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Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
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Ninja Dog
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RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 02, 2006 03:04
Well I guess Sony made that statement because of all the millions they have lost from getting sued, and not enough to massproduce enough PS3,but atleast it' ll be a hit like the PSone and PS2 more games mean more consumer money spent on Sony products, so thats why the said ' ' We don' t care' ' . When it comes to Microsoft forget about that they own billions so they don' t need to worry. and about the statement on the former polititians remarks on Japanese people/girls saying that they are ugly, I' ll be damn in my opinion Japan has the most cutest kawaii Japanese girls in the world, I really love those Idols/cosplay /gal/racing queen and the Jpop honeys, I put an oath to myself that I will one day get me a Japanese girl. About that former polititian, it' s great that he got band from it, now he can find a job, I got it work for Sony and be a partner with Krazy Ken.
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RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 02, 2006 03:10
Every time Ken says something stupid the idiots come out to play and try to change the context.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 02, 2006 03:20
The coolest cosplay girls in Japan really are cute. But that' s only a few girls living in the hip part of Tokyo. They are like 0.001 % of the population. Most japanese ARE ugly! You should visit Sweden. We have lots of beautiful women. Of course, we guys look great too so you don' t have a chance but... you can always look
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 1 Oct 06 19:23:03 >
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Jun 02, 2006
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 02, 2006 03:24
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on Every time Ken says something stupid the idiots come out to play and try to change the context. Yo Majikdra6on whats that all about, is it base on my remarks?
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 02, 2006 03:27
No he just felt like posting that for no reason at all. ... NO REASON AT ALL
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Jun 02, 2006
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 02, 2006 03:29
ORIGINAL: ginjirou The coolest cosplay girls in Japan really are cute. But that' s only a few girls living in the hip part of Tokyo. They are like 0.001 % of the population. Most japanese ARE ugly! You should visit Sweden. We have lots of beautiful women. Of course, we guys look great too so you don' t have a chance but... you can always look Well I do agree not all Japanese girls are pretty, I' m pretty sure that every country has lots of beautiful girls out there, and btw I' m not into guy' s although I seem to always get hit on by some guy' s why is that, mabe because of my looks.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 02, 2006 03:40
ORIGINAL: kaoru ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on Every time Ken says something stupid the idiots come out to play and try to change the context. Yo Majikdra6on whats that all about, is it base on my remarks? Yep. This... When the PS2 was graphically inferior to the Xbox they kept saying it was the games that was important. When they announced the PS3 hardware and stuff they kept focusing on the raw power of the machine and how that would make things better. When some people started questioning if the PS3 really was that powerful they started focusing on games again. Now when the 360 has shown strenght on all fronts they choose to call the PS3 a PC. And when it seems both the Wii and the 360 will outsell the PS3 they say they don' t care. I don' t know if they' re denying it themselves or if they just want to avoid showing any sign of weakness but it sure is weird. ...is spot on and kept in context. Saying that it' ll be as successful as either of their first two consoles is naive as the factors this time around are drastically different and markets are changing. Sony are terrified of Microsoft in western territories, and terrified of Nintendo on their home turf. They just won' t admit it.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Jun 02, 2006
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 02, 2006 03:52
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on ORIGINAL: kaoru ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on Every time Ken says something stupid the idiots come out to play and try to change the context. Yo Majikdra6on whats that all about, is it base on my remarks? Yep. This... When the PS2 was graphically inferior to the Xbox they kept saying it was the games that was important. When they announced the PS3 hardware and stuff they kept focusing on the raw power of the machine and how that would make things better. When some people started questioning if the PS3 really was that powerful they started focusing on games again. Now when the 360 has shown strenght on all fronts they choose to call the PS3 a PC. And when it seems both the Wii and the 360 will outsell the PS3 they say they don' t care. I don' t know if they' re denying it themselves or if they just want to avoid showing any sign of weakness but it sure is weird. ...is spot on and kept in context. Saying that it' ll be as successful as either of their first two consoles is naive as the factors this time around are drastically different and markets are changing. Sony are terrified of Microsoft in western territories, and terrified of Nintendo on their home turf. They just won' t admit it. Alright I can relate to that, but I was just adding the sums console they sold in the past, and of course things will always change meanning that the PS3 will not likely turn out to be like it' s past product, and they seem to have lots of weaknesses you can spot some like of coures they are aware of how many units will be sold and most of their trusted 3rd party developer are already going mutiplatform. You made a good point there, and my reply torward you was a nice way not a bad way, so don' t missunderstood me.
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RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 02, 2006 03:54
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 02, 2006 04:26
Wow. See how nice all this ended The old Majik would' ve caused an eternal battle filled with insults and stuff. It' s cool to see how some people actually manage to become better persons. It' s very rare. Ok, maybe Majik wasn' t completely nice this time Every time Ken says something stupid the idiots come out to play and try to change the context. But it sure was worse back in the days
Agent Ghost
The Dark Knight
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 02, 2006 15:29
" White girls eat a fucking burger and gain 20 pounds." Actually its backwards, white people have had high fat diets for longer then asians or other ethnic groups so white people have began to adapt somewhat. Asians are much thinner because they have better diets, even when they come to North America often they still eat asian cuisine. Look at black women, their asses explode because their not genetically pre disposed to the junk we eat. Asians as a whole can have serious heart problems at younger ages when they eat American food.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 02, 2006 16:07
Bad news after bad news after bad news.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 02, 2006 18:19
Asians are much thinner because they have better diets like...starving?
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RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 02, 2006 19:46
ORIGINAL: Hidemoto Asians are much thinner because they have better diets like...starving? Yeah, pretty much. Geez, Hidemoto, where ya been man? Hows that 3-D project going?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 03, 2006 00:04
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost " White girls eat a fucking burger and gain 20 pounds." Actually its backwards, white people have had high fat diets for longer then asians or other ethnic groups so white people have began to adapt somewhat. Asians are much thinner because they have better diets, even when they come to North America often they still eat asian cuisine. Look at black women, their asses explode because their not genetically pre disposed to the junk we eat. Asians as a whole can have serious heart problems at younger ages when they eat American food. I have asian genes and I can eat as much fat food and candy as I want without gaining any weight at all I ate very bad food when I was young but was still very slim while my swedish comrades with similar food habits got fat. A Nelson-Haha @ them But now I' m more aware of my health and I' m almost too healthy when it comes to what I eat and drink.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 03, 2006 00:05
Eat rice.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 03, 2006 00:07
I do everyday.
Agent Ghost
The Dark Knight
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 03, 2006 00:44
I' m not too familiar with Swedish diet but I' m possitive its much better then American food, as pretty much every country has a better diet then America. Also you' re still young, but in the future you might want to keep this in mind. And even if you don' t get fat that doesn' t mean you don' t have high artery clogging colesterol.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 03, 2006 07:20
Yeah, pretty much. Geez, Hidemoto, where ya been man? Hows that 3-D project going? Been busy lately which is a good sign but i come here to read the whenever i can. I already finished that 3-d job...it came out great....basically a mix of 2-d animation with 3-d....it was a great experience...
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 03, 2006 07:35
ORIGINAL: Hidemoto I already finished that 3-d job...it came out great....basically a mix of 2-d animation with 3-d....it was a great experience... Really? Well done. Can we see some screenshots?? Videos? Only if you can of course..
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