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Yakuza - my personal opinion
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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion
Sep 12, 2006 03:15
Shenmue is like GTA. But with ggreat graphics, great dialogue, great art direction, great story, great gameplay, better control (still not good but whatever, the DC controller was limited), great music, good ethics, great polish and great characters. Um... on second thought, they' re very different.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion
Sep 12, 2006 04:59
GTA is like Shenmue,but teh focus is on the adevnture/story. And not use your enviorment/sandbox as a way to have a great time.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion
Sep 12, 2006 06:18
GTA is nothing like shenmue - it tries to imitate the " life simulation" of Shenmue but with no results. QTE,Fighting (especially in Shen 2),Interaction with Characters - that' s Shenmue it' s just embarrasing that people say things like that in MY FUCKIN THREAD!
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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion
Sep 12, 2006 06:49
GTA like Shenmue? Did you lot lose a bet with Satan or something? To utter such profanities? My favourite game is compared to my most hated game???? And you say they are similar???      it' s just embarrasing that people say things like that in MY FUCKIN THREAD! Totally agree, you guys need to watch what you say honestly!
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion
Sep 12, 2006 07:54
Is Yakuza 2 really announced specifically for PS2? I can understand that they made the first one with the huge install base of PS2 in mind, but the sequel would make more sense on a next-gen system.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion
Sep 12, 2006 08:11
Yes, Yakuza 2 is for PS2. But joe what if people said no more fps after wolfenstien? That would make me soooooo happy. I am not a fan of FPS games.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion
Sep 12, 2006 23:41
The development time required to do Shenmue to the full potential of the next gen hardware this time around must be staggering. I think this alone would be the reason that SEGA are keeping clear at the moment. It' s a shame as there is masses of potential left in the franchise yet.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion
Sep 13, 2006 00:31
Could Shenmue 3 divided into smaller parts as " episodic content" work?
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion
Sep 13, 2006 04:48
hat would be a way around it, and much more up Sega' s back passage, especially when they can make more money from a drooling fan base rather than risking it on one massive title which could flop. It would annoy certain people, but die hards would love it. Probelm is you would still need to spend big bucks on the games development, the engine itself, all the audio etc.. it' s not easy to get a philamonic together if your current episode is going well, you have to guestimate the success in advance.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion
Sep 13, 2006 06:30
Shenmue 1 was extremely expensive - back in DC days games didn' t cost 20 000 000 $ (Shenmue did) - far from it. It would be not only extremely expensive to make in HD , but also extremely risky since no Shenmue game sold well. I wouldn' t mind playing Shenmue on Wii - but I' d like them to make a really good voice and audio quality this time.
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