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Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
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Evil Man
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 01:41
Who the fuck is afraid of france? LMAO @ England.
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 02:41
Evil man.. Obviously u havent a clue about History if you down play Europe like that..
Evil Man
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 02:56
Europe' s history is garbage.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 03:02
Europe sucks, but for different reasons than you [Evil Man] claim. It' s just not a nice place in general, though Spain and southern Italy are nice places to visit. England is probably the worst country in Europe, although France is almost as bad. I was unfortunate enough to be born here, but at least i' m doing something about it and emigrating. Now Canada, where ' m hoping to move to is nicer than the majority of the world. I seriously doubt that after moving i would ever consider returning to England, even to see my idiot family members...
Evil Man
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 03:48
LOL, Canada.
Mass X
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 03:57
Ya know I' ve been considering Canada for quite some time as well. Hell Im 4 hours away as it is.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 04:38
I know it' s nothing to be proud of - europeans are blood thirsty scumbags, nothing they have ever done historically is anything to be proud of. Oh yeah they havnt done anything right? thats why everytime we get ourselves in a war we cant finish Europe saves our asses. American Revolution french (back when they had a decent militia) save our asses half way into the war. WW I&II- we didnt want to get involved so we gave our weapons and such to Britain to fight Germany, the one time they could have used our help we say no you can have our weapons. Then we go in any way so it could have helped if we joined in the first place. Korean War- We go and try to do somthing thats none of our business, get our asses kicked, of course Europeans being the nice people they are, help us again in an effertless war that could have been avoided Vietnam- even though we didnt win, Britain still helped. And (Im not positive but) Britain was the country that lost the most people Okay so do you still think Europeans are blood thirsty scumbags that havent done anything right? well you should be thankful for the Europeans so we have this crappy country anyway.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 04:41
LOL, Canada. yeah LOL at Canada, the place where theres practically no war, shooting deaths are less than 200 (majority shooting accedints), and the ghetto is like our middle class neighboorhoods.
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 04:58
Always used to want to live in canada, seems so much better than England... What a crap hole england is..
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 05:01
Europe' s history is garbage.
It' s better than the U.S.' s. We started our country on nothing but patriotism, blue jeans, mom' s apple pie, & slave labor. One of these things doesn' t belong. nothing they have ever done historically is anything to be proud of. Who needs cars anyways? I' ve gotta give props to Canada, being one of the few people here who actually sees both Canada & Us on a regular basis, I can say that Windsor looks a fair bit nicer than detroit, & the only thing separating the two is a river. It' s interesting when you look around & you see graffiti-ed buildings and dead grass, then you look across the river & see big trees & nice houses,.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 05:01
where r u from evil man? Evil Man is from the Midwestern U.S.... a region whose greatest cultural contribution to the world is the Jell-o Mold. Seriously, all this nationalism is really discouraging. I hope you all realize that we have been manipulated by our leaders and by our media into this flag-waving ' my country is the best' nonsense. They' re especially desperate to keep us in line in predictable ways since we have access to this technology to communicate with each other.
Evil Man
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 05:50
It' s interesting when you look around & you see graffiti-ed buildings and dead grass, then you look across the river & see big trees & nice houses,. Yes obviously all of the United States is full of dead grass and graphiti because you saw this in a few areas. Please. The US has 50 times the living area of Europe and Canda combined. And by living area I mean locations where it' s actually comftorable for humans to inhabit, unlike most of Canada which is Wasteland, 80% of the country is like living in fucking Alaska, only people with no lives inhabit those areas. 75% of Canada' s population is within 100 miles of the US, I wonder why. Cause thats the only habitable space they have, lmao.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 7 Oct 06 22:09:07 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 06:09
Jeez, my point is that the UK sucks and after numerous visits to Canada i decided that' s where i want to live. I would have considered the US but since 9/11 it' s gotten much harder to get residency there. It doesn' t matter what anybody else thinks of Canada, i really like it and it' ll be me living there (hopefully) not somebody who thinks it' s funny that of all the places you cold choose it' d be Canada. What i don' t get is why after Evil Man has stopped straight out abusing people, everybody is still so against him. I thought the entire problem was that he was too aggressive...  I don' t agree with his many of his views, but i don' t have to, he doesn' t agree wth many of mine, but i don' t want the guy to leave because he' s smarter than some of the muppets who post here. Anyway, Europeans, if they had the decision, would get PS3 as soon as possible. Obviously. But Europe isn' t important to Sony, or at least not as important as the States and Japan. Europeans always get f**ked by games companies, it' s nothing new, and we get f**ked because the view taken by the companies it that we' re not as important.
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 06:16
People chill,who defeated Germany? Russia(soviet) wasn' t USA. Why do you think they come in 1944 when the war started 1939? After 1944 hitler had lost his 3 million main nazi army in eastern russia,usa came then,took them 2 year with britian and russias help. I hate to say this,but the germans was really kcik ass soldiers. Now look at some USA wars,look at vietnam,if you lose to farmers... embarssing? yes.
Evil Man
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 06:34
Compairng Vietnam War to WWII is assinine. In WWII Germany was an actual threat, and the consequences to losing would have been the fall of thousand year old empires. Vietnam was not a threat to the US, and most americans were against it. If a country was an actual threat to the US they' d be fucked, and fast. I mean we lost 2 fucking buildings in 9/11 and we already fucked up 2 countries for no reason, imagine if they actually did something bad to us.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 7 Oct 06 22:38:26 >
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 06:39
I would have considered the US but since 9/11 it' s gotten much harder to get residency there. You' re white, male, & financially well off right? It shouldn' t be much of a problem. Don' t get me wrong, I love my country, & we' ve got some great things, but we could use to take some examples from other nations. Yes obviously all of the United States is full of dead grass and graphiti because you saw this in a few areas. Actually, I should have re-stated, it' s mainly in the urban areas that I' ve seen this. Chicago, Detroit, even Washington DC, (once you get out of the city proper) has seen better days. Last time I checked, those were pretty big cities, I know every city has one part that isn' t the best looking, but when a city has a negative stereotype set on it as being tough and hard to live in, there must be something behind all of that. Now look at some USA wars,look at vietnam,if you lose to farmers...
Who had the advantage of being the defensive force, who were fighting using guerilla tactics, (a strategy that was fringe compared to today' s warzones), and who had more to lose if they lost, a corrupt communist government' ll do that do you. I' m not saying I support what we did, I' m just saying that they' re two completely different kinds of war.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 7 Oct 06 22:45:47 >
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 06:41
Can we try and get back on topic? Please?
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 06:46
ORIGINAL: Evil Man Compairng Vietnam War to WWII is assinine. In WWII Germany was an actual threat, and the consequences to losing would have been the fall of thousand year old empires. Vietnam was not a threat to the US, and most americans were against it. If a country was an actual threat to the US they' d be fucked, and fast. I mean we lost 2 fucking buildings in 9/11 and we already fucked up 2 countries for no reason, imagine if they actually did something bad to us. lol
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 06:47
Sure, like I said earlier, Sony' s PR division is incompetent. It' s bad enough that their actions implied that Europe doesn' t really mind waiting, but to have someone actually come out & say that? It makes me wonder who' s really giving all the bad ideas at the top.
Evil Man
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 06:48
You' re white, male, & financially well off right? It shouldn' t be much of a problem. Indeed. The immigration problem right now is that they dont want any more fucking mexicans in here, it' s no problem for white people that speak english to get in here.
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