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Sony 1080p Television review
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Joe Redifer
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 04, 2006 16:00
Original: Emo the Xbox 360 VGA cable has not been certified to pass 1080p. Who certifies things like this? VGA Incorporated, LLC?
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 04, 2006 16:36
I' m beginning to suspect that Emotep and Evil Man are in fact the same person -- one is when he' s on the medication, and one is when he' s off -- but I' m not sure which is which.
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 04, 2006 21:39
This thread belongs in the " Everything Else" forum. But more importantly, it should be locked!
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 4 Oct 06 13:40:13 >
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 05, 2006 02:38
Evil Man and myself hardly ever agree, but I' ll join in calling Emotep on the garbage he spews. Evil Man, I' ll call your retard and raise you a fanboy(poker joke). Not certified? LOL, all new VGA cables are capable of 1080p. Period. Dont give us anymore shit about " its not certified" . Also, what kind of fanboy lists it as a plus that his TV cannot be used with another system(even though it can)?
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 05, 2006 03:04
How do you keep two idiot forum posters busy? (start reading this thread for the answer)
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 4 Oct 06 19:05:30 >
Gaius IV
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 05, 2006 03:40
loooooool  this is sooo funny to read!!! Pure comdey!!!
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 05, 2006 04:09
F**kin Emo' s man, they all need beatin about the head with a Mongoose!
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 05, 2006 04:37
I feel sorry for your TV to have such a stupid owner.. sigh... I feel I must rescue it from you (note: this isn' t stealing, merely a rescue attempt of hardware abused by a stooopid fukk) Oh, and if you didn' t understand that Emotep, with " stooped" iactually meant stupid, and with " fukk" i actually meant fuck, and yeah I misspelled on purpose. BTW: I love you, so don' t get me wrong, you' re hilarious, though you will never beat the funny greek guy, so STOP trying!
< Message edited by dionysius -- 4 Oct 06 20:40:50 >
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 05, 2006 04:50
Don' t feed the troll Dionysius.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 4 Oct 06 20:51:06 >
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 05, 2006 08:00
What is the point of this thread? To just diss a console? Do you work for Sony? ...well... ....to be fair, i guess this whole Emo thing is a reaction to a lot of the negative propaganda various members at kikizo like to post about Sony.... ....that does not justify behaving like an obnoxious moron of course, but i see the reasoning...... ...if you keep calling someone names, they are likely to start calling you names back..... ...don' t you think?...
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 05, 2006 09:47
Could anyone help me out with this simple question regarding 1080p since we' re talking bout it here. Bascially my hdtv has a display option which shows what resolution is currently being displayed, it reads at 1920x1080 (60I) Is it possible that this is interlaced? Because my hdtv is 1080i native and not P. Mind you it has HDMI. This is really the only part of hdtv' s that I have trouble with. Is my television actually running at 1080p?
< Message edited by James_N -- 5 Oct 06 1:50:08 >
Adam Doree
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 05, 2006 10:02
People need to stop being dicks towards each other please or we' ll just start issuing bans.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 05, 2006 10:05
60i means " interlaced" . That means 60 fields per second instead of 60 frames per second. You get 60 distinct images per second on a source video that provides such, but each 1/60th of a second only has a resolution of 1920x540. Every other line is left blank during that pass. The next pass the other lines are filled in. On 1080i this doesn' t look too bad but 480i can be pretty messed up looking. Of course once you see 100Hz or greater progressive scan, nothing else will do. Unfortunately most TVs in the US and Japan do 60Hz progressive scan so it doesn' t look as kick ass awesome as it could. Lucky Brits get 100Hz TVs (or 120Hz in some cases) but they had to make a deal with the devil and give up toothpaste for this. If the TV is LCD, then refresh rate (Hz-wise, anyway) is pretty much irrelevant.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 05, 2006 10:07
No if it says interlaced then its interlaced. The amount of frames have nothing to do with i vs. p. It is used to ilustrate that p outputs twice as many pixels as interlaced. so 30p has the same amount of pixels as 60i. Progressive is like you crt computer monitor, where every pixle is changed every frame. so if you have a monitor displaying 1280 x 1024, it would look like 1280 x 1024=1 310 720 pixels each frame, or for 1080p=1920 x 1080=2 073 600 pixels each frame. Interlaced only displays every odd or even horizontal line each frame while displaying the image from the last frame for the opposite line. In other words, only half the pixels are new and the other half is from the last frame. The lines switch each frame and it happens so fast that we can only notice it with fast moving objects. Still objects in 1080i and p are identical. So to figure out how many pixels 1080i=1920 X 1080= 2 073 600 / 2= 1 035 800
Joe Redifer
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- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 05, 2006 11:06
That is exactly what I said, only I believe I said it far more clearly. 60i is always giving 60 fields per second. Otherwise it would be 40i or 2i or 12837324i or whatever.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 05, 2006 11:42
you were talking about the televisions as well, I was purely talking about the signal.
Evil Man
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 05, 2006 12:05
Interlaced is garbage. You' re running at that resolution, but you dont have progressive scan so LMAO @ your interlaced image.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 5 Oct 06 4:05:29 >
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 10, 2006 00:05
LOL, all new VGA cables are capable of 1080p. Period. Dont give us anymore shit about " its not certified" . Xbox 360 VGA cables aren' t new. Also, on page 4 of the operating manual, safety tip #11 reads... " Only use attachments and accessories recommended by the manufacturer" . The Xbox 360 is not an accessory recommended by the manufacturer.
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 10, 2006 02:38
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RE: Sony 1080p Television review
Oct 10, 2006 05:05
@ Evil Man... If your post was referring to me I don' t really care. I' m upgrading soon, hopefully to a projector.
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