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Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Oct 31, 2006 04:40
Has there ever been a cutscene in Halo? hasnt it been ingame? or have i forgotten? And anyways, they can take all their commentaries and shove it!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Oct 31, 2006 11:27
Looks awesome,wtf are you guys on? halo2 graphic? just stfu seriously...
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Oct 31, 2006 14:21
Has there ever been a cutscene in Halo? hasnt it been ingame? or have i forgotten? You are correct the cutscenes are rendered in-game not through Pre-rendering...I have proof of this (at least for Halo 2) because the layering loads improperly on my copy during the cutscenes.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Oct 31, 2006 15:54
I have proof of this (at least for Halo 2) because the layering loads improperly on my copy during the cutscenes. That happens for everybody' s copy.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Oct 31, 2006 22:09
yeah those graphics suck so bad, but its on alpha stage and those are multiplayer maps (single mode looks always better), bungie was never big on graphics, so this might be a clue of what to expect from these guys... The graphics of halo one were great, halo 2' s werent as good as halo one but they were still better than most games out there.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Oct 31, 2006 22:13
I think the visuals on H2 was outstanding all things considered!
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RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Nov 02, 2006 02:26
If only the 360 could play Blue-Ray Because I need to have my commentary accesable at any given second.... Quit trying to start a damn flame war And from whats being said around the net, theres a good reason that looks a lot like Halo 2. According to some, those ARE Halo 2 textures being used as placeholders at the moment, which makes since if you read Bungie' s weekly updates, which usually mention the large use of place holders.
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Nov 02, 2006 02:41
I think the visuals on H2 was outstanding all things considered! Halo 2 looked pretty bland to me, but i do kinda agree with what your saying... although not outstanding especially considering the likes of Doom 3 and Chronicles Of Riddick which was much better looking Xbox games. Thing you got to remember about HALO 3, is that is gona be packed with loads of troops, Aliens, ships, warhogs in massive enviroments.. It will obviously be one the most graphically demanding / ambitious games on 360. (i guess GTA 4 would be one also) Even if it isnt the most detailed 360 game, it' ll sure have an atmosphere like no other..
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 1 Nov 06 18:43:09 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Nov 02, 2006 02:55
F3hunter you have only seen some Multiplayer pics,from a diffrent angle. Tiny scan pics in MP.im gonna wait my judgement until i can clearly see the visual in a good pic,or a videon in motion. But anyway,i hope they upload som SP stuff,instead of just old halo2 re-model maps.
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Nov 02, 2006 03:12
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RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Nov 02, 2006 03:19
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RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Nov 02, 2006 09:04
...hey, just to confuse us more, turns out that half of that new Halo 3 info was inaccurate... EGM: What They Said: IGN reported: There' s also word on a new Spartan Laser, a difficult-to-control but powerful attack that can disable vehicles in a single hit. Truth and Reconciliation: The Spartan Laser was introduced to us as an anti-vehicle weapon, but the shoulder-mounted laser showed tremendous versatility as an anti-personnel weapon, too (it' s really not very hard to control at all). Developer Bungie admitted that they were looking into ways to balancing the weapon a bit better in infantry combat (weapon nerf incoming?). What They Said: Gameblog Kotaku reported (and showed scans) of the Level spread, among the tidbits they unearthed: New Weapons Spiker: Some sort of melee weapon. Spartan Laser: An anti-vehicle weapon. Nail Grenade: A grenade that sticks to the wall and shoots nails out when it explodes. Apparently the Spiker and your secondary weapon will now actually be visible strapped to your back. Truth and Reconciliation: Like other weapons in the Halo universe, the Spiker will have a melee element (it has a small sickle on the bottom like the the Brute Shot). Still, it' s useful for more than up-close encounters. On the other hand, the rifle (whose rounds fall somewhere between the bullet-hose spray of a SMG and the projectile-ejection of a needler) is far more useful than either of those -- it plugs foes full of bright orange spikes. The " nail grenade" is actually a Spike Grenade and it functions quite a bit differently than the other grenades (plasma and frag) in the Halo-verse, while combining the best parts of both. We' ll be detailing the new weapons in with an in-depth look at Halo 3' s multiplayer (and the December EGM has some new information about existing Halo weaponry and how it changes in Halo 3). Technically, the Spiker (gun) rests on your hip in Halo 3. Two-handed weapons like the Battle Rifle, redesigned Assault Rifle, Spartan Laser and Shotgun are slung across players' backs when they aren' t using them -- the single-hand weapons are stowed in would-be holsters on the Spartan' s legs. Does being able to see all of the weapons your foes are toting around change the gameplay? Oh, it does. ...so there is a " Spiker" , separate from the " Spike Rifle" " ???... ...i' m even more confused than i was before...    ....
