve got quite a bit to play still. I' m having tons of fun with CoD:3' s online component. (still haven' t willed my body to finish story-mode) But my new addiction is definately Small Arms. It' s freaking Smash Bro' s with guns, what' s not to like?
I meant no offense by that, i actually got a good laugh from both machines so thanks for the effort.
Actually, I' ve got quite a bit to play still. I' m having tons of fun with CoD:3' s online component. (still haven' t willed my body to finish story-mode) But my new addiction is definately Small Arms. It' s freaking Smash Bro' s with guns, what' s not to like? You live in the US right? So you guys got all the good games and all the consoles already. Us Aussies still have to wait ages to get all the games you already got.
It' s not like they' re translating it into Aborigine or anything.
I blame your broad ethnic labeling as the downfall of Western civilization.