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Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
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Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Sep 30, 2006 05:26
...according to Ken Kutaragi... When asked by MCV whether the rival consoles will outstrip Sony’s next-gen machine, he replied simply: “We do not care.†LINKY Why does this man still have a job?
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RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Sep 30, 2006 05:36
wtf.. ? But sure,if wii win big times,they (sony) might still have won most money.
Chee Saw
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RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Sep 30, 2006 06:26
Riiiiight. You have a product that is in direct competition with two competing items in the marketplace, and you don' t care if they sell more?! So, if they had released a year earlier (like they did with the PS2 over Xbox) and had soundly trounced their numbers by now (like with the PS2) they wouldn' t be calling everybody' s attention to that fact? (like with... eh you get the idea) Sony, as a whole, is in trouble. They better get those blue diodes manufactured, have a AAA launch lineup, and have more that five hunded thousand units available for launch, otherwise they' re done.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Sep 30, 2006 06:38
They better get those blue diodes manufactured, have a AAA launch lineup, and have more that five hunded thousand units available for launch, otherwise they' re done. Dun-dun-dun.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Sep 30, 2006 13:23
Next comment from Ken Kutaragi: " We don' t even care if 3rd party developers support our product."
Joe Redifer
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RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Sep 30, 2006 14:13
Or perhaps " We don' t care if we actually release the system or not!"
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RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Sep 30, 2006 16:26
Maybe " We don' t need FF or MGS to sell our console, we already have new and interesting IP like FFXIII VERSUS" Or.. " Who says we' re stuck in the past? PS3 is NOW a supercomputer, I was mis-quoted on PS2, but don' t take my word for it."
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RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Sep 30, 2006 22:41
When is this guy going to get fired?
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Sep 30, 2006 22:57
Lol reading this thread is fun.
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- Joined: Oct 01, 2006
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 01, 2006 01:24
When they are able to supply the demand with their own product on the market, I' m sure they will start concentrating about gaining marketshare from their competitors.
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RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 01, 2006 02:07
That' s Sony allright! When the PS2 was graphically inferior to the Xbox they kept saying it was the games that was important. When they announced the PS3 hardware and stuff they kept focusing on the raw power of the machine and how that would make things better. When some people started questioning if the PS3 really was that powerful they started focusing on games again. Now when the 360 has shown strenght on all fronts they choose to call the PS3 a PC. And when it seems both the Wii and the 360 will outsell the PS3 they say they don' t care. I don' t know if they' re denying it themselves or if they just want to avoid showing any sign of weakness but it sure is weird.
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 01, 2006 02:10
No,sony are probably talking this way,since they fear Wii especially in Japan,with DS and wii Nintendo is becoming a the super-power in Japan again. I don' t think wii will come 2nd or third,but i think they might take the lead,and especially a big lead over ps3 in the first year.
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RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 01, 2006 02:12
I think Ken is an alcoholic. I mean, look at him. He really looks like an alcoholic. That' s why he says weird stuff.
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 01, 2006 02:13
Well i don' t wanna sound racist,but japanese male are like " ken" in general.
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RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 01, 2006 02:17
Eewwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Poor japanese ladies. One of Japan' s former polititians actually wrote in a book that " the japanese people is the ugliest people in the world" . He got hated for that and were banned from politics. probably because he was right
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 30 Sep 06 18:17:23 >
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RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 01, 2006 05:26
ORIGINAL: ginjirou Eewwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Poor japanese ladies. One of Japan' s former polititians actually wrote in a book that " the japanese people is the ugliest people in the world" . He got hated for that and were banned from politics. probably because he was right  I' m not gonna even comment on that.... But yeah Ken is an idiot, really helps in a big way to give sony a bad name
Chee Saw
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RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 01, 2006 13:04
Even if the statement that Japanese people are the ugliest on earth were true (which is ridiculous), then the fact that this girl is Japanese balances everything out!! That' s my wife, btw, so stop looking!!
Evil Man
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RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 01, 2006 13:42
If you marry an asian girl, atleast you know she wont turn into a fat bitch after 5 years or so. White girls eat a fucking burger and gain 20 pounds.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 1 Oct 06 5:43:50 >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 01, 2006 13:47
Chee Saw, if that' s really your wife, I must say, she has a lovely pair of elbows!
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- Joined: Jul 15, 2006
RE: Sony doesn' t care if they get outsold...
Oct 01, 2006 15:48
have a AAA launch lineup, PS3 will have Oblivion, Resistance, MGS4 (right?...too tired), Call of Duty 3, Rainbow 6: Vegas, Madden, and a couple more 3rd party titles. Yeah sure, most of the good games are 3rd party, but if the guys dead set on buying a PS3 I doubt they care too much if its on the 360 too (cause none of my friend do) For the 360, it was pretty much only PGR, COD2, and Geometry Wars that were worth picking up.
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