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RE: RPG binge...
Oct 10, 2006 22:43
Unlucky, I actually just grabbed a Lufia game though it' s not numbered 2. I' ll is the one I have is the second or not by doing some digging. Also, I was kinda pissed loosing Aeris even though I knew it was coming. Her end came way to fast. I didn' t even get to her final Limit Break and I thought I was doiong a good job of leveling my characters (just got done with Aeris passing away and Cloud is lvl 48 and my lowest character is 45). I guess I' ll have to build my characters even more than I was before especialy to get all the secret stuff. Abasoufine, thanks for giving me a heads up. I hadn' t downloaded the game yet so I won' t worry too much about it. Besides, I now pulled together 14 games... and with the amount of gameplay hours that is packed into an RPG I' m sure these will hold me over for a while. Anyone have a suggestion on what I should play first once I' m done with FFVII. I really wanted to roll right into FFVIII but if there is another I simply can not wait for in your opinion let me know. FFVI and Chrono Trigger are really grabbing my attention. Also keep thowing RPGs out that you really think I should get. New stuff- Illusions of Time (SNES) Lufia and the Fortress of Doom (SNES) Secret of Mana (SNES) Terranigma (SNES) One last thing, I heard the Mario RPG for the SNES was supposed to be incredible. Anyone here playedit and think the same. I' m really trying to find this game but am having no luck. If you guys don' t think it' s worth it I' ll give up my efforts. If you think it' s really needed let me know and I' ll double my efforts.
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: RPG binge...
Oct 11, 2006 03:54
tot he guy who recomen breath of fir 4, this game got mediocre reviews, i' d deduct that there are so many much better rpg' s that i and other people recommend.... and even breath of fire 3 isn' t that good, i always start playing it , and last time i checked out the psp version and got about 50% of the game, and i lost interest: graphics suck design suck characters not attaching childich story no catching music very simple and boring combat system extremly frequent random combats only four playable characters no puzzles few spells and weapon compared to other rpg' s ok .. you got the point?? Well, I could rip your grammar to pieces, but for now I will just make a counter-point. First off, BoF4 and 3 had more than 4 playable characters, you apparently just never had the interest to actually " play" the game. Puzzles are not a must in an rpg, I believe really they shouldn' t have any place, however BoF had quite a bit of puzzles. Yes, the spell system was smaller, but generally the attacks had more meaning than " Fire 3" . The Combat system is alot more involved than the FF of the day, you actually can care about the fights. BoF had some pretty good music, nothing compared to FF, but still not bad music. If characters can' t " attach" for you, then no characters can. I agree Ryu and Nina in BoF4 were not very easy to like characters, however the enemy Fou-Lu was a much more attachable character. You need to alleviate on the Design sucking I believe in that case as well as the graphics sucking it is all opinion. There is only two things assured with video games: ET Sucked - Superman 64 Sucked. Aside from that, opinion is generally the only backing you have.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: RPG binge...
Oct 11, 2006 04:35
i said i didn' t play BOF 4, i based my opinion on reviews and it didn' t have good scores at all, that alone should say alot, i mean Rampage is looking for some AAA rpg' s , why would he play BOF4 and leave the rest (which are so many) , you got my point ? just thinking you didn' t have to mention that game... BOF 3 isn' t that good either , absolutly not in comparaison to other rpg' s in snes and playstation or even GBA ... opinions can' t be discussed , it' s the reasoning behind them.. and that' s all i' m discussing ... we agreed about the music, i said it' s not catchy you said it' s not bad. If characters can' t " attach" for you, then no characters can. if you' re talking about BOF 3, then i' ll say you' re definitly weird, if it' s about BOF 4 i can' t really argue i didn' t play that game still, from the pictures and i would say it' s obvious that those characters don' t match the charisma of final fantasy characters and many other rpg' s... (i don' t read twice what i write and besides of those are just some mistakes in typing... and please drop the english bullshit ... this is not my first language )
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: RPG binge...
Oct 11, 2006 10:13
I understand english is not your first language. That first comment was more or less an attack out of rage  . However, what you speak is opinion. BoF3 is a AAA title why? Because " I" say so, it is my opinion that it is. Your opinion is that it is not, that is fine...however don' t try to pass it off as fact. BoF4 got bad reviews because it was a departure from the boxed in comfort system people had come to know from the BoF series. Now Honestly opinion-wise I will say I never liked FF 2, 5, 6. Their characters were to bland and over done in my view (it is my opinion). But regardless of that I do not come onto this forum and try and contradict your or anyone' s opinion of what is a AAA Rpg. Opinion is Opinion. Say what you will about BoF, but the games will always go down alongside FF and DW.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: RPG binge...