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RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Nov 02, 2006 21:12
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RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Nov 02, 2006 21:34
I think that here... Like other weapons in the Halo universe, the Spiker will have a melee element (it has a small sickle on the bottom like the the Brute Shot). Still, it' s useful for more than up-close encounters. On the other hand, the rifle (whose rounds fall somewhere between the bullet-hose spray of a SMG and the projectile-ejection of a needler) is far more useful than either of those -- it plugs foes full of bright orange spikes. ...they are talking about the same weapon. Firstly about the melee part with the blades underneath, and then about it' s the ' gun' itself and it' s projectiles. But then, isn' t the spiker supposed to be dual-wield?! Isn' t that what you can see here... ...???
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Nov 02, 2006 21:38
So the masked creatures seen in the ' Making of..' [trailer] documentary were Brutes, ...because they were carrying those ^^^
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Nov 02, 2006 22:37
Original by me:If only the 360 could play Blue-Ray Original by immortaldanmx: Because I need to have my commentary accesable at any given second.... Quit trying to start a damn flame war I would do no such thing, just said it ' cause I thought this is when Blue-Ray might come in handy or an HD-DVD for that matter, but as it is... Btw: Anyone dare to speculate what Bungie will be doing after Halo 3. Will they keep walking the path or FPS or surprise with something different? Though I admit it' s still a tad early to start disussing what comes next, so ignore me if you want.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 2 Nov 06 14:38:22 >
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Nov 02, 2006 22:47
Btw: Anyone dare to speculate what Bungie will be doing after Halo 3. Will they keep walking the path or FPS or surprise with something different? Though I admit it' s still a tad early to start disussing what comes next, so ignore me if you want. I think they will continue making games based on halo, but with different charachters and a different setting, such as a different spartan on a different world
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RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Nov 03, 2006 03:53
...more about the Spartan Laser: The Spartan Laser is a powerful guided weapon that requires three seconds to lock-on and fire and uses a guidance system. ...and the Man Cannon: ...works with both explosive barrels and vehicles. The gameplay mechanic enables players to be shot into the air like human missiles and they can then, from mid-air, shoot at and be shot at by enemies. ...O_o... ...um, am i the only one who thinks the man cannon, both in name and function, sounds utterly crap?...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Nov 03, 2006 07:06
ORIGINAL: Bishonen ...more about the Spartan Laser: The Spartan Laser is a powerful guided weapon that requires three seconds to lock-on and fire and uses a guidance system. WTF!? Bungie what the hell are you smoking? Do they not understand the concept of a laser? Laser = Light Therefore a laser travels at the speed of light! Why do you need a guidance system for something that should travel 186000 miles/sec? ...and the Man Cannon: ...works with both explosive barrels and vehicles. The gameplay mechanic enables players to be shot into the air like human missiles and they can then, from mid-air, shoot at and be shot at by enemies. ...O_o... ...um, am i the only one who thinks the man cannon, both in name and function, sounds utterly crap?... And yes the Man Cannon sounds stupid indeed.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Halo 3 (screenshots!)
Nov 03, 2006 12:25
...um, am i the only one who thinks the man cannon, both in name and function, sounds utterly crap?... I don' t think it sounds stupid. It sounds just like the lifts on Ascension and Colossus, but with the ability to aim to whatever destination you want. Even with the lift on Foundation, you can get a vehicle into it and lift it up to the second level.
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