Oct 11, 2006 10:43
ORIGINAL: Rampage99 Unlucky, I actually just grabbed a Lufia game though it' s not numbered 2. I' ll is the one I have is the second or not by doing some digging. Also, I was kinda pissed loosing Aeris even though I knew it was coming. Her end came way to fast. I didn' t even get to her final Limit Break and I thought I was doiong a good job of leveling my characters (just got done with Aeris passing away and Cloud is lvl 48 and my lowest character is 45). I guess I' ll have to build my characters even more than I was before especialy to get all the secret stuff. The one you' ll want is Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals. It' s a much better game all round. Lufia and the Fortress of Doom was actually a very mediocre came in my opinion. Lufia 2 is actually a prequel to Lufia 1 (weird, yes), so even if you don' t play Lufia 1, you won' t be missing anything. It' s a stand alone game. It will probably make much more sense if you play #2 before #1. edit: check your PM' s
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 11 Oct 06 2:51:10 >
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
RE: RPG binge...
Oct 11, 2006 12:04
ORIGINAL: Rampage99 Btw, I' ve heard the Phantasy Star games were good. Anyone played those? Dude, Phantasy Star and Phantasy Star II were AWESOME!! They' re REALLY oldschool, though, so unless you wanna go back to something akin to FF1 or 2, then don' t bother. Ah, yes. Collecting Laconian weapons! Spending Maseta like I didn' t have a care in the world! Those were the days!
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
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RE: RPG binge...
Oct 11, 2006 12:12
Phantasy Star 1-4 all kick ass. Part 3 is a bit different and kind of a let down graphically in some areas, but it remains a good game. Phantasy Star Online does not count as a real Phantasy Star or even a real game, for that matter.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 11 Oct 06 4:13:23 >
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: RPG binge...
Oct 11, 2006 13:45
Yep, Phantasy Star 1-4 would be the best RPGs based in a Sci-fi enviroment. XenoGears and XenoSaga coming right behind :)
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: RPG binge...
Oct 11, 2006 18:24
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: RPG binge...
Oct 11, 2006 19:43
Have any of you guys tried Kingdom Hearts 2?
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: RPG binge...
Oct 11, 2006 20:59
Shining Force 3....i had the European version of the game for Saturn and i played it over and over again.... Some months ago i got an Saturn emulator and played the last 2 cds of it...they are in japanese but if you can´t read it you always have an online translation of all dialogs
Gaius IV
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- Joined: Dec 06, 2005
RE: RPG binge...
Oct 11, 2006 21:29
Dude you got chrono trigger and chrono saga! thats all you need! lol what the hell is a chrono saga???! I mean chrono cross! I' m kinda searching around for some ofthe older dragon quest stuff now. DQ8 is the olny DQ game I' ve ever played.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: RPG binge...
Oct 12, 2006 03:41
ORIGINAL: Gaiden BLACK Have any of you guys tried Kingdom Hearts 2? I have and I think it' s the bees knees if the bee is ugly and deformed and worthless, and just utter tripe. But yeah, it' s ok..
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: RPG binge...
Oct 12, 2006 04:11
Anyone played Legend of the Dragoon? I heard some good things about it back in the day. I always wanted to play it and just managed to get a copy today. I played the intro and took part in one battle sequence. I like the feel of the game as well as the art style. I' m still gonna hold off playing any of the RPGs I recently got until I' m done with FFVII. Btw, anyone know how where to find a copy of Xenogears. The game is so super rare. I can' t find it in any store... If anyone has info on this send me a PM.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 11 Oct 06 20:26:09 >
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: RPG binge...
Oct 12, 2006 04:22
legend of the dragoon, god i was about to say it but then there you go, you went first, i really liked this game back then, one of the best rpg' s on Psone, you should definitly try it, as for me, i played it until the last cd (the 4th) and then my copy stoped working :(... and so the game went unfinished ... such a pity
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: RPG binge...
Oct 13, 2006 01:56
Why haven' t anyone mentioned POKEMON!!!!!!!!! I CHOOSE YOU PIKACHU!
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: RPG binge...
Oct 13, 2006 02:21
I played the hell out of that game. The Pokemon games are definately classics.
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: RPG binge...
Oct 13, 2006 02:48
Shining force 2 (SNES) Genesis for Shining Force I recommend all of the Shining Force Games prior to PS2' s release which includes Shining Force (Genesis/Megadrive) Shining Force 2 (Genesis/Megadrive) Shining Force CD (Sega Cd) Shining Force 3 (Saturn) Shining Force 3 Scenario 2 (japanese Only)  (Saturn) Shining Force 3 Scenario 3 (Japanese Only)  (Saturn) And Also Shining The Holy Ark (Saturn) I didn' t really get to play Shining in the Darkness (Genesis/Megadrive) nor much of Shining Wisdom (Saturn) I Also Recommend Dragon Force (Saturn). Though it Is widly different from all the others I loved it. Oh I really Enjoyed Blazing Heroes/Mystaria/Riglord Saga lol (Saturn) so many moves  . Doom Strike Darn got to go to work. more Saturn Snes Playstation Genesis and Dreamcast recommendations later Rampage99 Does Your Friend have Guardian Heroes?
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